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GRE Lesson 41

100 word chunks of Barron's data

shrew scolding woman; very small mouselike animal
shrewd clever; astute
shrivel make or become shrunken and wrinkled (often by drying)
shudder shake uncontrollably; tremble; V.
shuffle mix together; jumble; move (something) from one place to another; slide (the feet) along the ground while walking; Ex. shuffle papers from one pile to another; N.
shun keep away from; avoid deliberately; Ex. She has been shunned by her neighbors.
shunt move (a railway train) from one track to another; turn aside; divert; sidetrack; Ex. shunt traffic around an accident; N.
shyster lawyer using questionable methods; unscrupulous practioner
sibling brother or sister
sibylline prophetic; oracular; N. sibyl: woman prophet (in the ancient world)
sidereal relating to stars; Ex. sidereal day
sidetrack switch (a railroad car) to a siding; divert from a main issue; N. CF. siding: short section of railroad track connected by switches with a main track
sift put through a sieve to separate fine from coarse particles; sort or examine carefully
significant expressing a meaning; important; Ex. significant smile; N. significance: importance; meaning; V. signify: denote; mean; signal; make known; matter; be significant
silt sediment deposited by running water (at the entrance to a harbor or by a bend in a river)
simian monkeylike; N: ape or monkey
simile comparison of one thing with another, using the word like or as
simper smirk; smile in a silly way; smile affectedly
simplistic oversimplified
simulate feign; imitate
sinecure well-paid position with little responsibility; CF. sine cure: without care; CF. San Serif
sinewy (of meat) tough; strong and firm; muscular; N. sinew: tendon; strong cord connecting a muscle to a bone
singular being only one; individual; unique; extraordinary; odd; Ex. singular beauty/behavior
sinister evil; ominous
sinuous twisting; winding; bending in and out; not morally honest
siren apparatus for making sounds; womanlike creature
skeptic sceptic; doubter; person who suspends judgment until he has examined the evidence supporting a point of view; ADJ. skeptical; N. skepticism; scepticism
skiff small light sailboat or rowboat
skim read or glance through quickly; touch lightly in passing; brush; remove from the surface of a liquid
skimp provide or use scantily; live very economically; Ex. skimp on necessities; ADJ. skimpy: inadequate in amount; scanty; stingy; niggardly
skinflint miser; stingy person
skirmish minor fight; minor battle in war; V.
skittish inconstant; capricious; frivolous; not serious; Ex. charming but skittish young woman; CF. skit
skulduggery(skullduggery) dishonest behavior or action; Ex. skulduggery in the election
skulk move furtively and secretly; Ex. He skulked through the less fashionable sections of the city.
slack moving slowly; sluggish; inactive; (of a rope) loose; negligent; lax; Ex. slack season; Ex. slack in one's work; N. V.
slacken slow up; loosen; make or become slack
slag glassy residue from smelting metal; dross; waste matter
slake satisfy (thirst); quench; sate
slander defamation; utterance of false and malicious statements; V. ADJ. slanderous
slap hit quickly with the flat part of the hand; N. CF. smack
slapdash hasty and careless; haphazard; sloppy(carelessly done)
slaughter killing of animals for food; massacre; V: butcher (animals) for food; kill in large numbers
slavish of or like a slave; servile; showing no originality; copied very closely; Ex. slavish devotion/copy of the original
sleazy shabby and dirty; flimsy; insubstantial; Ex. sleazy back-street hotel/fabric
sledge large sled drawn by work animals
sleek smooth and shining (as from good health); V.
sleeper one that achieves unexpected success; something originally of little value or importance that in time becomes very valuable
sleigh large vehicle drawn by a horse over snow or ice
sleight dexterity; CF. sleight of hand: legerdemain; quickness of the hands in doing tricks
slew large quantity or number; Ex. slew of errands left
slick make smooth or glossy; N: smooth surface; Ex. oil slick; ADJ: smooth; glossy; deftly executed; adroit; glib
slight insult to one's dignity; snub; V: treat as if of small importance; insult; snub; ADJ. small in size; of small importance
slink move furtively; ADJ. slinky: stealthy; furtive; sneaky (as in ambush)
slipshod slovenly; careless; sloppy; untidy; shabby; Ex. slipshod work
slither slip or slide
sloth slow moving tree-dwelling mammal; laziness; ADJ. slothful: lazy; indolent
slough (of a snake) shed or cast off (dead outer skin); N: outer layer that is shed
slovenly untidy; careless in work habits; slipshod; N. sloven: one who is habitually untidy or careless
sluggard lazy person
sluggish lazy; slow; inactive; lethargic; CF. slug: nail with no shell
sluice artificial channel for directing or controlling the flow of water (with a gate to regulate the flow)
slur pronounce indistinctly; speak indistinctly; mumble
sly clever in deceiving; secretive; not telling one's intentions
smart intelligent; quick and energetic; fashionable; Ex. smart pace/restaurant; V: cause or feel a sharp pain; N: smarting pain
smattering slight knowledge; small scattered number or amount; Ex. smattering of German
smear spread or cover with a sticky substance; N: mark made by smearing
smelt melt (ore) for separating and removing the metal; melt or blend ores changing their chemical composition
smirk conceited smile; offensively self-satisfied smile (often at someone else's misfortune); V.
smolder smoulder; burn slowly without flame; be liable to break out at any moment; exist in a suppressed state; Ex. smoldering anger
smother kill from lack of air; suppress; cover thickly; Ex. smothered in little stickers
smudge dirty mark with unclear edges made by rubbing; V.
smug self-satisfied; complacent
sneak move, give, or take in a quiet, stealthy way; N: one who sneaks; ADJ. sneaky
snicker half-stifled(suppressed) laugh; V.
snip short quick cut with scissors; V: cut with scissors
snivel complain or whine tearfully; run at the nose; snuffle; Ex. Don't come back sniveling to me.
snub ignore or behave coldly toward; Ex. I made a suggestion but she snubbed me; N.
snuffle sniffle; sniff repeatedly (in order to keep liquid from running out of the nose)
soar rise or fly high in the air; Ex. The rocket soared into the sky.
sober serious; solemn; not drunken; abstemious or temperate; V: make or become sober
sobriety moderation (especially regarding indulgence in alcohol); seriousness
sodden thoroughly soaked; dull or stupid as if from drink
sojourn temporary stay; V: stay for a time
solace comfort in sorrow or trouble; consolation; V: comfort or console in time of sorrow or trouble
solder repair or make whole by using a metal alloy; N: metal alloy (usually tin and lead) used in the molten state to join metallic parts
solecism nonstandard grammatical construction; construction that is flagrantly incorrect grammatically; violation of social etiquette
solemnity seriousness; gravity
solicit entreat; request earnestly; seek to obtain; Ex. solicit votes; CF. solicitor: one who solicits; chief law officer
solicitor lawyer in the lower court of law
solicitous anxious; worried; concerned; eager; Ex. solicitous to do something; N. solicitude
soliloquy talking to oneself (esp. in a play); CF. monologue: soliloquy; long speech by one person (often monopolizing a conversation)
solitude state of being alone; seclusion; ADJ. solitary: existing or living alone (esp. by choice); remote or secluded; single; sole; Ex. solitary life/inn; Ex. no solitary piece of proof
solstice point or time at which the sun is farthest from the equator
soluble able to be dissolved in a liquid; able to be worked out or solved
solvent substance that dissolves another; ADJ: capable of dissolving another substance
somatic pertaining to the body; bodily; physical
somber dark; gloomy; melancholy; depressing; CF. shadow
somnambulist sleepwalker; V. somnambulate; N. somnambulism
somnolent half asleep; drowsy; N. somnolence
Created by: misterriley
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