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Child Health & Oncology

child's growth measurement parms weight,head circumference,length/height and dentition(eruption of teeth).
development stages of-newborn b.-1mo,infant 1mo-1yr,toddler 1-3yr,pre-sch 3-6yr,sch 6-12yr,adolescents 12-18 or 21 yrs.
active acquired immunity long-term immun. from antibodies that dev naturally after infection or vaccine.
passive acquired immunity from antibodies transmitted thru placenta,colostrum, injection of antiserum.
varicella-zoster virus infectious agent is member of the Herpesvirus group. spread throught direct contact, incubation period is from 10-21 days. communicable from up to 5 days before skin erupts. immunization for chicken pox is varicella vaccine.
5th disease viral disease characterized by a face that appears as "slapped cheeks", a fiery red rash on the cheeks. in 1-4 days after facial rash, a maculopapular rash appears on trunk and extremities. disease lsts from 2-5 days, but rash may occur.infectious agent i
asthma paroxysmal dyspnea, severe attack of diff.breathing. wheezing caused by bronchialtube spasm or mucous mem swelling. is reversible.
rubella German,3day measles-mild febrile infectious disease resembling scarlet fever and measles, but differs in short course. characterized by a rash of macules and papules that disappears in three days. Koplik's spots and photophobia are NOT present. infectious
rubeola Red,7day measles-begins as upper-resp.w/fever,sorethroat,cough,runnynose, sensitivity to lite, red blotchy rash 4-5 days after onset. Koplik's spots in the mouth- measles virus is infectious agent, direct contact infect/person.incub 10-20days.MMR v
HDN hemolytic disease of the newborn
RDS respiratory distress syndrome,hyaline membrane disease
spina bifida occulta congen defect-central nerv sys.back portion of on+vertabrae is not closed usually 5th lumbar.
Tay-Sachs a gengenital disorder from an altered lipid metabolism from enzyme deficiency. phy and mental retardation.symp begin about 6mo.
umbilical hernia protrusion of the intestine thru weakness in ab wall around the belly button.
croup barking cough,stridor,laryngeal spasm.
cryptorchidism undescended testicle, surgery may be necessary.(orchiopexy)
scarlet fever scarlatina,acute,contagious-sore throat,hifever,increased pulse,strawberry tongue+punctiform(pointlike)red rash on body.streptococci,inc-2-4days,onset+10days contagious.
cleft lip/palate congen defect-open space between nasal cav and lip, did not fuse in embryologic dev. cleft palate is failure of hard palate to fuse.
Reye's syndrome severe edema of brain with intracranial pressure,hypoglycemia,fatyy dysfunct of liver. viral illness + aspirin is potential. 5 diff symptoms.
omphalocele hernia congen. herniation of intra-abdom viscera thru a defect in the abdo wall around the navel(umbilicus)
2 most common cancers breast,prostate
de-differentiation anaplasia, change in structure and orientation of cells, loss of specialization and reversion to a more primitive form.
anaplasia de-differentiation
malignant tending to become worse and cause death.
metastasis process-tumor cells spread to distant parts of body.
antineoplastic of or pertaining to substance,procedure or measure that prevents the proliferation of malignant cells.
pedunculated pertaining to a structure with a stalk.
sessile attached by a base rather than a stalk or a peduncle.
oncology study of cancer
metastatic intracranial tumors occuring as a result of metastasis from a primary site such as the lung or breast.
primary intracranial tumor arise from gliomas (malignant glial cells that are a support for nerve tissues) or from the meninges
benign noncancerous, non life-threatening
ductal carcinoma most common type of breast cancer,
wilms tumor malignant tumor of the kidney -usually in childhood.
kaposi's sarcoma rare malignant lesions begin as soft purple-brown nodules or plaques on the feet-gradually spreak thruout the skin.
warning signs of cancer - acronym CAUTION-change in bowel or bladder habits,a sore that does not heal,unusual bleeding or discharge,thickening or lump in breast or ?,indigestion or difficulty in swallow,obvious change in wart/mole,nagging cough or hoarse
staging of neoplasms T(0-4)tumor size(primary),N(0-3)degree of regional lymph node involvement,M(0-3)presence or absence of distant metastases.
grading of neoplasms 1-well differientiated cells function most like the parent tissue, 4-least differentiated,most rapidly increasing in number.
carcinomas largest group of neoplasms. originate from epithelial tissue(covers internal and external body surfaces) ex.-gastric adenocarcinoma
sarcomas less common. originate from supportive and connective tissue such as bone,fat,muscle, and cartilage. osteosarcoma
benign characteristics usually encapsulated,well differentiated,well-defined borders,slow-growing/limited to 1 area,possible growth displacement, but not invasion to adjacent tissue
chemotherapy use of chemical agents to destroy cancer cells on a selective basis.
radiation RTx emission of energy, rays, or waves
surgery used in more than 90%of cancers, used in diagnosing and staging. in more than 60% of all cancers, primary treatment
cephalocaudal Growth and development proceeds from head to toe
proximodistal – Growth and development proceeds from center outward or from midline to periphery
development principles gen to specific,simple to complex,growthspurts
Impetigo Contagious superficial skin infection characterized by serous vesicles and pustules filled with millions of staphylococcus or streptococcus bacteria, usually forming on the face,Progresses to pruritic erosions and crusts with a honey-colored appearance
Mumps Infectious Parotitis, viral, fever,swelling/tender of salivary glands,MMR vaccine
Pertussis Whooping Cough,upper resp infect disease, violent cough whoop, DPT vaccine
Roseola infantum viral disease,hi fever 3-4 days w/ cold like symptoms. after fever rash on trunk.herpes 6
lumbar puncture obtain spinal fluid by hollow needle and stylet into space of lumbar portion of the spinal canal
microcephalus congenital anomaly w/smallness of the head in relation to the rest of the body-underdevelopment of the brain,retardation
neonatology study of newborns
nomogram graphic respresentation of a numeric relationship
omphalitis inflammation of the navel
omphalocele herniation of intra-abdom viscera thru a defect in abdom wall around the navel
omphalorrhea drainage from the navel
primary teeth baby teeth, deciduous teeth
prodromal early signs/symptoms of a disease
pyrexia fever
recumbent lying down
retraction displacement of tissues to expose part or structure of body
stridor abnormal, high-pitched musical sound
toxoid toxin that has been treated w/chemicals or heat to decrease its toxic effect,but is able to produce antibodies
tympanic temperature temperature taken at the tympanic membrane(ear)
vertex top of the head, crown.
wheezing a breath sound, with high pitched musical quality.
blast/o embryonic stage of development
cephal/o head
crypt/o hidden
epi upon,over
esophag/o esophagus
hydr/o water
hypo under,below,less than normal
nat/o birth
neo new
omphal navel
pyr/o fire
rose/o rose colored
tetr/a four
tympan/o eardrum
diphtheria infect.disease affecting nose,pharynx,or larynx, sore throat,dysphonia and fever. forms white coating over affected airways as it multiplies. DPT vaccine.
epispadias urethra opens on the upper side of the penis, near the glans.
Hemolytic disease of the Newborn HDN,erythroblastosis fetalis, Rh factor, antigen,antibody reaction.
esophageal atresia EA, esophagus abnormality-it ends before it reaches the stomach .
gigantism overgrowth of the body due to hypersecretion of the human grownth hormone before puberty.
hydrocele accumulation of fluid in any saclike cavity or duct
hydrocephalus abnormal increase of CSF,cerebrospinal fluid, causing ventricles of brain to dilate;increased head circum.
hypospadias urethra opens on underside of penis
intussusception telescoping of a portion of proximal intestine into distal intestine causing obstruction.
patent ductus arteriosus abnormal opening between pulm.artery and aorta (from birth)
phimosis tightness of foreskin of penis
Shaken Baby Syndrome SBS
heel puncture to obtain blood sample from newborn
AAP American Academy of Pediatrics
ASQ Ages & Stages Questionnaire
BCG bacille Calmette-Guerin
DPT diphtheria,pertussis, and tetanus vaccine
DS Down syndrome
DA esophageal atresia
HDN hemolytic disease of the newborn
HIB Haemophilus influenzae type B vaccine
HMD hyaline membrane disease
MMR measles-mumps-rubella
PKU phenylketonuria
PNP pediatrics nurse practitioner
RDS respiratory distress syndrome
SBS shaken baby syndrome
SIDS sudden infant death syndrome
Tb tuberculosis
Td tentanus and diphtheria toxoid
adjuvant substance, especially a drug, added to a prescription ot assist in the action of the main ingredient.
antimetabolite a class of antineoplastic drugs used to treat cancer.
scirrhous pertaining to a carcinoma w/a hard structure
radiotherapy treatment of disease using X-rays or gamma rays
protocol written plan of steps to be taken
papilloma a benign epithelial neoplasm characterized by a branching or lobular tumor.
oncogene a gene in a virus that has the ability to cause a malignant tumor
oncogenesis formation of a tumor
modality method of application
mitosis cell division -formation of 2 genetically identical daughter cells
lumpectomy removal of tumor and adjacent breast tissue
neoplasm abnormal growth of new tissue, benign or malignant
morbidity illness or abnormal condition or quality
radiocurable tumor,radioresistant tumor,radioresponsive tumor reacts favorably or not to radiation
staging distinct phases or periods in the course of a disease.
stem cell a formative cell; a cell whose dauther cells may give rise to other cell types.
tumor new growth of tissue w/progressive, uncontrolled proliferation of cells.
verrucous rough,warty
ana without
-blast embryonic stage of development
carcin/0 cancer
chem/o pertaining to a chemical
cry/o cold
cyst/o bladder,sac,or cyst
epi on,upon
fibr/o pertaining to fiber
meta beyond or after
-oma tumor
onc/o swelling, mass or tumor
papill/o resembling a nipple
-plasia formation or growth
-plasm living substance
radi/o radiation;also refers to radius
sarc/o of or related to the flesh
scirrh/o hard
malignant tumor characteristics not encapsulated,irregular in shape and pattern of growth,no resemblance to cell of origin,no well-defined borders,growth into adjacent cells,can metastasize to distant sites thru blood or lymph systems,rapid growth thru rapid cell division/multiplication
PSA prostate specific antigen
basal cell carcinoma most common malignant tumor of epithelial tissue
squamous cell carcinoma malignancy of squamous cells of epithelial tissue, much faster growing than basal cell.
intracranial tumors occur in any region of the brain. classified as metastatic or primary, may be benign or malignant
Bx,bx biopsy
Ca Cancer
CEA carcinoembryonic antigen
DES diethylstilbestrol
DNA deoxyribonucleic acid
mets metastasis
NHL non-Hodgkin's lymphoma
Papsmear a simple smear method of examining stained exfoliative cells
PSA prostate-specific antigen
RNA ribonucleic acid
RTx radiation therapy
TNM tumor,nodes, and metastasis(staging system for malignant neoplastic disease)
Created by: kcannon
Popular Medical sets




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