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GRE vocab words

selected words from gre words of the day

abstemious light, not indulgent
propitious likely to result in success
ascetic austere, abstainer
inter bury
exhume dig up
belie contradict, misrepresent
capricious impulsive, whimsical
denigrate calumniate, defame, condemn, belittle
deride treat with contempt
umbrage resentment
allay calm
licentious wanton, lacking restraint
onerous burdensome
contumacious headstrong, obstinate
deign condescend, patronize
dirge requiem, lament
ebullient exuberant
engender create, cause, stimulate
equanimity composure
espouse support
exculpate acquit, clear, exonerate
factious bantering, tongue-in-cheek
fatuous asinine, idiotic
fawn suck up, cringe in fear
fetid foul, rancid
flag ease up
fetter tie up, hold
foment agitate
gainsay challenge, dispute
imbue saturate, infuse
impervious unable to be penetrated, affected
incorrigible bad, hopeless
inchoate not fully formed, incipient, incoherent
inundate drown, overwhelm
intransigence refusing to compromise
inured habituated, enured
invective vitriol, vituperation
invidious hateful
lenity forgiveness
libertine indulgent
lassitude lethargy, inanition, languor
levity lack of seriousness
magnanimity liberal, generous, munificence, largesse
nefarious bad, sinful
obdurate stony, flinty, obstinate
obsequious fawning, toady, sycophantic
odious hateful, horrible
officious meddlesome
opprobrium obloquy, infamy, dishonor
paragon ideal, apotheosis
penury pauperism, being cheap
perfidious punic, treacherous, betraying
prevaricate tergiversate, palter, equivocate, ambiguity
probity integrity
propensity proclivity, tendency
propitiate appease
proscribe veto
quagmire bad situation
rarefy low density; idealistic
rancor bitterness
recalcitrant fractious, refractory, stubborn
recondite abstruse, mysterious
relegate banish, demote, pass on
solicitous eager; concerned
tortuous not straightforward
truculent belligerent, hateful
venial pardonable
vitiate hurt, corrupt
welter jumble, wallow, immersed in
equivocate use ambiguous language with deceptive intent
noxious harmful, injurious
obviate anticipate, make unnecessary
paean song of praise
perspicacious acutely perceptive
predilection preference
stymie block, thwart
truculent eager to fight
accolade expression of praise
adulation excessive praise, adoration
chary wary, cautious, sparing
culpable deserving blame
demur question, oppose
enigmatic difficult to understand
impecunious lacking funds
inveigle obtain by deception
vilify defame
acumen keen, accurate judgment
pithy precise, brief
querulous prone to complaining
surfeit excess
derision scorn, ridicule
dilettante one with superficial interest in a branch of knowledge
inimical damaging
obfuscate deliberately obscure
quixotic foolishly impractical
tacit implied
trenchant keen
august majestic, venerable
broach bring up, announce
brook tolerate
fell inhumanly cruel
flip sarcastic
list tilt, lean to a side
meet fitting, proper
nice exact, fastidious
occult hidden, concealed
pine lose vigor
rent torn
quail lose courage
sap enervate
scurvy despicable
waffle equivocate; change one's position
abjure avoid
adumbrate outline vaguely; obscure
anathema curse
anodyne soothing
apostate one who abandons long-held convictions
asperity rigor, roughness, irritability
asseverate aver
augury omen, portent
calumniate slander
captious point out trivial faults
cavil find fault without reason
celerity speed, alacrity
chimera illusion
denouement outcome
descry discern
desuetude disuse
diaphanous transparent, gauzy
encomium tribute, panegyric
excoriate censure scathingly, upbraid
exegesis critical examination
expiate atone for
extirpate destroy, exscind
insouciant unconcerned, carefree
inveterate habitual
lubricious lewd, wanton, slippery
meretricious cheap, tawdry
nonplussed bewildered
obstreperous aggressively boisterous
palliate make less serious
parsimonious cheap, miserly
peroration end of speech; flowery speech
plangent pounding
prolix long winded, verbose
remonstrate protest
salacious lustful, bawdy
salutary remedial, causing improvement
saturnine gloomy, morose
sententious moralizing excessively
stentorian loud and powerful
stygian gloomy, dark
sycophant toady, servile, parasite
tendentious biased
orotund pompous, bombastic
emetic causing vomiting
quidnunc gossip, busybody
trenchant astringent, biting, ascerbic
effrontery insolent and shameless audacity
prodigal wasteful
abstruse recondite, esoteric, hard to understand
avocation hobby
bumptious offensively self-assertive
abut border on, meet
untoward troublesome, improper
badinage banter
amalgam combination, blend
imperious arrogant
perfunctorily superficially
abrogate do away with
noisome smelly, harmful
posture take a position
sedulous apply self to task
indelibility cannot be removed
gossamer light, delicate thing
perfidious disloyal
ferment unrest, disorder
hapless unlucky
improvident reckless, rash
deluge flood
louche shady, indecent
deride ridicule
credulity gullibility
gauche clumsy, tactless
byzantine intricate
affray brawl
rampart fortification, bulwark
ebb weaken
doughty brave, valiant
vagary whim, caprice, crochet
corroborate endorse
penury destitution, insufficiency
assiduous diligent
preponderance dominance
shibboleth slogan, catchword
insular narrow-minded
indominatable obstinate, pertinacious, resolute
sedulous diligent, industrious
leitmotif dominant and recurring theme
obsequious fawning, flattering
dulcet pleasing, soothing, sweet
imbue instill profoundly
pastiche hodgepodge
sapid agreeable, having taste or flavor
invidious discriminatory
caveat warning, caution
ineluctable inevitable
peripatetic itinerant, traveling from place to place
protean diverse, adaptive
torpor lethargy
glabrous smooth
arcane esoteric, recondite, obscure
sui generis unique
efface obliterate, blur
cynosure celebrity, luminary
aplomb assurance, confidence
apocryphal not canonical, spurious
languish droop, fade, weaken
Created by: elana88
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