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Medical Terminology


vas duct; vessel 4
creatinine a waste material in urine 4
cysto bladder 4
glomerulo nephron part; little ball 4
nephro kidney 4
peritoneo lining of abdominal organs 4
pyelo pelvis 4
reni kidney 4
uretero ureter 4
urethro urethra 4
uri urine 4
uric pertaining to urine 4
urnia urine 4
uro urine 4
bulbo bulblike; bulbourethral gland 4
cervi neck; uterus 4
galacto milk 4
genito reproductive system 4
hyster uterus 4
lactin milk 4
mast breast 4
metr uterus 4
natal born 4
oophoro ovary 4
orchido testicle 4
ova, ovi, ovo egg 4
salping tube; fallopian 4
sperma, spermato seed 4
cele tumor, cyst, hernia 1
adeno gland 1
lith stone 1
cyto cell 1
arthro joint 1
chondro cartilage 1
costa rib 1
dactyl finger 1
ili hip 1
manus hand 1
myel bone marrow 1
myo muscle 1
sclero hard 2
myxo mucus 2
laparo abdomen 2
ile ileum 2
tricho hair 2
laryngo larynx, voice box 3
arterio artery 3
pulmo lungs 3
pneumo lung 3
varico varicose veins 3
vaso blood vessel 3
broncho bronchi, airway 3
ptysis to spit 3
pleura rib side 3
pector breast, chest 3
oxy oxygen, keen 3
oro mouth 3
naso nose 3
ectasis expansion 3
ventricu heart cavity 3
vena vein 3
tracheo trachea, windpipe 3
rhin nose 3
aortal aorta, main artery 3
angio vessel 3
cardio heart 3
emboli vessel obstruction 3
emia blood 3
hema, hemo blood 3
phleb vein 3
thrombo blood clot 3
cili hairlike processes 3
entero intestine 2
gastro stomach 2
cutis skin 2
ortho straighten 1
osteo bone 1
pedi foot 1
spondyl vertebra 1
madaro falling hair 1
glyco sweet, sugar 1
radi rays 1
pyloro pylorus; gatekeeper 2
stoma opening; mouth 2
viscero body organs 2
glosso tongue 2
hepat liver 2
pedicular lice 2
prurigo itching 2
psora itch 2
sarco flesh 2
onco tumor 2
derma skin 2
hapsia touch 2
odont teeth 2
dent teeth 2
onychia nail beds 2
squama scaly 2
psych mind 1
pyo pus 1
thermic heat 1
homeo, homo similiar, same, like 1
lip fat 1
calculi stone 1
lingua tongue 1
carpo wrist 1
cranio skull 1
procto anus; rectum 2
chole bile; gallbladder 2
colon large intestine 2
emesis vomiting 2
audio sound 5
cerebro brain 5
encephalo brain 5
esthesia sensation 5
medulla brain middle 5
meningo membranes; spinal cord 5
neuro nerves 5
occiput back of skull 5
oculo eye 5
ophthalmo eye 5
oto ear 5
parietes parietel; wall part 5
pons bridges 5
tempora temporal 5
a, an without prefix 6
ab away from prefix 6
ad toward prefix 6
algia pain prefix or suffix (mostly suffix) 6
ante before; wall part prefix or suffix 6
anti against prefix 6
bi two, double prefix 6
brady slow prefix or suffix 6
circum around prefix 6
co, con together prefix or suffix 6
de down or away from prefix or suffix 6
desis binding; fixation of prefix or suffix (mostly suffix 6
dia through prefix or suffix 6
dys difficult; abnormal prefix 6
ecto outside prefix 6
ectomy excision prefix or suffix (mostly suffix) 6
endo within prefix 6
epi outer, on top of, over prefix 6
exo away from prefix 6
extra outside, beyond prefix or suffix 6
ferro iron prefix 6
fore before prefix or suffix 6
form shape of prefix or suffix 6
graphy writing, record prefix or suffix 6
hemi half prefix 6
hydra, hydro water prefix 6
hyper above prefix 6
hypo below prefix 6
iasis condition of suffix 7
iatric medicine suffix 7
ic pertaining to suffix 7
inter between prefix 7
intra within prefix 7
isis, asis condition of suffix 7
itis inflammation of suffix 7
juxta near prefix 7
kinesis movement prefix or suffix 7
kypho humped prefix 7
logia, logy science of suffix 7
lysis disintegration suffix 7
macro large, long prefix 7
malacia softening prefix or suffix 7
med, medi, medio middle prefix or suffix 7
mega, megaly enlargement prefix or suffix 7
micro small mostly prefix 7
mono single, one prefix 7
multi many prefix 7
neo new prefix 7
ob against prefix 7
oid like, shape, resemble suffix 7
oligo few prefix or suffix 7
ology study of suffix 7
oma tumor suffix 7
osis condition suffix 7
otomy incision suffix 7
pachy thick prefix or suffix 8
para near, departure from the norm prefix 8
path disease prefix or suffix 8
penia deficiency suffix 8
peri around prefix 8
pexy fixation, suspension suffix 8
phobia fear of suffix 8
phoresis transmission suffix 8
plasty plastic surgical correction suffix 8
plegia paralysis; stroke suffix 8
poly many prefix or suffix 8
post after prefix or suffix 8
pre before prefix 8
pro in front of; on behalf of prefix 8
pseudo false prefix 8
ptosis falling suffix 8
re back, again prefix 8
retro backward prefix 8
rrhaphy suture suffix 8
rhexis rupture suffix 8
scopy exam suffix 8
semi half prefix 8
sphygmo pulse prefix 8
sub below prefix 8
super, supra above prefix 8
sym, syn together prefix or suffix 8
tachy swift, fast prefix 8
tele distance prefix 8
toxo toxic, poison prefix or suffix 8
trans across prefix 8
tri three prefix 8
ultra above prefix 8
uni one prefix 8
xeno foreign prefix 8
xero dry prefix 8
albus white prefix or suffix 9
chloro green prefix or suffix 9
chrom color prefix or suffix 9
cirrhos yellow prefix or suffix 9
cyano blue prefix or suffix 9
erythr red prefix 9
leuko white prefix 9
melano black prefix 9
polio gray prefix 9
purpura purple; porphyria prefix 9
rhodo rose prefix 9
rubeo red prefix 9
xantho yellow prefix 9
CMA RMA Certified Medical Assistant Registered Medical Assistant 9
CNA Certified Nursing Aide 9
EMT Emergency Medical Technician 9
LVN LPN Licensed Vocational Nurse Licensed Practical Nurse 9
MD Medical Doctor 9
ME Medical Examiner 9
MLT Medical Lab Technologist 9
NP Nurse Practitioner 9
OT Occupational Therapist 9
PA Physician's Assistant 9
PT Physical Therapist 9
RHIT Registered Health Information Technician (formerly ART - Accredited Record Technologist 9
RN Registered Nurse 9
RRT RT Registered Respiratory Therapist Respiratory Therapist 9
a before 10
aa of each 10
abd abdominal 10
a.c. before meals 10
ADL activity of daily living 10
ad lib as desired 10
a.m. morning 10
amt. amount 10
AROM active range of motion 10
AX axillary 10
BID two times a day 10
BM bowel movement 10
BP blood pressure 10
BRP bathroom privileges 10
C Celsius 10
_ C with 10
cal calorie 10
cath catheter 10
CBR complete bed rest 10
cc cubic centimeter 10
CHF congestive heart failure 10
cm centimeter 10
CN charge nurse 10
CNS central nervous system 10
c/o complaints of 10
DC discontinue 10
DON director of nurses 10
DR. doctor 10
DX diagnosis 10
F Fahrenheit 10
fx fracture 10
GI gastrointestinal 10
gtt drop 10
GU genitourinary 10
h hour 10
H2O water 10
HOB head of bed 10
HOH hard of hearing 10
HS hour of sleep 10
I/O intake and output 10
IV intravenous 10
kg kilogram 10
L liter 10
lb. pound 10
LE/LLE/LUE lower extremity left lower extremity left upper extremity 10
Lt. left 10
MI myocardial infarction 10
mm millimeter 10
noc night 10
NPO nothing by mouth 10
N/V nausea and vomiting 10
O.D. right eye 10
OOB out of bed 10
O.S. left eye 10
O.U. both eyes 10
oz. ounce 10
_ p after 10
P pulse 10
p.c. after meals 10
PO by mouth 10
p.m. evening 10
prn as needed 10
PROM passive range of motion 10
pt. patient 10
qd every day 10
qh every hour 10
q2h every two hours 10
qid four times a day 10
qod every other day 10
QNS quantity not sufficient 10
QS quantity sufficient 10
R inside of a circle rectal 10
R respirations 10
RE/RUE/RLE right extremity right upper extremity right lower extremity 10
ROM range of motion 10
Rx prescription 10
_ s without 11
sig. write; to be labeled 11
SOB shortness of breath 11
ss half 11
SSE soap suds enema 11
staph staphylococcus 11
stat immediately 11
strep streptococcus 11
syr syrup 11
T temperature 11
tab tablet 11
tbsp. tablespoon 11
tid three times a day 11
TO telephone order 11
TPR temperature, pulse, and respirations 11
tsp. teaspoon 11
UP universal precautions 11
URI upper respiratory infection 11
UTI urinary tract infection 11
v.o. verbal order 11
v.s. vital signs 11
W/C wheelchair 11
wt. weight 11
CCU coronary care unit; critical care unit 11
CS central supply 11
EENT eyes, ears, nose, and throat 11
ER emergency room 11
GI lab gastrointestinal lab 11
lab laboratory 11
MICU medical intensive care unit 11
NICU neuro intensive care unit; neonatal intensive care unit 11
OB-GYN obstetrics and gynecology, or obstetrician gynecologist 11
OR operating room 11
pedi pediatrics 11
PT physical therapy 11
RT respiratory therapy 11
SICU surgical intensive care unit 11
ABG arterial blood gas 11
ACP acute care panel 11
BUN blood urea nitrogen 11
C&S culture and sensitivity 11
CBC complete blood count 11
chem. chemistry 11
CSF cerebral spinal fluid 11
CXR chest X ray 11
DPT diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus 11
FBS fasting flood sugar 11
HCT hematocrit 11
Hgb hemoglobin 11
O&P ova and parasites 11
O2 oxygen 11
RBC red blood cells 11
TB tuberculosis 11
UA urinalysis 11
WBC white blood cells 11
Ca (chemistries) calcium 11
CI (chemistries) chloride 11
CRE (chemistries) creatinine 11
Fe (chemistries) iron 11
GIu gluccose 11
K+ potassium 11
Na sodium 11
NaHCO3 sodium bicarbonate 11
< less than 11
> greater than 11
# pound 11
@ at 11
& and 11
Created by: Hulagirl
Popular Medical sets




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