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Dental pharm 4

Group 1 penicillins (cidal) aerobic gram +
Pen G parenteral, mixed w/ procaine (penicillins)
Pen V oral (penicillin)
Pen VK salt, used for dental infections, 500mg qid, 3 day after symptoms gone (penicillin)
Aminopenicillin wider spectrum, include gram -
amoxicillin tid, well absorbed not affected by food, upper resp. infections (aminopenicillin)
Augumentin amoxicillin mixed w/ clavulanic acid (anti-beta lactamase) to increase action (aminopenicillin)
ampicillin aminopenicillin
penicillinase resistant penicillins used for staph infections, not used in dentistry
cloxacillin penicillinase resistant penicillins
dicloxacillin penicillinase resistant penicillins
extended spectrum used medically for systemic gram (-) infections and in combo with other agents
carbenicillin extended spectrum
ticarcillin extended spectrum
erythromycin E-mycin-static, gram (+) and (-) aerobes, binds reversibly with RNA; inactivated by food & cause upset gastric unless coated; stearate, athylsuccinate, estolate; 1-2g/day 250-500 mg q6h, 1 hac or 2 hpc (MACROLIDE)
clarithromycin Biaxin-against some anaerobes, static, work same with protein synthesis, can take w/ food- dose:250-500mg bid (MACROLIDE)
azithromycin Zithromax, Z-pak-against some anaerobes, static, work same with protein synthesis, can take w/ food- dose:500mg 1st day, 250mg days 2-5(MACROLIDE)
tetracycline broad spectrum, stactic, inhibit RNA protein synthesis; MRSA & helicobacter pylori; side effects: GI upset, P.colitis, candidiasis, liver/kidney toxicity, superinfect.(C.albicans) photosensitivity, stain enamel and dentin
how is tetracycline used for gingivostomatitis or apthous stomatitis? mixed w/ lidocaine as a rinse
clindomycin Cleocin (Lincosamide)-static, interferes w/protein synthesis, anaerobes linked to serious dental infections, "last resort" (osteomyelitis); side effects:colitis (c.dif), superinfection (c.albicans), skin rashes
metronidazole Flagyl-cidal,protozoans and many anaerobes, prodrug activated thru reduction by organisms that unwind DNA; bad interaction w/ alcohol
cephalosporins cidal, structurally similar to penicillin and inhibit cell wall synthesis, effective against penicillinase; dental use in special situation, immunocompromised, some prophylaxis
1st generation cephalosporin cephalexin (Keflex)
2nd generation cephalosporin cephaclor (Ceclor)
3rd generation cephalosporin ceftazidime (Fortaz)
4th generation cephalosporin cefepime-maxipime
cephalexin Keflex
cephaclor Ceclor
ceftazidime Fortaz
cefepime Maxipime
Created by: kendall7
Popular Pharmacology sets




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