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ENG Vocabulary 2016

metaphor Comparing two things not using like or as.
stanza A group of lines in a poem.
rhyme scheme A pattern of rhyming at the end words of a poem.
syllable Different sound parts of a word
hyperbole Exaggerated phrase to make a point.
alliteration A repeating sound within a text.
idiom A group of words or phrases that are made to make a point.
onomatopoeia A word used to represent a sound
simile Comparing one thing with another thing of a different kind. Describing or, comparing using like or as.
symbolism The practice of representing things by symbols, or of investing things with a symbolic meaning or character
personification Words that give things human like qualities to something non human.
theme The message that the author or writer wants you to take.
moral A lesson, especially one concerning what is right or wrong that can be derive from a story, a piece of information, or an experience. A story or lesson with the principles of right and wrong behavior and the goodness or badness of human character.
plot The organized pattern or sequence of events that make up a story.
point of view Look at something from another's perspective. The way the author allows you to “see” and “hear” what’s going on.
setting The place or type of surroundings where an event takes place
irony A figure of speech in which words are used in such a way that their intended meaning is different from the actual meaning of the word.
subjective An opinion based answer. Something based on or influenced by personal feelings, tastes, or opinions
objective A one answer fact. Something that represents facts.
lesson Something that is learned or through..
thesis The sentence that states the main idea of a writing assignment and helps control the ideas within the paper.
assertion (claim) A confident and forceful statement of fact or belief. Someone who makes a statement investing a strong belief.
topic sentence A sentence that expresses the main idea of the paragraph in which it occurs.
evidence Facts or information indicating whether a belief is true or valid
inference An educated guess. -Making a guess.
conclusion The end of an event or process. A judgment or decision reached by reasoning. An end point summarizing the main argument of your paper..
transition sentence Words or phrases that carry one sentence to another. A process of linking a words of phrase to another.
fiction Something that is made up. A piece of literature that is made up or fake
non-fiction Something that is real or fact. A piece of literature that is based on real events or facts.
insinuation Giving a hint about something. An unpleasant hint or suggestion of something that is bad.
Created by: studymacc123
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