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Hackers 11day

Hackers Vocab.11

attribute quality, character" 속성
bravery boldness, courage, daring" 용기
captivity bondage, confinement"
clasp grasp, grip, clutch" 잡다
cohesion bond, adhesion, adherence"
coincide exist at the same time, happen at the same time" 동시에 일어나다
coincide agree, concur" 의견이 일치하다
condemn blame, censure, reprobate" 비난하다
considerable significant, substantial" 중요한
considerable big, sizable, large" 상당한
corpse body 시체
crop harvest, yield" 수확
defect blemish, flaw, fault, shortcoming" 결점
defection betrayal, apostasy" 배반
deplore grieve, lament, mourn" 슬퍼하다
deprive strip 박탈하다
dull boring, tedious, uninteresting 지루한
flame blaze, fire" 불꽃
flock group, multitude, bevy" 무리
generous bountiful, unselfish, charitable" 관대한
grant bestow, confer, award" 주다
heroic brave, courageous, gallant"
intermediate between extremes, middle, halfway" 중간의
intolerant impatient, bigoted, prejudiced, biased" 옹졸한
kind benign, humane, compassionate" 친절한
limit bound, boundary"
margin border, edge, rim" 가장자리
mischief harm, injury, damage" 해악
mix blend, mingle, compound" 혼합하다
moreover in addition, besides, furthermore" 게다가
necessary essential, indispensable, vital" 필수적인
obstruct block, bar, hinder" 막다
paralyze benumb 마비시키다
partial biased, prejudiced, unfair" 편파적인
petition supplicate, beg, solicit" 간청하다
prejudice bias, partiality" 편견
premium bonus, gift, reward"
reform amend, improve, ameliorate" 개정하다
rigid stiff, hard, inflexible" 단단한
rigid strict, severe, rigorous" 엄격한
risk hazard, danger, venture" 위험
Created by: msyang98
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