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Greek Lessons 6-9

tom- means? cut
ton- means? tone
chir- means? hand
pod- means? foot
cephal- means? head
dactyl- means? finger; toe
gloss- means? tongue
osteo- means? bone
derm- means? skin
plas- means? shape
pachy- means? thick
tauto- means? same
-algia means? pain
-itis means? inflammation
-machy means? war
bio- means? life
phys- means? nature
psych- means? mind
soma- means? body
lith- means? stone
petr- means? rock
glyph- means? carving
icon- means? image
astr- means? star
nom- means? arrangement
onoma- means? name
ec- means? environment
ethn- means? nation
paleo- means? ancient
neo- means? new
hier- means? sacred
-clasm means? destroy
-lysis means? dissolve
-iatry means? healing
crat- means? mix
cosm- means? order
polit- means? city
crit- means? judge
top- means? place
thalass- means? sea
naus- means? ship
plut- means? wealth
idio- means? individual
ideo- means? idea
auto- means? self
-cracy means? rule
-poly means? selling
dendr- means? tree
phyll- means? leaf
phyt- means? plant
anth- means? flower
sperm- means? seed
zo- menas? animal
hipp- means? horse
drom- means? course
ornith- means? bird
ichthy- means? fish
entom- means? insect
etym- means? true meaning of a word
ep- means? word
phag- means? eat
-oidism means? resemblance
Created by: 429139
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