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cortex Outer layer of an organ or body structure
electrolytes Mineral salts (potassium, calcium, sodium) that carry an electric charge in solution.
EPO erythropoietin Glycoprotein hormone produced by certain cells in the kidney.
libido Sexual desire or drive , either conscious or unconscious.
meatus An opening or passage through any part of the body.
medulla Inner or central portion of an organ.
micturition The discharge of urine; urination.
nitrogenous wastes Products of cellular metabolism that contain nitrogen.
orifice Opening, entrance or outlet of any body caviety.
percutaneous Procedure preformed through the skin; as in a biopsy.
reflux Backward or return flow of a fluid
urea Nitrogenous end product of protein metabolism excreted in urine and perspiration.
cyst/o bladder
vesic/o bladder
glomerul/o glomerulus
lith/o stone, calculus
meat/o opening, meatus
nephr/o kidney
ren/o kidney
peritone/o peritoneum
pyel/o renal pelvis
ur/o urine
ureter/o ureter
urethr/o urethra
andr/o male
balan/o glans penis
epididym/o epididymis
orch/o,orchi/o, orchid/o, test/o testis
prostat/o prostate gland
spermat/o, sperm/o spermatozoa, sperm cells
vas/o vas deferens; duct
varic/o dilated vein
vesicul/o seminal vesicle
albumin/o albumin, protein
azot/o nitrogenous compounds
bacteri/o bacteria
crypt/o hidden
gonad/o gonads, sex glands
kali/o potassium
keton/o ketone bodies
noct/o night
olig/o scanty
py/o pus
-cide killing
-genesis forming, producing, origin
-iasis abnormal condition- produced by something specified
-ism condition
-spadias slit, fissure
-urea urine
dia- through, across
retro- backward, behind
anuria Absence of urine production or urine output.
azotemia Retention of excessive amts. of nitrogenus compounds(urea,creatine,uric acid)in the blood.
CRF chronic renal failure Renal failure that occurs over a period of years, in which the kidneys lose their ability to maintain volume and composition of body fluids w/ normal dietary intake.
dysuria painful or difficult urination.
enuresis Involuntary discharge of urine.
fistula Abnormal passage from a hollow organ to the surface or from one organ to another.
frequency Voiding at frequent intervals.
hesitancy Involuntary delay in initiating urination.
nephrotic syndrome Loss of large amounts of plasma protein, usually albumin, by way of urine, due to increased permeability of the glomular membrane.
nocturia Excessive or frequent urination after going to bed.
oliguria Diminished capacity to form and pass urine so that the end products of metabloism cannot be excreted efficiently.
urgency Feeling the need to void immediately.
urolithiasis Presence of stones in any urinary structure.
Wilms tumor Rapidly developing malignant neoplasm of the kidneys that usually occurs in children.
anorchidism Congential absence of one or both testes.
aspermia Failure to form or ejaculate semen.
balanitis Inflamation of the skin covering the glans penis.
epispadias Malformation in which the urethra opens on the dorsum of the penis.
erectile dysfunction Repeated inability to get or keep an erection firm enough for sexual intercourse.
hydrocele Accumulation of serous fluid in a saclike cavity.
hypospadias Developmental anomaly in which the urethra opens on the underside of the penis.
phimosis Stenosis of preputial orifice so that the foreskin cannot be retracted over the glans penis.
sterility Inability to produce offspring
varicocele Swelling and distention of veins of the spermatic cord.
DRE Digital rectal exam Screening test that assusses the rectal wall surface for lesions or abnormally firm areas that might indicate cancer.
electromyography Measures the contraction of muscles that control urination using electrodes placed in the rectum and urethra.
TSE testicular self-exam Self-exam of the testes for abnormal lumps or swelling in the scrotal sac.
endoscopy Visual exam of a caviety or canal using a lighted instrument called an endoscope.
cystoscopy Insertion of a cystoscope into the urethra to examin the urinary bladder, obtain biopsies, and remove polyps.
nephroscopy Exam of the inside of the kidneys.
urethroscopy Visual exam of the urethra.
BUN blood urea nitrogen Test thet determines the amount of urea nitrogen present in the blood.
C&S culture and sensitivity Test that determines the causative organism of a disease and how the organism responds to various antibiotics.
PSA prostate specific antigen Blood test used to detect prostatic disorders. especially prostate CA.
semen analysis Test that analyzes a seman sample for volume,sperm count,motility, and morphology to evaluate fertility or verify sterilization.
UA urinalysis Battery of tests preformed on a urine specimen, physical observation, chemical tests, and microscopic evaluation.
cystography Radiographic exam of the urinary bladder using a contrast medium.
cystometrography Procedure that assesses volume and pressure in the bladder at varying stages of filling using saline and a contrast medium introduced into the bladder through a catheter.
cystourethrography Radiographic exam of the urinary bladder and urethra after contrast medium.
VCUG voiding cystourethrography cystourethrography with additional radiological exam of the bladder and urethra before,during,and after voiding.
KUB (radiography) kidney, ureter,bladder Radiographic exam to determine the location,size, and shape of the kidneys in relationship to other organs in the abdominopelvic cavity.
pyelography Radiographic exam of the ureters and renal pelvis.
IVP intravenous pyelography Radiographic exam of the ureters and renal pelvis after I.V. injection of contrast medium.
nuclear scan, renal Test used to evaluate blood flow,structure, and function ot the kidneys after I.V. injection of a mildly radioactive substance.
ultrasound Test using high-frequency sound waves and displays the reflected "echoes" on a moniter.
scrotal ultrasound Use of ultrasound to assess patency of the vas deferens and other structers.
dialysis Passage of a solution through a membrane.
hemodialysis Removal of a toxic substance from the blood by shunting blood from the body through a semipermeable membrane tube.
peritoneal dialysis Removal of toxic substance from the body by perfusing the peritoneal cavity with warm sterile solution.
lithotripsy Crushing a stone by use of surgical incision.
ESWL extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy Use of shockwave an a noninvasive method to break up stones.
circumcision Removal of all or part of the foreskin, or prepuce of the penis.
PCNL percutaneous nephrolithotomy Removal of a stone from the kidney through a very small incision in the skin.
nephropexy Fixation of a floating or mobile kidney.
orchidectomy Removal of one or both testes.
resection of the prostate Partial excision of the prostate gland.
transurethral resection of the prostate Procedure to remove prostatic tissue by cauterization or cryosurgery.
vasectomy Excision of all or a segment of the vas deferene.
potassium supplements Treat or prevent hypokalemia.
androgens Increase testosterone levels.
anti-impotence agents Treat ED by promoting increased blood flow.
AGN acute glomerulonephritis
ARF acute renal failure
ATN acute tubular necrosis
BNO bladder neck obstruction
BPH benign prostatic hypertrophy
BUN blood urea nitrogen
C&S culture and sensitivity
cath catheter
cysto cystoscopy
DRE digital rectal exam
ED erectile dysfunction
ESRD end-stage renal disease
ESWL extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy
EU excretory urography
GU genitourinary
HD hemodialysis
IVP intravenous pyelography
IVU intravenous urography
K potassium
KUB kidney ureter bladder
Na sodium
PCNL percutaneous nephrolithotomy
pH symbol for degree of acidity or alkalinity
PSA prostate-specific antigen
RP retrograde pyelography specific gravity
TSE testicular self-examination
TURP transurethral resection of the prostate
UA urinalysis
VCUG voiding cystourethrography
Created by: jfrane
Popular Medical sets




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