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Hackers 20day

Hackers Vocab.20

accurate precise, true, correct" 정확한
advisor consultant 고문
antagonize counteract 대항하다
appall frighten, horrify, shock" 오싹하게 하다
assure convince, persuade, satisfy" 확신시키다
bargain contract, deal, negotiate" 거래하다
brave courageous, gallant, dauntless" 대담한
crucial important, acute, deciding, decisive, critical" 결정적인
carry convey, transport, transfer" 나르다
complain grumble 불평하다
correspond conform, accord, match" 일치하다
daring bold, courageous, brave" 용감한
devise contrive, invent, design" 고안하다
duplicate copy, imitate" 복사하다
escort convoy, guard, guide" 호위하다
expense cost, charge, price" 지출
expensive costly, dear, high-priced" 값비싼
face countenance, features" 얼굴
flash flame, flare, glare" 번쩍이다
include contain, comprise" 포함하다
infectious contagious, communicable" 전염성의
innumerable countless, numberless, numerous" 무수한
invariable constant, consistent, unchanging" 불변의
meditate ponder, think deeply, contemplate" 숙고하다
observance conformance, conformity, obedience" 준수, 일치"
opposite contrary, reverse, converse" 반대편의
organize construct, form, constitute" 조직하다
outline summary, contour, silhouette" 윤곽
parallel corresponding, comparable, analogous" ~와 유사한
polite courteous, civil, genteel" 예의 바른
preeminent conspicuous, noticeable, outstanding" 탁월한
regulate control, adjust, arrange" 조절하다
respectful courteous, polite, well-mannered" 공손한
scorn disdain, mock, scoff" 경멸하다
shrink shrivel, diminish, decrease" 줄어들다
solid firm, hard, strong" 단단한
steadily constantly 꾸준히
struggle contend, contest, strive" 싸우다
twist contort, distort" 비틀어 돌리다
voyage cruise, sailing" 항해
wrap cover, envelop, muffle" 감싸다
Created by: msyang98
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