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ACTCM Herbs 2.2

Drain down & dispel wind damp

Wei Ling Xian awesome spiritual immortal Radix Clematidis Chinensis CLEMATIS Root Spicy Salty Warm UB • Dispel Wind Damp / Unblocks Channels / Alleviates Pain → Best at promoting circulation. Regulate qi & disperses distention / accumulation in middle jiao - qi stag with pain / cramping in digestive tract. Softens / Transforms Fish Bone - literally fish 1-3 qian
Hai Tong Pi Coral Bean Back Cortex Erythriniae ERYTHRINA BARK Spicy Bitter Neutral LV, SP, K • Dispel Wind Damp / Unblocks Channels & Collaterals → Lower back & knees. Especially when damp is most predominant factor. Can be used to heat or cool conditions. Promotes Urination / Reduces Edema → Diuretic gout. Esp lower estremtiies. Treats Itchin 1-5 qian, even more for extreme edema
Mu Gua Wood Melon Fructus Chaenomelis Lagenariae CHINESE QUINCE FRUIT Sour Warm LV, SP • Relaxes Sinews (tendons/ligaments) / Unblocks Channels → Joints crick and crack - ligaments dry and tight. Damp Bi w/ cramping, creaking, weak lower back/extremities. One of most effective to moisten & nourish tendons.• Harmonizes Stomach / Transforms 2-5 qian with improvement ~2 months
Can Sha Bombyx mori excrementum SILKWORM FECES Sweet, Spicy Warm LV, SP, ST • Dispels Wind / Eliminates Damp → accumulation of damp. Itchy skin conditions due to rash. Painful obstruction. Harmonizes ST / Transforms Turbid Dampness → good for digestive function, vomiting, diarrhea, cramps 1-3 qian
Sang Ji Sheng Herba Taxillus Mulberry parasite - MISTLETOE Bitter, Sweet Neutral LV, K Tonifies LV & KI / Strengthens Sinews & Bones / Expels Wind-Damp → K/Liv-Yin↓ w/sore back & knees, joint pain, etc. W/or W/out W-D. Strengthen & nourishes tendons, ligaments, bones. Nourishes Blood / Calms Womb . Nourishes Blood / Benefits Skin - dry, fl 2-5 up to 7 qian
Wu Jia Pi Bark with 5 additions? Acanthopanacia Cortex / Eleutherococcus Acanthopanax Root Bark/ Siberian Ginseng Root Bark Spicy Bitter Warm K, LV • Dispels Wind-Damp / strengthens sinews and bones → Kid/Liv ↓ generating weak sinews/bones. Chronic deficient Ki/LIV. Especially good for elderly, children w/ developmental problems, body buiders. Opening clearing joints and tonfiying them. Great as
Hai Feng Teng Sea Wind Vine Caulis Piperis Futokadsurae KADSURA PEPPER STEM Spicy Bitter Sl. Warm LV Dispel Wind Damp / Unblocks Channels & Collaterals → stiff joints, lower back & knees, trauma 2-5 qian
Qian Nian Jian 1000 years of health Homalomenae Rhizoma HOMALOMENA RHIZOME Spicy Bitter Warm K, LV • Dispel Wind Damp / Strengthens Sinews & Bones → Bi, pain, spasms, numbness in sinews or bones, osteoporosis, weak soft bones, traumatic injury. Traditionally esp for elderly / weak. Recononctructive surgery / broken bones - facilitates rebuilding of b 1-3 (up to 5) qian
Qin Jiao Genitianae Macrophyllae Radix LARGE GENTIAN ROOT Spicy, Bitter Sl. Cold ST, LV, GB • Dispel Wind-Damp / Relax Sinews → W-D Bi and cramping, especially extremities. Acute or chronic, hot or cold. Clears Deficient Heat → steaming bone, tidal fever, nt swts Resolves Damp / Reduces Jaundice → esp. acute and infants. Moistens Intestines / 1-3 qian
Sang Zhi Ramulus Mori Albae MULBERRY TWIG Bitter Neutral LV Dispels Wind / Unblocks Channels / Benefits Joints → especially upper extremities - main fcn to open channels / collaterals. Increases circulation of blood. [Wind - disruption in nervous tissue functioning or disruption of blood - vessels not opening p 2/3-10 qian
Xi Xian Cao Herba Siegesbeckiae SIEGESBECKIA Bitter Cold K, LV • Dispel Wind Damp / Unblocks Channels & Collaterals → spasms, numb, extremetities, lower back & knees, esp Hot Bi. Clears Heat / Pacifies LV → ascendant LV yang, headache, dizziness. Clears & Transforms Damp Heat - esp on skin→ sores, rash, itching. Hype 3-5 qian
Luo Shi Teng Caulis Trachelospermi Jasminoidis STAR JASMINE STEM Bitter Sl. Cold LV • Dispel Wind Damp / Unblocks Collaterals → especially hot Bi. Cools Blood / Reduces Swellings → hot painful abscesses, red hot sores, throat obstruction 2/3-5 qian
Bai Hua She Agkistrodon Seu Bungarus AGKISTRODON SNAKE Sweet, Salty Sl. Warm, Toxic LV • Powerfully Unblocks Channels & Extinguishes Wind → stubborn cases. Numbness, tingling, loss of sensation in joints/extremities. Dispels Wind from Skin → numbness, rash, phantom sensation, neurodermatitis. Dispels Wind from Sinews / Settles Jitteriness, 1-3 qian
Wu Shao She Zaocys Dhumnades ZAOCYS / BLACK STRIPED SNAKE Sweet, Salty Neutral LV, SP • Powerfully Unblocks Channels & Extinguishes Wind → stubborn cases. Dispels Wind from Skin → numbness, rash. Dispels Wind from Sinews / Settles Jitteriness, Convulsions→ spasms, tremors, seizures, facial paralysis 1-3 qian
She Tui Serpentis Periostracum SNAKE SKIN SLOUGH Sweet, Salty Neutral LV • Dispels Wind / Stops Spasms → tinnia, skin lesions, childhood convulsions, athlete's foot. Removes Superficial Visual Obstructions → disorders of the cornea .5-1 qian
Song Jie Lignum Pini Nodi KNOTTY PINE WOOD Bitter Warm LV • Opens Channels & collaterals / Dispels Wind / Dries Dampness / Stops Pain → used when damp and/or cold predominate especially in joints & extremities. 2-5 qian
Hu Gu Os Tigris TIGER BONE Spicy, Salty K, LV Dispels Wind / Takes Care of Pain / Strengthens Sinews & Bones → wind damp Bi, atrophied/weak lower back & legs, often used when pain is moving.
Da Huang Big Yellow Rhizoma et Radix Rhei RHUBARB Bitter Cold LV, ST, LI, HT 1. Drains Heat / Purges Accumulations → 4 bigs, acute constipation, Qi level heat/ Yang Ming Stage. 2. Drains Fire →liver fire. 3. Drains Damp-Heat and promotes urination. acute dysentery. Also for UTI. *4. Drains Heat from Blood → skin conditio 1-5 qian
Mang Xiao Natrii Sulfas GLAUBER’S SALT / Sodium sulfate Spicy, Salty, Bitter, Very cold ST, LI 1. Purges Accumulations / Guide out Stagnation → heat in ST leading to constipation. drains downward, softens hardnes. 2. Clears Heat / Drains Fire → LU or ST. 3. Clears Heat / Reduces Swelling → abscesses, mastitis 2-6 qian
Fan Xie Ye Purgative leaf of the foreigners Sennae Folium SENNA LEAF Sweet, Bitter, Cold LI 1. Drains Downward / Guide out Stagnation → traditionally used accumulation of heat leading to constipation. Now used for acute & chronic problems. By itself or with other herbs. Can be drunk as tea. Extremely effective w/ post-partum constipation .5-1 qian by itself as tea. 1-2.5 in decoction.
Lu Hui Herba Aloes ALOE Bitter Cold LI, LV, ST 1. Drains Fire / Guides out Accumulation → consstipation - heat in ST, LI. 2. Clears Heat / Cools Liver → liver fire. 3. Strengthens ST / Kills parasites 4. Treats burns, especially sunburns. 1-2 qian, doesn’t need to be cooked. Powder in warm water.
Huo Ma Ren Fire hemp seed Cannabis semen CANNABIS SEEDS Sweet Neutral LI, SP, ST 1. Nourish & Moisten Intestines → favorite for dry constipation. 2. Nourish the Yin . 3. Clears Heat & Promotes Healing of Sores 2-3 up to 5 qian
Yu Li Ren Pruni Semen] BUSH CHERRY PIT Spicy, Salty Bitter Neutral SP, LI, SI 1. Moistens Intestines / Unblocks Bowels → dry constipation from Intestine Qi stagnation, qi/peristalsis stimulating. 2. Promotes Urination / Reduces Edema → edema in legs, difficult urination, constipation. Mild diuretic. 1-3/4 qian
Created by: LAC2b
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