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El Consumo


el consumo economy
los oficinistas office works
abogado lawyer
agenet de viajes travel agent
consejero counselor
diplomatico diplomat
negocidor negociator
pediara pediatrican
periodista journalist
profesor professor
recepcionista recepitionist
secretario secretary
traductor translator
los trabajadores workers
camarero waiter
carpintero carpenter
electricista electrican
jardinero graderner
molinero miller/grinder
plomero plumber
los fincancieros fiacancers
ACCIONISTA accountant
agente de bien raices good agente
agente de seguros insurance agente
director director
productor producer
los patrones leaders
direccion administriva directive adminstration
gerente manager
jefe chief
vice presidente vice president
presidente president
la riqueza wealth
acomodado accounting
caro expensive
enriquecedor enriching
ostentoso boastful
rico rich
sindicatos union
desempleo unemployment
empleado employment
empleo employed
estar en huelga strike
jornada working day
produccion production
rango standing/rank
sueldo wage/salary
empresas company
compania compancompany
contratos contracts
fabricacion fabrication
fabrica factory
ofinca office
personal personal
presupuesto budget
producto product
recurso appeal/resoucre
sucursal branch
taller workshop
las finanzas fiances
acciones actions
ascender to promote
banco bank
bolsa bag
capital money
cambio change
cliente client
cobrar to charge/earn
comprar to but
contratar to contract
invertir to invest
dinero money
ganar to win
gastar to spend/waste
hipoteca mortage
impuesto tax
negocios negoions
precio price
propiedad ownership
realizar una ganancia realize profit
rentabilizar to make profitable
inversiones inversions
suerte luck
ganancia profit
salud health
amor love
riqueza wealth
celo keeness
entreamiento training
promotion pereza
idleness retraso delay
despido fired
talento talent
esfuerzo effoert
exito success
esperanza hope
labor labor
ensueno drea
amparo protecion
aviso warning
bienstar well being
estar a cargo de to be in charge
escaso linited/demand
comisario commisssioner
contactos contacts
cuenta count/sum
diseno design
dotado gifted
economico economy
empenar to get in debt
encargado in charge of
especialista specialist
gallardo brave
holganza idleness
indemnizacoin compensation
jefatura headquaters
medida measurement
mercer to deserve
perspicaz perrceptive
presentir to forsee
profesion profession
recomendacion recommedaion
rotulo sign/title
servicio social human resource/social service
superar to overtake
tenaz tenacioius/stubborn
terco stubborn
Created by: smcurrey528
Popular Spanish sets




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