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GRE Lesson 8

100 word chunks of Barron's data

chafe warm by rubbing; make sore by rubbing; N.
chaff worthless products of an endeavor; husk(outer seed cover) separated from grain; Ex. separate the wheat from the chaff
chaffing bantering; joking
chagrin annoyance and disappointment; vexation (caused by humiliation or injured pride)
chalice goblet; consecrated cup
chameleon lizard that changes color in different situations
champion support militantly; fight for; N: person who fights for or supports strongly (a principle, movement, person, etc.)
championship position of champion; defense or support; competition held to determine a champion
chancellor legal official of high rank; CF. chancellery(chancellory): position of a chancellor
chant tune(melody) in which a number of words are sung on the same note; V: sing (a chant); utter (a slogan) in the manner of a chant
chaotic in utter disorder
chapel small church (in a prison, college, or hospital)
chaperon older person who accompanies and supervises a young unmarried woman
chaplain clergyman attached to a chapel
char make or become black by burning; reduce or be reduced to carbon or charcoal(black substance made by burning wood) by incomplete combustion
charisma divine gift; great popular charm or appeal; magnetism
charlatan quack; pretender to knowledge (esp. in medicine)
charm quality of pleasing; amulet; action or formula thought to have magical power; spell; V: attract; cast a spell on; bewitch
chary cautious; unwilling to take risks; sparing or restrained about giving; OP. bold
chase ornament a metal surface by indenting; follow rapidly to catch
chasm abyss; very deep crack
chassis framework and working parts of an automobile; framework to which components are attached
chaste morally pure; virginal; abstaining from illicit sexual acts; modest; simple (of a style of writing); not highly decorated; austere
chasten discipline; punish in order to correct; CF. castigate
chastise punish as by beating; criticize severely
chauvinist blindly devoted patriot; zealous adherent of a group, cause, or sex; ADJ. chauvinistic; CF. chauvinism; Nicolas Chauvin
check stop motion; curb or restrain
checkered(chequered) marked by great changes in fortune; with many changes of fortuene; CF. checked: having a pattern of squares
cherubic angelic; innocent-looking; N. cherub; CF. seraph: winged angel of the highest order
chicanery trickery; deception
chide scold; rebuke (someone who has done wrong)
chimerical fantastically improbable; highly unrealistic; N. chimera: unreal fancy; fire-breathing female creature
chip lose a small piece from the surface or edge; N: small piece broken off something; CF. French fry; Potato chip/crisp
chisel swindle or cheat; N: wedgelike tool for cutting
chivalrous courteous; faithful; brave; N. chivalry
choice delicate; of very fine quality
choir group of people who sing together (esp. during religious services); place for choir
choleric hot-tempered; bad-tempered; irritable; easily angered; CF. cholera
chore daily domestic task (such as cleaning, cooking, and shopping); unpleasant task
choreography art of representing dances in written symbols; arrangement of dances
chortle chuckle with delight; N.
chorus phrase repeated throughout a song or poem
chronic long established as a disease
chronicle report; record (in chronological order)
chuckle laugh quietly
churlish boorish; rude; N. churl: boor; yahoo
ciliated having minute hairs; CF. cilium; CF. cilia: eyelash
cipher nonentity; worthless person or thing; zero; secret code; V.
circlet small ring; band of gold, silver, jewel, etc. (worn on the head, arms, or neck as decoration)
circuit closed circular line around an area; circumference; regularly repeated journey from place to place
circuitous roundabout
circumlocution indirect or roundabout expression (by using an uncecessarily large number of words esp. when trying to avoid answering a difficult question directly)
circumscribe limit; confine; draw a line around
circumspect prudent; cautious; acting after careful thought
circumvent outwit; defeat by behaving more cleverly; outsmart; baffle; avoid; get around
cistern reservoir or water tank
citadel fortress
cite quote; commend; Ex. cited for bravery in an official record
civil having to do with citizens; not military or religious; courteous and polite; Ex. married in a civil ceremony; Ex. civil strife/disorder/law; N. civility; CF. civic
clairvoyant having foresight; fortuneteller; N. clairvoyance
clamber climb by crawling with difficulties; scramble
clamor loud continous noise; continuous demand or complaint made by a large number of people; V: make a clamor; express (a demand) continually and loudly; ADJ. clamorous
clandestine secret
clangor loud resounding noise; sound of repeated clanging
clap strike the palms of the hands together with a sudden explosive sound; come together suddenly with a sharp sound; put or send promptly; Ex. clap the thief in jail; N: clapping; loud or explosive sound; CF. applause
clapper striker (tongue) of a bell
clarion shrill, trumpetlike sound; kind of trumpet used in former times
clasp hold firmly within arms
claustrophobia fear of being locked in
clavicle collarbone
cleave split or sever; cling to; remain faithful to; N. cleavage; ADJ. cloven
cleft N: split
clemency disposition to be lenient in deciding punishments; mildness as of the weather; ADJ. clement
clich\'e phrase dulled in meaning by repetition; platitude; ADJ. clich\'ed
clientele body of customers
climactic relating to the highest point; N. climax; CF. climatic
clime climate
clip cut off with shears; fasten; N: something clipped off (as a short extract from film); clasp or fastener
clipper sailing vessel built for great speed
clique small exclusive group of people
cloister monastery or convent
clot half-solid lump formed from a liquid (or blood); V.
clout great influence (especially political or social); hard blow with fist
clown act stupidly; play the fool; N.
cloying distasteful (because excessive); excessively sweet or sentimental; V. cloy: become unpleasant through too much sweetness or excess
coagulate congeal; thicken; clot; N. coagulant
coalesce combine; fuse; N. coalescence
coalition partnership; league; union of separate political parties
coax persuade by flattery
coda concluding section of a musical or literary composition
coddle treat gently; indulge excessively; pamper; mollycoddle; baby; cook in water just below boiling point; Ex. coddled eggs
codicil supplement to the body of a will; later addition to a will
codify arrange (laws or rules) as a code; classify; N. code: system of words used instead of ordinary writing; collection of laws, rules, established social customs
coercion use of force to get someone to object; compelling; V. coerce
coeval living at the same time as; existing during the same period of time; contemporary; of the same age
cog tooth projecting from a wheel
cogent convincing
cogitate think over; ponder
cognate having a common origin; related linguistically; allied by blood; similar or akin in nature; Ex. cognate languages; N.
cognitive having to do with knowing or perceiving related to the mental processes; N. cognition: the mental process of knowing
Created by: misterriley
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