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NYS Regents a-c

NYS Regents vocab a-c

a menudo often
a veces sometimes
abierto open
abuelo grandpa
aburrida boring
actual current
agradable pleasant
ahorrar to save
alcance reach
alegria happiness
aleman German
alli there
almuerzo lunch
alquilar to rent
altura height
alumno student
amanecer sunrise
ambiente environment
antes before
anadir to add
ano year
aprender to learn
aqui here
arana spider
atraer to attract
autopista highway
autor author
aventura adventure
avion airplane
ayudar to help
bahia bay
baratos cheap
barco ship
batalla battle
bautismo baptism
belleza beauty
bisabuelo great grandpa
boleto ticket
botella bottle
brazo arm
broma joke
bucear to scuba dive
caballeros gentlemen, cowboys
caballo horse
cabeza head
cada each
cadena chain, TV channel
calidad quality
calificar to grade
calle street
cama bed
camarero waiter
cambiar to change
camino road, path
cancion song
cansado tired
cantante singer
cantidad quantity
cara face
carrera race, career
casi almost
cazar to hunt
celebre celebrity
cena dinner
ceniza ash
cerca close, near
cerrado closed
cesar to cease
cesto basket
ciclismo cycling
cielo sky
cine movie theater
ciudad city
cocina kitchen
colegio high school
comedor dining room
comenzar to begin
comida food, meal
comodo comfortable
compania company
comprar to buy
con with
concurso contest
conocimientos knowledge
conquista conquest
consejo advice
construir to build
contribuir to contribute
corazon heart
cortar to cut
cosa thing
costarricense Costa Rican
costumbres traditions
crear to create
crecer to grow
creer to believee
cuadro painting
cualidad quality
Cuaresma Lent
cuero leather
cuesta it costs
Created by: cshampoe
Popular Spanish sets




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