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14 and 15 test

anat and term

macular deneration is characterized by a loss of peripheral vision false
recurrent episodes of ottis media may cause scarring of the tempanic membrane resulting in hearing loss true
the external ear conducts sound waves through air. The middle ear bone and inner ear conduct sound through fluid true
the center of the optic disk is the blond spot true
eustachian tube connects the pharynx with the middle ear true
the cornes is the transparent anterior part of the eye true
the conjunctiva is a membrane theat lines the inner eyelid and covers the cornea true
exotropia is a condition which the eye turn outward causing to squint true
multiple sclerosis is most commonly associated with the elderly false
a vagotomy is a surgical procedure associated with the treatment of peptic ulcers true
spontaneous recover from bell Palsy can be expected in 3- 5 weeks true
intracranial pressure commonly causes papilledema true
demyelinations throughout the brain and spinal cord are characteristics of MS true
dendrites are branching cytoplasmic projections of neurons that recieve impluses and transmit them to the body true
ambly/o dull, dim
opthalm/o eye
presby/o old age
cycl/o ciliary of eye
myring/o tympanic
phot/o light
blephar/o eyelid
core/o pupil
vitr/o vitreous body of eye
staped/o stapes
aur/o ear
kinesi/o movement
marc/o stupor
ton/o tension
thec/o sheath
lept/o thin
encephsl/o brain
eso/o inward
-opia vision
neuroglia class of cells in the nervous system
TIA stroke symtoms that resolves within 24 hrs
corpus callosum band of nerve tissue that connects the two halves of the brain
microglia small cells of the nervous system that are not nerves
cochlea small structure of the inner ear that mediates the sense of hearing
refraction bending of a wave
accmmodation change in eye's lens
cerumen earwax
canthus inner angle of eye
diopter unti measure of retracting power lenses
amblyopia visual impairment
asthenia weakness
epilepsy seizure disorder
esthesia feeling
bradykinesia decreased speed
lethargy state of dullness
syncope fainting
dementia cognitive deficit
aphasia imability of speak
cerebrovascular accident sudden loss of circulation in the brain
adnexa parts near to an organ of structure
vertigo sensation that someone's world is spinning
tinnitus ringing in the ears
otosclerosis hardening of bone
blepharitis inflamation of eyelid
achromatopsia color blindness
nyctalopia reduced ablity to see in dim light
glaucoma incresed pressure causes damage
astigmatism cornea resulting in blurred vision
leptomeninges 2 of the 3 membranes layers that cover brain and spinal cord
herpes zoster painful: acute infectious diseas or shingles
status epilepticus continuing attacks of epilepsy
plaques small lesion
anterior root of spinal cord motor fibers
afferent nerves carry impulses to the muscles the glands
somatic nervous system innervates the skeleton muscel
structure if brain cerebellum:cerebrum: brainstem: and diencephalon
fight or flight situations symapthetic functions
function of neuroglia support- connect- protect- and remove debris from the nervous system
fuction of cerebellum movement- balance and equilibruim
central nervous system brain and spinal
optic nerve and blood vessel optic disk
covering around brain and spinal cord meninges
thalamus recieves the olfactory
not considered as a neurotube defect fetal encephalitis
Created by: 510505083
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