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Organism An individual living thing.
Autotrophs Organism that provide their own food for energy through the process of photosynthesis.
Heterotrophs Organism that must find an external source for food.
Respiration The process that takes place in most organisms that releases energy from food.
Photosynthesis The process that allows plants to make their own food for energy.
Stimulus Any change in an organism's surrounding that will cause the organism to react.
Response The reaction to a stimulus.
Reproduction The ability to reproduce or produce offspring that have similar characteristics as the parent or parents.
Asexual Reproduction Process that involves only one parent and produces offspring that is identical to the parent.
Sexual Reproduction Process that involves two parents, sex cells (egg and sperm) and produces offspring that has characteristics of both parents.
Growth Process by which the organism becomes larger and has an increase in height, mass, and/or overall size.
Development Process that occurs in the life of the organism that results in the organism becoming more complex structurally.
Taxonomy The study of how scientist classify organisms.
Kingdom Organism are placed into classification level based on their ability to make food and the number of cells in their body.
Phylum Is the level of classification that is the major division for each kingdom.
Genus Level of classification that contains closely related organisms and is the first word in the organism's scientific name.
Species Level of classification that consists of all the organisms of the same type which are able to breed & produce the same young. The second word in the organism;s scientific name.
Heterotrophs Organism that cannot make their own food and must get their energy by consuming plants or other animals.
Vertebrates Animals with a backbone.
Invertebrate Animals without a backbone.
Endoskeleton An internal skeleton.
Exoskeleton Hard outer covering found in arthropods.
Metamorphosis Process in insects or amphibians in which an organism transforms form an immature form to an adult form.
Ecotherms Cold blooded animals whose body temperature changes in response to the temperature changes in their environment.
Endotherms Warm blooded animals whose body temperature remains constant regardless of the temperature in their environment.
Fish, Amphibians, Reptiles, Birds, Mammals, Vertebrate group animals
Birds & Mammals Endothermic "warm-blooded" Group Animals
Fish, Amphibians, & Reptiles Ectothermic "cold-blooded" Group Animals
Sponges, Segmented worms, Echinoderms, Mollusks, & Arthropods Invertebrate Group Animals
Fish Obtain dissolved oxygen in water through gills, most lay eggs, have scales, have fins, & live in water.
Amphibians Metamorphosis takes place, most breathe in water with gills as young, breathe on land as adults, & lay jelly-like eggs.
frogs, salamanders, & toads Amphibians Group
Reptiles Breathe with lungs, most lay eggs, some hatch inside female, & have scales or plates.
crocodiles, alligators, snakes, lizards, & turtles Reptiles Group
Birds Breathe with lungs, lay eggs, have feathers, and have a beak, two wings, and two feet.
Mammals Breathe with lungs, most have babies born live, have fur or hair, & produce milk to feed young.
Sponges Water flows through many pores, eliminate food & wastes through water passage into a central cavity, & have specialized cells for obtaining food & oxygen from water.
Segmented worms Have long tube-like bodies divided into rings/segments. Simplest organism with true nervous system & blood contained in vessels. Long digestive tube & takes in dissolved oxygen from water through skin.
earthworms & leeches Segmented Worms Group
Echinoderms Have arms that extend from the middle body outwards. Have tube feet that take in oxygen from the water and spines.
sea stars, brittle stars, sea cucumbers, & sea urchins Echinoderms Group
Mollusks Have soft bodies, most have thick muscular foot for movement or to open/close their shells. Are more developed than sponges or worms. Take oxygen through gills or lungs. Some have shells.
slugs, snails, clams, & octopuses Mollusks Group
Arthropods Have jointed legs, segmented bodies, & some have wings. Have exoskeleton. Obtain oxygen from the air through gills or air tubes.
insects, arachnids, & crustaceans Arthropod Group
Adaption Any structural or behavior change that helps an organism survive in its environment.
Behavior A complex set of responses to a stimuli. An action or activity in response to changes in the environment, which helps organism survive.
Camouflage Protective coloration in an animal that helps it to survive in its environment or hide/disguise itself from predators or prey.
Mimicry When a weaker animal copies a stronger animal's characteristics to warn off predators.
Carnivore Animal that eats only other animals or the remains of other animals.
Herbivore Animals that eat only plants or plant parts.
Omnivore Animals that eat other animals and plants.
Niche The area or environment where an organism lives.
Hibernation Animal response to cold winter weather in which an animal will enter a state of greatly reduced body activity in order to conserve food stored in the body.
Migration The movement of animals from one place to another in response to seasonal changes and to travel to other places where food is available.
Grouping Social behavior that takes place when certain animals travel together in groups to protect individuals within the group or to fool a predator into thinking the group is one large organism.
Courtship Behavior process in which adults of a species try to attract a potential mate.
Learned behavior Behavior that results from direct observations or experiences.
Imprinting Behavior in which a newborn animal recognize and follow the first moving object it sees.
Conditioning Behavior in which an animal learns that a certain stimulus and its response will lead to a good or bad result.
Trial-and-error learning Also known as conditioning.
Inherited behavior Behavior passed from the parent to offspring and are with the animal from birth.
Instinct Also known as inherited behavior
Created by: johnson.samuel
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