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Cancer Therapy

Dental Pharmacology

Apoptosis Programmed natural cell death
Angiogenesis Creation of new blood vessels
Alkylating Agents Nitrogen Mustard - 1st agent used, Busulfan - anti-leukemia agent, Nitrosureas - brain/GI neoplasms Nitrosureas
Antimetabolites Folic Acid Analogue - Methotrexate
Vinka alkaloids Vinca rosea shrub
Antibiotics Products of Strep bacteria
Interferons and Interleukins Interferon alpha and interleukin-2
Specific Agents Alkylating Agents, Antimetabolites, Vinka alkaloids, Antibiotics, Hormone agonists/antagonists,Enzymes Interferons and interleukins
Oral Complications Oral Mucositis, Salivary Gland Dysfunction, Neurotoxicity, Infection
Oral Mucositis Most frequent complaint, Inflammation/breakdown of oral mucosa, Erythema w/and w/o ulcerations, Direct damage of chemo drug, Emesis introduces harmful acid to mucosa, Normal physical trauma to compromised surface, Abnormal and slow healing
Salivary Gland Dysfunction Irreversible with radiation, reversible with chemo, Frequent saline rinses Saliva substitutes, Sugarless gum/candy, Sipping water constantly, Bethanecol, cevimeline, pilocarpine
Neurotoxicity Leads to severe, deep-seated throbbing pain that mimics dental pathology, Dysguesia - sense of taste changes, TMJ disorders may present due to sleep disruption, stress of tx, Eliminate actual dental problem, Palliative
Infection Immunosuppression and compromised mucosa leads to easier/more infections from normal flora and frequent candidal infections, OH, antibacterial rinses, prechemo preparations
Immunotherapy Treatment Strategies Augmenting - amplification of immune response(vaccines), Suppression - used in organ transplants, grafts or autoimmune diseases
Cell Mediated Immunity T-Cells ,mature in thymus, circulate around body, levamisole(Ergamisol)- used for colorectal cancers, Crohn's disease
Humoral Immunity B-Cells, bone marrow, fixed, replacement therapy(passive immunity)
Immunosuppression Most often used and most successful in organ/tissue transplants, cyclosporin(Restasis) - used in organ transplants and oral lichen planus, tacrolimus(Prograf) macrolide antibiotic-works like cyclosporin
Immunosuppression Glucocorticoids(prednisone or dexamethasone)-turns down immune system, cytotoxic drugs- kills lymphocytes/cell proliferation, cyclphosphamide(Cytoxan)-developed for cancer tx, used for autoimmune diseases, interferon beta 1b(Betaseron)-multiple sclerosis
Innate Immunity Non-specific actions like phagocytosis, stomach acid, chemicals in skin, carried out by cells like neutrophils and monocytes
Acquired Immunity Specific immunity alerted by antigens, carried out by B lymphocytes and T lymphocytes
Cytokines Secreted by T cells,autocoids that stimulate the immune response, activate many defense cells, and promote the inflammatory response
Complement System Collection of 20 proteins activated by antigen/antibody complex, increases inflammatory response
Immunization Forced acquired immunity by exposing pt to an antigen(inject dead organism, inject chemically treated toxins, inject live organism that have been attenuated)
Passive Immunity Short term(2-3 wks), infusing antibodies and/or activated T cells from the blood of another person or animal that has immunity
Created by: edisondh
Popular Pharmacology sets




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