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Med Vocb Ch 10

Digestive System combining forms & review

amyl(o) starch
bil(o),chol(e) bile or gall
glyc(o) sugar
lact(o) milk
lip(o) fats
protec(o) protein
-dipsia thirst
-orexia appetite
-pepsia digestion
-stalsis contraction
or(o), stomat(o) mouth
esophag(o) esophagus
gastr(o) stomach
enter(o) small intestine
duoden(o) duodenum
jejunum jejun(o)
ileum ile(o)
large intestine col(o), colon(o)
rectum rect(o)
anus an(o)
gallbladder cholecyst(o)
common bile duct choledoch(o)
liver hepat(o)
pancreas pancerat(o)
salivary glands sialaden(o)
bucc(o) cheek
cheil(o) lip
dent(i),dent(o),odont(o) teeth
gingiv(o) gums
gloss(o), lingu(o) tongue
palat(o) palate
mandibul(o) mandible
maxill(o) maxilla
pharyng(o) pharynx
sial(o) saliva, salivary glands
pylor(o) pylorus
vag(o) vagus nerve
cec(o) cecum
append(o), appendic(o) appendix
proct(o) anus, rectum
sigmoid(o) sigmoid colon
diverticul(o) diverticula
cholangiography bile ducts
cholecystography gallbladder
duodenscopy duodenum
esophagram esophagus
gastroscope stomach
pancreatography pancreas
pyloroscopy lower region of the stomach
salivary ducts sialography
splitting of the lips and angles or the mouth cheilosis
dyspepsia indigestion
esophageal achalasia esophageal sphincter fails to relax properly
esophageal atresia esophagus ends in a blind pouch or narrows
inflammation of the stomach gastritis
inflammation of the gums gingivitis
vomiting blood hematecmesis
precancerous change in a mucous membrane leukoplakia
excessive hunger polyphagia
excessive thirst polydipsia
a prulent inflammation of tissue around teeth pyorrhea
sialadenitis inflammation of the salivary gland
stomatodynia painful mouth
stomatomycosis fungal condition of the mouth
ascites accumulation of abdominal fluid
cholangitis inflammation of a bile duct
cholecystitis inflammation of the gallbladder
choledochitis inflammation of the common bile duct
choledocholithiasis calculus in the common bile duct
cholestasis stoppage or suppression of bile flow
cirrhosis chronic degeneration of the liver cells
hepatoma tumor of the liver
jaundice yellow discoloration of the sking and increased bilirubin
cheilorrhaphy suture of the lip
cholecystectomy excision of the gallbladder
colostomy formation of an artificial anus on the abdominal wall
esophagogastroplasty surgical repair of the esphagus and stomach
gastroectomy removal of part or all of the stomach
gastric bypass type of gastroplasty
gastropexy suture of the stomach to the abdominal wall
lipectomy excision of subcutaneous fat
ALT alanine transferase
ALP alkaline phosphatase (liver function test)
BM bowel movement
BMI body mass index
DM diabetes mellitus
EGD esophagogastroduodenscopy
ESWL extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy
GB gallbladder
GERD gastroesophageal refulx disease
GI gastrointestinal
HAV hepatitis A virus
HBV hepatitis B virus
HCV hepatitis C virus
HDV hepatitis D virus
HEV hepatitis E virus
HSV herpes simplex virus
IBD inflammatory bowel disease
IBS irritable bowel syndrome
IC irriable colon
lap laparotomy
LFT liver function test
NG tube nasogastric tube
RDA recommended dieatry allowance
SGOT serum glutamic-oxalocetic transaminase (enzyme test of heart and liver function)
SGPT serum glutamic-pyruvic transaminase (enzyme test of liver function, now called ALT)
TPN total parenteral nutrition
UGI upper gastrointestinal (or upper GI) series
passing nutrient molecules into blood or lymph absorption
digestion mechanically and chemically breaking down food
elimination removing waste
ingestion eating food
caries decay
fissure cleft or craklike lesion
fistula abnormal passage
hernia protrusion of an organ through the wall of a cavity
malocclusion improper bite
ulcer open sore or lesion
absence of thirst adipsia
any disease of the stomach gastropathy
enzyme that breaks down starch amylase
excessive voimiting hyperemesis
excision of the gallbladder cholecystectomy
incision of the vagus nerve vagotomy
inflammation of the stomach gastritis
pertaining to the throat pharyngeal
poor digestion dyspepsia
visual inspection of the duodenum duodenoscopy
achalasia pathology
antiemetics therapy
cholecystogram diganostic test or procedure
choledochal anatomy
diverticulosis pathology
esophagogram diagnostic test or procedure
esphagoduodenostomy surgery
gingivoglossitis pathology
jaundice pathology
sialolithiasis pathology
Created by: LSerreia
Popular Medical sets




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