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Dental pharm 6

digoxin Lanoxin (CHF)= Cardiac Glycosides: positive inotropic, modulate sympathetic activity, indirect diuretic-increasing blood flow through kidney; narrow therapeutic index-arrhythmias
spironolactone Aldactone (CHF)= Diuretic: aldosterone antagonist, K+ sparing, positive ANS
ACE inhibitors (CHF) kidneys-reduce volume to reduce work
Beta Adrenergic Antagonist (CHF) Beta blocker, blocks NE action on heart
verapamil Calan-antiarrhythmic,angina;Ca2+ channel blockers-(angina)block Ca+ ions during contraction to decrease peripheral resistance (drop in pressure) & less blood returning to heart; side effects:gingival enlargement
diltazem Cardizem-antiarrhythmic,angina; Ca2+ channel blockers-(angina)block Ca+ ions during contraction to decrease peripheral resistance (drop in pressure) & less blood returning to heart; side effects:gingival enlargement
digoxin Lanoxin-antiarrhythmia drug
beta adrenergic blocking agents Hurricane, Anbesol, Benzident: antiarrhythmic
lidocaine Xylocaine-antiarrhythmic
nitroglycerin Nitrostat, Nitrolingual (angina pectoris)-release nitric oxide as vasodilator, reduces blood return to heart; side effects:headache,syncope,hypotension(from smooth muscle relaxation), acute attacks-subling., 1 tab q 5 mins for 3 doses
nifedipine Procardia (Ca2+ channel blockers)-for angina block Ca+ ions during contraction to decrease peripheral resistance (drop in pressure) & less blood returning to heart; side effects:gingival enlargement
propanolol Inderol (beta blocker)-angina:block beta response to sympathetic NT to reduce ino/chronotropic effects; side effects:bradycarida, dry mouth,blurred vision
metroprolol Lopressor(beta blocker)-angina:block beta response to sympathetic NT to reduce ino/chronotropic effects; side effects:bradycarida, dry mouth,blurred vision
atenolol Tenormin(beta blocker)-angina:block beta response to sympathetic NT to reduce ino/chronotropic effects; side effects:bradycarida, dry mouth,blurred vision
anxiolytics preventative measures
Pre-op benzodiazepine Valium:anxiolytics-preventative measures (angina pectoris)
Nitrous oxide anxiolytic:preventative measures (angina pectoris)
pre-med nitro pre-op anxiolytic:preventative measures (angina pectoris)
thiazides-hydrochlorothiazide Hydorurinil (diuretic-HBP): inhibit reabsorption of Na+ in DCT; interact w/ long term NSAID's reducing effectiveness of drug
loop diuretics-furosemide Lasix (diuretic-HBP)-inhibit reuptake of Na+ in ascending loop
spirinolactone Aldactone (diuretic-HBP)-K+ sparing:conserve K+ at expense of Na+ in exchange
Aldactazide spirnolactone (Aldactone) mixed w/ hydrochlorothiazide: diuretic for HBP
triamterene Dyrenium (diuretic-HBP): in DCT snd collecting tube, taken w/ hydrochlorothiazide
potassium salt tablets K-Dur, K-tab, K-lyte (diuretic-HBP): prevents hypokalemia
beta blocking agents for HBP work on beta receptors to decrease sympathetic outflow, lower BP by reducing contractility and output, reduce secretion of rennin
propanolol (HBP) Inderol-nonspecific could cause problems with epi
Ca+ channel blockers for HBP limit smooth muscle contraction, slowing/lessening work of heart
ACE inhibitors (HBP) prevent enzyme from producing angiotensin II; side effects: dysguesia, esp w/ catropril (capoten)
catrpril Capoten-ACE inhibitors (HBP)
enalapril Vasotec-ACE inhibitors (HBP)
lisinopril Zestril-ACE inhibitors (HBP)
clonidine Catapres-for HBP: work in CNS on presynaptic receptor decreasing sympathetic outflow-decrease rate, CO, peripheral resistance; side effect: xerostomia, dysguesia, parotid swelling; *must be combo w/ diuretic
methyldopa Aldomet-for HBP: work in CNS on presynaptic receptor decreasing sympathetic outflow-decrease rate, CO, peripheral resistance; side effect: xerostomia, dysguesia, parotid swelling; *must be combo w/ diuretic
hydralazine Apresoline (HBP): vasodilation w/ tachycardia; combo therapy; choice in pregnant pt
Created by: kendall7
Popular Pharmacology sets




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