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GRE group 1

Hit parade, beyond hit parade 1

aberrant deviating from the norm
alacrity eager and enthusiastic willingness; speed
anomaly deviation from the normal order, form, rule
approbation expression of praise
assuage pacify; appease
audacious daring fearless; recklessly bold
capricious changing one's mind quickly and often
censure criticize severly
chicanery trickery
discordant conflicting; harsh in sound
disparate fundamentally distinct or dissimilar
eloquent well spoken; articulate
exigent urgent
ingenuous artless; lacking in sophistication
inured accustomed to accepting something undesirable
magnanimity quality of being generously noble esp in forgiving
onerous troubling; burdensome
parody humorous imitation
perfunctory done without care or interest
prescience foreknowledge of events
prevaricate to mislead
refute to successfully argue against
solicitous eager
stupefy to stun, baffle or amaze
truculent fierce and cruel; eager to fight
abjure to renounce or reject; recant
abrogate to abolish or annul
acarpous infertile; worn out
admonish to express warning or disapproval
adumbrate to intimate, foreshadow
antipathy aversion, dislike
antithetical diametrically opposed
apocryphal of dubious authenticity
apostate a person who gives up a long held religious or political belief
apotheosis deification; glorification to godliness
apposite appropriate
apprise to inform
arcane mysterious
arrant impudent
artless without guile; natural
ascetic austere; practicing rigid self denial
asperity sevreity, rigor, roughness
aspersion act of defamation
assay an analysis; to be put to a test
asseverate to allege, assert
assiduous diligent; hardworking
attenuate to weaken, rarefy
augury omen
auspice protection or support
auspicious favorable
aver to affirm
baleful sinister
bane harmful
beatify to bless, make happy
bedizen to adorn, esp in a cheap showy way
belie to misrepresent
bellicose belligerent, warlike
bilge bulge, shape of a cask thru your pants
blandish to toady or fawn
boor rude, insensitive person
byzantine complex
cabal group of plotters
cachinnate to laugh loudly
cadge to mooch
cajole to coax
caparison to adorn
captious calculated to confuse to trap in argument
cavil to find fault without good reason
celerity speed; alacrity
chasten to correct
chimera an illusion
Created by: cree
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