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How many bones in total 206
What’s the smallest bone in the body? The stapes is a stirrup-shaped bone, and the smallest in the human body.
The patella is located in the: knee
What’s in the center of a bone? Bone marrow
Your bones will stop growing by the time you’re: 25
How many bones are in the spine? 33 ** Cervical (neck) 7 labeled C1 to C7 ** Thoracic (mid-back) 12, labeled T1 to T12 ** Lumbar (lower back) 5 or 6 labeled L1 to L5 or L6 ** Sacrum (pelvis) –5 fused S1 through S5 ** Tailbone, known as the coccyx, containing 3 fused vertebrae
The rib cage protects heart, lungs, liver
What is the function of the skeletal system? support the body * give the body shape * work with muscles to move the body* stores calcium and phosphorus* Blood cell production* protection*
Longest bone femur
Plantar Flexion – Bending of the toes downwards and so arching the foot,
Inversion – Turning the sole of the foot inwards,
Supination – Turning the hand palm facing upwards,
Circumduction – Containment of movements to moving within a circle,
Hyperextension – Over extending the joint beyond its normal straight position,
Extension – Increase in the angle of a joint,
Eversion – Turning the sole of the foot outwards,
Flexion – Decrease in the angle of a joint; a bending movement,
Adduction – Towards the midline,
Pronation – Turning the hand palm facing downwards,
Dorsiflextion – Bending backwards of the fingers or toes ie upwards,
Abduction – Away from the midline
Smooth Muscle – Is usually found in the walls of the viscera and is involuntarily controlled,
Skeletal Muscle – Is attached to the bone and is voluntarily controlled.,
Cardiac Muscle – Is only found in the heart where it helps to pump blood throughout the body.
Atrophy – Muscle wasting away or decreasing in size due to underuse,
Hypertrophy – Overused muscles increase in size,
Contracture – Muscles that are immobilised for a prolonged period of time freezes the muscle and restricts the joint movement
What are the four classifications of bones in the skeletal system? Flat bones – Bones of the cranium, Short bones – Bones of the wrist and ankle, Irregular bones – Bones of the vertebrae, Long Bones – Bones of the thigh, leg, arm and forearm
What are the differences between isometric contraction and isotonic contraction? Isometric Contraction – Muscle contraction that doesn't cause movement, Isotonic contraction – Muscle contraction that causes movement
The shaft of a long bone is called the Diaphysis
Osteoclasts destroy bone matrix
Fat is stored in yellow bone marrow
All of the following are bones of the thorax EXCEPT Select one: a. clavicle b. false ribs c. true ribs d. sternum clavicle
The pectoral girdle or shoulder girdle consists of the clavicle and scapula
The bone of the upper arm is the Humerus
A sarcomere a. has striations b. gets shorter when it contracts c. is a section of a myofibril
During muscular contraction a. ATP supplies energy b. actin and myosin filaments slide past each other c. calcium ions (Ca++) are involved
At a neuromuscular junction a neurotransmitter causes calcium to be released into the muscle cell and a nerve impulse causes the release of a neurotransmitter.
Which is NOT a function of muscles? absorb nutrients
A skeletal muscle cell is light and dark bands (striations)
The functional unit of a muscle fiber is the Sarcomere
Muscle fatigue is due, in part, to the accumulation of Lactic Acid
The skeleton is made up of 2 skeletal frameworks The Axial Skeleton consists of the cranium, and the thoracic sections while the Appendicular which consists of all of the limbs of the human body.
Role of a Synovial membrane The Synovial membrane lines the joint capsule and contains the synovial fluid. Synovial fluid lubricates the bones in the joint, therefore decreasing the friction within the joint. Synovial fluid has a thick consistancy similar to that of an egg white
What are Sinuses? Air filled cavities located in several bones of the skull. 1. Lessen weight of the skull 2. Modulate sound of the voice
Created by: Abraham321
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