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unit 1, lesson 1,2,3,4

What is a political philosopher? A person who studies and writes about basic ideas about government.
How long had americans been self-governing? Over one hundred fifty years before the Revolution.
What are ideas included in the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights? Ideas of natural rights, republicanism, and constitutionalism.
What are natural rights? everyone had a right to life, liberty, and property.
What is another word for natural rights? basic rights or fundamental rights.
Who is John Locke? A famous English philosopher. He wrote a book called Two Treatises of Civil Government in 1690.
What is the book Two Treatises of Civil Government about? natural rights.
What is the purpose of government? to protect the peoples natural rights.
What is absolute power? power without limits.
What situation is a state of nature? where there was no government and no laws.
What agreement is called a social compact or social contract? an agreement people make among themselves to create a government to rule them and protect their natural rights.
In a social compact or social contract what do people consent to obey? the laws created by that government.
When was the Roman Republic? it lasted from 509 B.C. to 27 B.C.
What was the Roman Republic? a government existed in ancient Europe which greatly influenced the ideas of the Founders.
What were the wealthy upper class called? aristocrats.
What was the government of Rome called? a republican government.
What does civic virtue mean? that both citizens and their leaders lived modest lives.
What is a dictator? a supreme ruler with unlimited power.
What is the definition of constitution? a framework for a government. It tells how the government is organized and run.
What is a constitutional government? when the powers of the person or group running the government are limited.
What is a government of unlimited power called? an autocratic or dictatorial government.
What are two ways of organizing government? separation of powers and checks and balances.
Which branch has the power to make laws? a legislative branch.
Which branch has the power to carry out and enforce laws? an executive branch.
Which branch has th power to manage conflicts over the interpretation, application, and enorcement of laws? a judicial branch.
What does the phrase checks and balances mean? that powers given to the different branches of government are balanced.
What are the two houses of Congress? house of Representatives and the Senate.
What can the house of Representatives and the Senate do? each can check the power of the other by refusing to pass a law proposed by the other house.
What does it mean to refuse to sign a law? veto the law.
Created by: turner
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