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Ch. 3 Quiz


system of gov't. where the local /regional gov'ts. derive all authority from a strong national gov't. unitary system
system of gov't. where the national gov't. and state gov'ts. derive all authority from the people federal system
powers expressed explicitly in the Constitution enumerated powers
example of enumerated power Powers of Congress (i.e. declare war)
gives Congress the authority to pass all laws "necessary and proper" to carry out the enumerated powers specified in the Constitution necessary and proper clause (I:8:18)
What is the limit to the necessary and proper clause? It must tie somehow to an enumerated power
national law is supersedes all other laws passed by any other subdivision of gov't. supremacy clause (Article VI)
powers not delegated to the federal gov't are reserved to the states 10th Amendment
What did the 10th Amendment give to the states? Reserved Powers
example of reserved powers education, custody laws
powers shared by the national & state gov'ts. concurrent powers
example of concurrent powers power to tax, court & criminal justice systems
powers prohibited to the state gov't., federal gov't., or both denied powers
example of denied powers to states cannot coin money or declare war
example of denied powers to federal gov't. no export tax, cannot violate Bill of Rights
example of denied powers to both state and federal gov't. grant title of nobility
ensures judicial decrees & contracts made in one state will be binding and enforceable in any other state Full Faith & Credit Clause (Article IV)
former Chief Justice who greatly enforced his Federalist views John Marshall
He presided over Marbury v. Madison, McCulloch vs. Maryland, Gibbons v. Ogden John Marshall
1st major Supreme Court decision under Marshall to define the relationship b/w national and state gov'ts. McCulloch v. Maryland
Supreme Court case that denied states the right to tax the bank McCulloch v. Maryland
Supreme Court case whose ruling stated that Congress is in charge of interstate commerce Gibbons v. Ogden
the belief that having separate & equally powerful levels of gov't. is the best arrangement dual federalism
amendment that freed slaves 13th Amendment
amendment that gives all US citizens equal protection under law 14th Amendment
amendment that gives equal right to vote 15th Amendment
income tax amendment 16th Amendment
direct election of senators; state legislatures no longer chose 17th Amendment
Supreme Court case that ruled that Congress lacked the authority to ban slavery in new territories. Dred Scott v. Sandford
What caused Dred Scott v. Sandford? Dred Scott sued for his freedom after his owner took him to a free state
Supreme Court decision that decided "separate but equal" was constitutional Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)
the relationship b/w the national & state gov'ts. that began w/ the New Deal cooperative federalism
grant for which Congress appropriates funds for a specific purpose categorical grant
grant given from federal gov't. to state/local gov't. for some sort of public project like highways grants-in-aid
federal/state relationship proposed by Reagan during '80s New Federalism
Significance of New Federalism return of power to the states
broad grant from fed. gov't to state gov't. for education or health services; few strings attached block grant
efforts made w/ Contract with America to scale back federal gov't. in regard to the states devolution
campaign document proposed by Newt Gingrich signed by Rep. candidates in House of Reps.; allowed them to win back House. Contract with America
nat'l. laws that direct state/local gov'ts. to comply w/ federal rules & regulations but contain no federal funding to pay the cost of meeting these requirements unfunded mandates
What's special about unfunded mandates? They contain contain no federal funding to pay the cost of meeting these requirements.
concept that allows nat'l. gov't . to override state/local actions in certain areas preemption
Where is the concept of preemption derived from? from the Supremacy Clause
Supreme Court case that decided only states have the authority to regulate guns w/in 1000 ft of a public school U.S. v. Lopez
Supreme Court case that ruled several state abortion restrictions contitutional Webster v. Reproductive Health Services
Supreme Court case that w/ Webster ruled state abortion restrictions constitutional Planned Parenthood v. Casey
Supreme Court case that halted Florida's vote recount due to it being unlawful Bush v. Gore (2000)
Supreme Court Justice who presided over Dred Scott decision Taney
creates nationwide educational priorities but requires states to pay $ for standardized testing; shows interrelated relationship No Child Left Behind Act
Created by: OnChromebook
Popular American Government sets




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