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Wordlist A Remaining

Barrons wordlist starting with letter-A Rest of the words

amend correct change, generally for the better
amenities convenient features, courtesies
amiable agreeable, lovable, warmly friendly
amicable politely friendly not quarrelsome
amiss wrong, faulty
amity friendship
amnesia loss of memory
amnesty pardon
amoral nonmoral
amorous moved by sexual love loving
amorphous formless, lacking shape or definition
amphibian able to live both on land and in water
amphitheater oval building with tiers of seats
ample abundant
amplify broaden or clarify by expanding, intensify, make stronger
amputate cut off part of body, prune
amulet charm, talisman
anachronistic having an error involving time in a story
analgesic causing insensitivity to pain
analogous comparable
analogy similarity, parallelism
anarchist person who seeks to overturn the established government, advocate of abolishing
anarchy absence of governing body, state of disorder
anathema solemn curse someone or something regarded as a curse
ancestry family descent
anchor secure or fasten firmly, be fixed in place
ancillary serving as an aid or accessory, auxiliary
anecdote short account of an amusing or interesting event
anemia condition in which blood lacks red corpuscles
anesthetic substance that removes sensation with or without loss of consciousness
anguish acute pain, extreme suffering
angular sharpcornered, stiff in manner
animated lively spirited
animosity active enmity
animus hostile feeling or intent
annals records, history
annex attach, take possession of
annihilate destroy
annotate comment, make explanatory notes
annuity yearly allowance
annul v make void
anoint consecrate
anomalous abnormal, irregular
anomaly irregularity
anonymity state of being nameless, anonymousness
anonymous having no name
antagonism hostility, active resistance
antecede precede
antecedents preceding events or circumstances that influence what comes later, ancestors or early background
antediluvian antiquated, extremely ancient
anthem song of praise or patriotism
anthology book of literary selections by various authors
anthropocentric regarding human beings as the center of the universe
anthropoid manlike
anthropologist a student of the history and science of mankind
anthropomorphic having human form or characteristics
anticlimax letdown in thought or emotion
antidote medicine to counteract a poison or disease
antipathy aversion, dislike
antiquated oldfashioned, obsolete
antiseptic substance that prevents infection
antithesis contrast, direct opposite of
apathy lack of caring, indifference
ape imitate or mimic
aperture opening hole
apex tip, summit, climax
aphasia loss of speech due to injury or illness
aphorism pithy, maxim
apiary a place where bees are kept
aplomb poise, assurance
apocalyptic prophetic, pertaining to revelations
apocryphal untrue, made up
apogee highest point
apolitical having an aversion or lack of concern for political affairs
apologist one who writes in defense of a cause or institution
apostate one who abandons his religious faith or political beliefs
apotheosis elevation to godhood, an ideal example of something
appall dismay, shock
apparatus equipment
apparition ghost, phantom
appease pacify or soothe relieve
appellation name, title
append attach
application diligent attention
apposite appropriate fitting
appraise estimate value of
appreciate be thankful for increase in worth, be thoroughly conscious of
apprehend arrest a criminal, dread, perceive
apprehension fear
apprenticeship time spent as a novice learning a trade from a skilled worker
apprise inform
approbation approval
appropriate acquire take possession of for ones own use
apropos with reference to, regarding
aptitude fitness, talent
aquatic pertaining to water
aquiline curved, hooked
arable fit for growing crops
arbiter a person with power to decide a dispute, judge
arbitrary capricious, randomly chosen, tyrannical
arbitrator judge
arboretum place where different tree varieties are exhibited
arcade a covered passageway, usually lined with shops
arcane secret, mysterious known only to the initiated
archaeology study of artifacts and relics of early mankind
archaic antiquated
archetype prototype, primitive pattern
archipelago group of closely located islands
archives public records place where public records are kept
ardent intense, passionate, zealous
arduous hard, strenuous
aria operatic, solo
arid dry, barren
aristocracy hereditary nobility, privileged class
armada fleet of warships
aromatic fragrant
arousal awakening, provocation of a response
arraign charge in court, indict
array marshal(An arrangement of troops), draw up in order (His actions were bound to array public sentiment against him)
array clothe adorn(decorate or dress someone in clothes specified)
arrears being in debt
arrest stop or slow down catch someones attention
arrogance pride, haughtiness
arroyo gully
arsenal storage place for military equipment
articulate effective, distinct
artifact object made by human beings, either handmade or massproduced
artifice deception, trickery
artisan manually skilled worker craftsman, as opposed to artist
artless without guile open and honest
ascendancy controlling influence domination
ascertain find out for certain
ascetic practicing selfdenial, austere
ascribe refer, attribute, assign
aseptic preventing infection having a cleansing effect
ashen ashcolored
asinine stupid
askance with a sideways or indirect look
askew crookedly slanted at an angle
asperity sharpness of temper
aspirant seeker after position or status
aspire seek to attain, long for
assail assault
assay analyze, evaluate
assent agree, accept
assert declare or state with confidence put oneself forward boldly
assessment evaluation, judgment
assiduous diligent
assimilate absorb, cause to become homogeneous
assuage ease or lessen pain, satisfy hunger, soothe anger
assumption something taken for granted taking over or taking possession of
assurance promise or pledge certainty, selfconfidence
asteroid small planet
astigmatism eye defect that prevents proper focus
astral relating to the stars
astringent binding, causing contraction
astronomical enormously large or extensive
astute wise, shrewd, keen
asunder into parts, apart
asylum place of refuge or shelter protection
asymmetric not identical on both sides of a dividing central line
atavism resemblance to remote ancestors rather than to parents deformity returning after passage of two or more generations
atheistic denying the existence of God
atlas a bound volume of maps, charts, or tables
atone make amends for, pay for
atrocity brutal deed
atrophy wasting away
attain achieve or accomplish, gain
attentive alert and watchful, considerate, thoughtful
attenuate make thin, weaken
attest testify, bear witness
attribute essential quality
attribute ascribe, explain
attrition gradual decrease in numbers, reduction in the work force without firing employees, wearing away of opposition by means of harassment
atypical not normal
audacious daring, bold
audit examination of accounts
auditory pertaining to the sense of hearing
augment increase, add to
augury omen, prophecy
august impressive, majestic
aureole suns corona, halo
auroral pertaining to the aurora borealis
auspicious favoring success
austere forbiddingly stern, severely simple and unornamented
authenticate prove genuine
authoritarian subordinating the individual to the state completely dominating anothers will
authoritative having the weight of authority, peremptory and dictatorial
autocratic having absolute, unchecked power dictatorial
automaton mechanism that imitates actions of humans
autonomous selfgoverning
autopsy examination of a dead body postmortem
auxiliary helper, additional or subsidiary
avalanche great mass of falling snow and ice
avarice greediness for wealth
avenge take vengeance for something or on behalf of someone
averse reluctant, disinclined
aversion firm dislike
avert prevent, turn away
aviary enclosure for birds
avid greedy, eager for
avocation secondary or minor occupation
avow declare openly
avuncular like an uncle
awe solemn wonder
awry distorted, crooked
axiom selfevident truth requiring no proof
azure sky blue
Created by: chandrusweths
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