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Holmgren 1.1

Holmgren I Vocab Q1

synthesize synthetic synthetically synthesis to combine varied and diverse elements, factors, or ideas into a new whole
inference infer inferential inferentially a proposition or conclusion drawn by reasoning, interpretation, or a logical judgment on the basis of evidence (not directly identified or stated)
imply implication to convey or communicate meaning not by direct statement but by allusion or reference likely to lead to natural inference
analyze analytical analytically analysis to examine in detail something complex in order to understand its nature or to determine its essential features by looking at the relationship of a part to the whole
evaluate evaluatory evaluation to examine and then judge concerning the worth, quality, significance, amount, degree, or condition of something
pertinent pertinently pertinence relevant or applicable to a particular subject under consideration
mundane mundanely mundaneness unremarkable; unimaginative; lacking interest or excitement
apt aptly aptness appropriate or suitable in the circumstances; quick to learn; having a tendency to do something
stilted stiltedly stiltedness stiff and self-conscious or unnatural in talking or writing
context contextual contextually the circumstances that form the setting for an event, statement, or idea and that enable it to be fully understood and assessed
perceptive perceptively perceive perceptivity having or showing sensitive insight
profound profoundly profoundness having or showing great knowledge or insight; very great or intense quality or emotion
irony ironic ironically language in which the intended implication is the opposite of the literal sense of the words
allusion allude allusive an indirect or passing reference to some event, person, place, or artistic work with the expectation that the reader / audience will understand the connection between the reference and the context in which it is used
theme thematic thematically central or dominating idea in a literary work; abstract concept which is made concrete through its representation in person, action, and image in a work
motif a reoccurring conventional situation, incident, character type, idea, image, device, or formula that is found in many different literary works, folktales, or myths
juxtapose juxtaposition juxtapositional to place elements side-by-side to emphasize difference * Mrs. Holmgren’s favorite literary technique
allegory allegorical allegorically a story or visual image with a second, distinct meaning partially hidden behind its literal or visible meaning; continuous parallel between two or more meanings in a literary work
soberly sober soberness in a serious, sensible, and solemn manner / muted in color
indiscriminately indiscriminate indiscrimination done at random or without careful judgment
wave or flourish something as a threat or in anger or excitement
timorously timorous timorousness showing or suffering from a lack of confidence
indulgently indulgent indulge indulgence inclined to be generous or lenient with / allow someone to enjoy a desired pleasure (often alcohol)
resigned resignedly resign resignation accept that something undesirable cannot be avoided; give up an office, power, privilege
debauch debauchery destroy or degrade the moral purity of / excessive indulgence in sensual pleasures, particularly eating and drinking
countenance a person’s face or facial expression / admit as acceptable or possible
epithet epithetical epithetically adjective or descriptive phrase expressing a quality or attribute regarded as characteristic of the person or thing mentioned
Created by: LHolmgren
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