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Japanese History

Review for quiz on Japanese history

Japanese religion which worships forces of nature and ancestors Shinto
Symbolize the gods Izanami and Izanagi, the kami who founded Japan Wedded Rocks
Separates the sacred from the every day world in Japan Torii Gate
Divine Spirits which the Japanese believe inhabit the forces of nature Kami
Japanese sun goddess Amaterasu
Japan's first human emperor @ 660 BCE Jimmu
Flower which is the crest for the Japanese imperial (royal) family Chrysanthemum
Political system where power is shared Feudalism
Military and political ruler of feudal Japan. Title means great "barbarian subduing general" Shogun
Land owning nobility in feudal Japan Daimyo
Members of Japan's warrior class during the feudal period Samurai
Code of behavior followed by samurai warrior. It's name means "way of the warrior" Bushido
Referred to as the "soul of the samurai" Two swords - daisho
Long sword (24+ inches) carried by samurai warriors Katana
Short sword (12-24 inches) carried by samurai warriors Wakizashi
Ritual suicide committed by many samurai Seppuku
Japan's name for itself Nippon meaning land of the rising sun
St. Francis Xavier missionary who introduced Christianity to Japan
Matthew Perry American naval officer who opened Japan to the USA for trade and diplomatic relations in the 1850's
Gunboat Diplomacy term used to describe method used by Matthew Perry to open Japan - implied threats
Black ships name Japanese gave to Perry's ships because of the black smoke from steam engines
Meiji Restoration 1868-1912 period when the emperor was restored to power and Japan began to modernize and westernize
Imperialism the use of force to take over weaker nations
Russo-Japanese War 1904-1905 war between Russia and Japan for control of Korea
Treaty of Portsmouth ended Russo Japanese War
Sakhalin Island split between Russia and Japan after the Russo-Japanese War
Tripartite Pact agreement among the axis powers - Japan, Germany, and Italy
Hideki Tojo Japan's prime minister who decided on the attack of Pearl Harbor
Isoruku Yamamoto Admiral who planned the Pearl Harbor attack
December 7, 1941 date of the attack on Pearl Harbor
USS Arizona American warship sunk at Pearl Harbor by the Japanese
Admiral Kimmel officer in charge of the base at Pearl Harbor who was relieved of his command shortly after the attack
Franklin Roosevelt US President at the time of the Pearl Harbor attack; he asked Congress for a declaration of war against Japan
Hirohito emperor of Japan during WWII
Battle of the Coral Sea Naval battle in May 1942 where the US stopped Japan's movement towards Australia
Battle of Midway decisive US naval victory in June 1942; US success was due in part to cracking the Japanese code
Battle of Iwo Jima major battle of WWII; first battle fought on Japanese soil
Operation Downfall US plan to invade the main Japanese islands planned for the fall of 1945 and spring of 1946
Manhattan Project project to develop the atomic bomb
J. Robert Oppenheimer scientist in charge of the Manhattan Project
Enola Gay plane which dropped the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima
General Douglas MacArthur US general in charge of the post-WWII occupation of Japan
Created by: dfred
Popular Geography sets




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