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GRE Lesson 29

100 word chunks of Barron's data

mange skin disease (esp. of domestic animals) marked by loss of hair
mangle tear or cut to pieces; mutilate or disfigure; Ex. badly mangled bodies
mangy shabby; wretched; suffering from mange; of bad appearance
maniacal raging mad; insane; N. maniac: insane person; CF. mania: disorder of the mind; intense enthusiasm
manifest evident; visible; obvious; V: show plainly
manifestation outward demonstration; manifesting; indication of the presence of something; Ex. manifestation of his pronounced musical bent
manifesto public declaration of principles; statement of policy
manifold many in number or kind; numerous; varied
manipulate operate with one's hands; control or play upon (people, forces, etc.) artfully; maneuver; Ex. how to manipulate publicity and men; ADJ. manipulative
mannered affected; not natural; Ex. mannered way of speech
mannerism distinctive behavioral trait; affected style in art (according to a set of styles)
mantle loose sleeveless outer garment; cloak; something that covers or envelops; the layer of the earth between the crust and the core
manumit emancipate; free from slavery or bondage
mar spoil the appearance of
maraud move in search of plunder; Ex. marauding army
margin border; room; allowance beyond what is needed; Ex. margin of safety
marginal of a margin; barely within a limit; Ex. marginal effect/writing ability
marital pertaining to marriage
maritime bordering on(adjacent to) the sea; nautical; of the ships or the sea; Ex. Maritime Provinces
marked noticeable; targeted for vengeance or attack; Ex. marked improvement/man
maroon leave helpless on a deserted island or coast; ADJ. red brown
marred damaged; disfigured; V. mar: spoil; disfigure
marrow soft fatty tissue that fills most bone cavities and is the source of blood cells
marshal put in order; guide ceremoniously to the correct place; Ex. marshal the children into the museum; N: military officer; official
marsupial one of a family of mammals that nurse their offspring in a pouch(pocket of skin or leather); CF. kangaroo, opossum, wombat
martial warlike; of war; Ex. martial art/law
martinet strict disciplinarian; person who demands total obedience to rules and orders; CF. Jean Martinet
martyr one who voluntarily suffers death for his or her religion or cause; great sufferer; Ex. martyr to his rheumatism
mash crush into mash; convert into mash; N: mixture of ground grain and nutrients fed to livestock and fowl
masochist person who enjoys his own pain; CF. masochism
mason one who builds or works with stone or brick; N. masonry: work of a mason; stonework or brickwork
masquerade wear a mask or disguise; pretend; N: costume party or ball at which masks are worn; pretense; disguise
mass Christian religious ceremony; CF. Mass: ceremony of the Eucharist
masticate chew
mat not shiny; matte; having a dull finish; N: flat piece of material used as a floor covering; V.
materialism preoccupation with physical comforts and things; excessive regard for worldly concerns (rather than spiritual matters)
maternal motherly; N. maternity: motherhood
matin\'ee(matinee) dramatic or musical performance given in the afternoon
matriarch woman who rules a family or larger social group
matriculate enroll (in college or graduate school); CF. matrix
matrimony state of being married
matrix point of origin; array of numbers or algebraic symbols; mold or die; Ex. the matrix of Western civilization
maudlin effusively sentimental
maul handle roughly; batter; injure by beating; Ex. mauled by his overexcited fans; N: heavy long-handled hammer
mausoleum monumental tomb; large stately tomb; CF. Mausolos
mauve pale purple
maverick rebel; nonconformist (in a group)
mawkish mushy(sentimental) and gushy; icky-sticky sentimental; excessively and objectionably sentimental
maxim proverb; truth pithily stated
mayhem injury to body; crime of willfully maiming or crippling a person; violent disorder; Ex. mayhem in the zoo; CF. maim
meager scanty; inadequate
mealymouthed indirect in speech (when something unpleasant must be said); hypocritical; evasive
meander wind or turn in its course; follow a winding or turning course; move aimlessly and idly
meddlesome interfering; V. meddle: interfere
mediate settle a dispute through the services of an outsider; act as an intermediary; produce by mediating; Ex. mediate a cease-fire
mediocre ordinary; commonplace; neither good nor bad
meditation reflection; thought; V. meditate
medium element that is a creature's natural environment; nutrient setting in which microorganisms are cultivated; appropriate occupation or means of expression; channel of communication; compromise; middle position between extremes; intervening substan
medley mixture
meek submissive; patient and long-suffering
megalomania mania for doing grandiose things; mental disorder characterized by delusions of wealth, power, or importance
melancholy gloomy; morose; blue; N. ADJ. melancholic; CF. melancholia
melee fight
mellifluous (of words or a voice) sweetly or smoothly flowing; melodious; having a pleasant tune
memento token; reminder of the past; keepsake; Ex. memento of your visit
memoir memoirs; autobiography; biography
memorial something, such as a monument or holiday, intended to honor the memory of a person or event; ADJ: commemorative
memorialize commemorate
menace threat; V: threaten
menagerie collection of wild animals on exhibition; zoo
mendacious lying; habitually dishonest; N. mendacity
mendicant beggar; ADJ: living as a beggar
menial suitable for servants; lowly; mean; N: someone who does menial work (esp. servant in a house)
mentor counselor; teacher
mercantile concerning trade or merchants
mercenary motivated solely by money or gain; N.
mercurial capricious; quick and changing; fickle; containing the element mercury; Ex. mercurial temper; CF. mood
meretricious flashy; tawdry; attractive on the surface but of no real value; Ex. metericious argument/jewel; CF. prostitute
merger combination (of two business corporations); act of merging
merit deserve; ADJ. meritorious: deserving reward or praise
mesmerize hypnotize; N. mesmerism; CF. Franz Mesmer
metallurgical pertaining to the art of removing metals from ores; N. metallurgy: science that deals with extracting metals from ores
metamorphosis change of form; Ex. metamorphosis of caterpillar to butterfly; V. metamorphose: change by metamorphosis
metaphor implied comparison; CF. simile
metaphysical pertaining to speculative philosophy; of metaphysics; N. metaphysics: branch of philosophy that examines the nature of reality
mete measure; distribute; administer; Ex. mete out justice/punishment
meteoric like a meteor; swift; momentarily brilliant; Ex. meteoric rise to fame; N. meteor
meter arrangement of words in the form of poetry (by accentual rhythm)
methodical systematic; N. method: systematic method of procedure
meticulous excessively careful (with great attention to detail); painstaking; scrupulous
metrical metric; written in the form of poetry; Ex. metrical translation of Homer
metropolis large city
mettle courage (to continue bravely in spite of difficulties); spirit; ADJ. mettlesome
miasma swamp gas; heavy vaporous atmosphere often emanating from decaying matter; pervasive corrupting influence; noxious atmosphere or influence
microcosm small representative world; world in miniature; Ex. microcosm of English society
migrant changing its habitat; wandering; Ex. migrant birds/workers; N: one that migrates
migratory wandering; V. migrate: move from one region and settle in another; move periodically from one region to another
milieu social environment; means of expression; Ex. feel out of one's milieu; Ex. His proper milieu is watercolor.
militant combative; bellicose; N.
militate work against; Ex. militate against the chances of promotion; CF. serve as a soldier
Created by: misterriley
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