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Med Voc Ch 7

hem(a), hem(o), hemat(o), -emia blood
hidr(o) sweat, perspiration
hydr(o) water
muc(o) mucus
py(o) pus
sial(o) saliva; salivary glands
ur(o) urine; urinary tract
cellul(o) little cell or compartment
chrom(o) color
cyt(o), -cyte cell
hemoglobin(o) hemoglobin
kary(o), nucle(o) nucleus
morph(o) shape; form
necr(o) death
norm(o) normal
phil(o) attraction
poikil(o) irregular
spher(o) round
calc(i) calcium
kal(i) potassium
natr(o) sodium
coagul(o) coagulation
fibrin(o) fibrin
thromb(o) thrombus; clot
aer(o) air or gas
angi(o), vascul(o) vessel
home(o) sameness; constant
is(o) equal
lith(o) stone; calculus
-ant that which causes
-ate to cause an action or the result of an action
-cidal killing
-poiesis production
-poietin that which cause production
iatr(o) physical treatment
idi(o) inidividual
immun(o) immunity
nos(o), path(o) disease
seps(o), sept(i), sept(o) infection
bacter(i), bacteri(o) bacteria
fung(i), myc(o) fungus
staphyl(o) grapelike cluster; uvula
strept(o) twisted
vir(o), virus(o) virus
aut(o) self
immun(o) immune
-phylaxis protection
ABO blood groups
ADL activities of daily living
AHF antihemophilic factor
AIDS acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
ALL acute lymphoblastic leukemia
AML acute myelogenous leukemia
CBC complete blood cell count
CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
CMV cytomegalovirus
DIC disseminated inravascular coagulation
diff differential count (WBCs)
DOB date of birth
ELISA enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (commonly used in AIDS diagnosis)
ESR erythrocyte sedimentstion rate
FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency
H&P history and physical
HAV hepatitis A virus
Hb, Hgb hemoglobin
HBV hepatitis B virus
HCT hematocrit
HCV hepatitis C virus
HDN hemolytic disease of the new born
abscess a localized collection of pus buried in tissues, organs, or confined spaces
active immunity immunity developing in repsonse to antigenic stimulus
aerobic designed to increase oxygen consumption by the body
agglutination aggregation of suspended cells into clumps or masses; also the process of union in wound healing
agranulocytosis a conditon involving greatly decreased numbers granulocytes
allergen an antigenic substance capable of producing immediate-type hypersensitivity
allergy a hypersensitive state acquired through exposure to particular allergen or tissues that are of the sam species but antigenically distant
allogeneic, allogenic having cell types that are antigenically distant
allograft a graft of tissue between individuals of the same species but not of the same genotype
amniocentesis perutaneous transabdominal puncture of the amnion for the purpose of removing amniotic fluid
amniotic fluid the liguid or albuminous fluid contained in the amnion
anaerobic thriving best without oxygen
analgesic relieving pain, a medication that relives pain
angina severe pain and constriction about the heart caused by an insufficient supply of blood to the heart itself
anemia a condition in which blood is deficient in the red blood cells, hemoglobin, or both
anisocytosis a condition in which erthtocytes are not equal size
antibotic destructive of life
antibody an immunoglobulin that interects only with the antigen that induceds its synthesis or with an antigen closely related to it
antigen any substance that is capable, under appropriate conditions, of including a specific immune respnes and or reacting with prdoucts of that response
antihistamine a drug that counteracts the action of histamine
antineoplastic drugs inhibiting or preventing the development of neoplasms
antiseptic pertaning to asepsis; a substance that inhibts the growth and development of microogranisms without necessarily killing them
aplastic pertaining to or characterized by aplasia
autoimmune disease one of a large group of diseases characterized by altered function of th immune system
autologous graft the transfer of tissue from one side to another on the same body
autologous tranfusion a procedure in which blood is removed from a donor and stored for a variable period before it is returned to the donor's circulation
bacilli rod-shaped bacteria
bacteremia the presence of bacteria in the blood
bacterial infection infection caused by bacteria
bactericidal capable of killing bacteria
bacteriostatic inhibiting the growth or multiplication of bacteria
basophil granular leukocyte that has cytoplasm that contains coarse bluish-black granules of variable size
biological pertaining to biology or the study of life and living organisms
bioterrorism the use of pathogenic biological agents to cause terror in a population
botulism a type of food posioning caused by a neurotoxin produced by the growth of clostridium botulinum in improperly canned or preserved foods
cardiovascular petaining to the heart and blood vessels
cerebrospinal fluid the fluid that bathes the cerebrum and the spinal cord
chancre the primary sore syphilis; a painles, eroded papuls orccuring at the site of entry of the infection
cholera an acute infectious eneritis, periodically spreading in epidemics
clostridium a genus bacteria, containng obigate anerobic, gram-positive, rod-shaped bacilli
coagulant promoting accerlerating and making possible of coagulation of blood;
coagulate to become clotted or to cause clotting
coagulation formation of a clot
coagulopathy any disorder of blood coagulation
cocci spherical bacteria
complement proteins in the blood taht play a vital role in the body's immune defense
corpuscle any small mass or body
coumadin trademark for preparations of warfarin sodium
cyanosis blueness of the skin and mucous membranes
cytotoxicity having a deletrious effect on cells
cytotoxin a toxin or antibody that has specific toxic action on cells of special organs
dehydration removel of water form a substance; the condition that results from excessive loss of body water
differntial white cell count and examination and enumeration of the distribution of leukocytes in a stained blood smear
diphtheria an acute infectious diesease caused by toxigenic strains of C
diplococci a pair of spherical bacteria, resulting from incomplete separtaion after cell division
disseminated scattered
dissemination the spread of something throughout
dyscrasia an abnoramal state or condition
dyspnea difficult breating
edema an abnormal accumulation of fluid in intercellular spaces in the tissues
electrolyte a substance that dissociates into ions when fused or in solution and thus becomes capable of conducting electricity
eletophoresis the separtaion of ironic solutes in a liquid under the influence of an applied electri field
eosinophil a granular leukocyte with a nucleus that usually has two lobes and cytoplasm containing coarse, round granules tha are redily stained by eosin
epstein-barr virus the herpes virus that causes infectious mononucleosis and certain immunodeficiency diseases
erythroblast embryonic form of a red blood cell
erythroblastosis fetalis a type of hemolytic anemia of the fetus or newborn infant, caused by the transplacental transmission of maternally formed antibody
erythrocyte a red bllod cell
erythrocytic pertaining to, charcterized by, or of the nature of red blood cells
erythropenia a dificiency in the number of red blood cells
erythrocytosis an increase in the number of red blood cells
erythropoiesis the production of red blood cells
excrete to throw off or eliminate by a normal discharge
excretion the act, process, or function of excreting; material that is excreted
extracellular situated or occurring outside a cell
fibrin an insoluble protein that forms long threads that compose blood clots
fibrinogen a protein in plasma that is essential for clotting of blood
fibrinolysin a substance that dissolves fibrin clots and also breaks down certain coagulation factors
fibrinolysis destruction of fibrin
functional disorder a condition marked by signs or symptoms of a dis or disorder
fungal pertaining to fungus
gastroenteritis inflammation of the stomach and intestines
gonorrhea infection caused by neisseria gonorhoeae transmitted sexually in most cases
gram stain a special staining procedure in which microoganisms can be classified as gram-positive, gram-negative, or gram-variable
granulocyte a leukocyte containing neutrophil, basophil, or eosinophil granules in its cytoplasm
hematologic pertaining to the blood an the blood-forming tissues
hematologist a specialist in hematology
hematology the study of blood and blood-forming tissues and their physilogy and pathology
hematoma any localized collection of blood, usually clotted, in an organ, tissue, or space
hematopoiesis the formation and development of blood cells
hematopoietic pertaining to or affecting hematopoiesis
hemoglobin oxygen-carrying red pigment of red blood cells
hemoglobinpathy a hematologic disorder caused by genetically determined abnormal hemoglobin
hemolysin a substance that causes destruction of red blood cells
hemolysis destruction of red blood cells that results in the liberation of hemoglobin
hemolyze to subject to or undergo hemolysis
hemophilia a hereditary hemorrhagic disorder caused by dificiency of antihemophilic facter
hemostasis the checking of the flow of blood either by coagulation or surgical means
histamine a substance present in the body that has known pharamacologic action when released from injured cells
homeostasis sameness or stability in normal body state of an organism
homologous pertaining to an antibody and the antigen that elicited its production
hyperchromic highly or excessively stained or color
hyperemia excessive blood flow to a part of the body
hypokalemia abnormally low potassium concentration in the blood
immunodeficiency a deficiency in immune response
in vivo within a living body
intercellular situated between cells of a structure
interstitial fluid fluid occupying space between tissue cells
karyomegaly abnormal enlargement of cell nucleus
leukocyte white blood cell
lymphocyte any of the mononuclear leukocytes found in the blood
macrocyte a very large cell
macrocytosis an increase in the number of large blood cells
megalocyte an extremely large blood cell
microcyte an abnormally small erythrocyte
microcytosis an increased number of undersized red blood cells
mucoid gland a gland that secretes mucus
nucleoid resembling a nucleus
pathogen any disease-producing agent or microorganism
poikilocyte an abnormal shaped red blood cells
poikilocytosis the presence of abnormally shaped red blood cells
polycythemia an increase of the total red cell mass of the blood
sepsis the presence of pathogenic microorganisms or their toxins in the blood or other tissue
septicemia a morbid condition caused by the presence of bacteria or their toxins in the blood
spherocyte an abnormally round red blood cell
staphylococcal infection an infection caused by staphylococci
streptococci an genus of gram-positive cocci occuring in pairs or chains
syncope fainting
thrombectomy surgical removal of a blood clot
thrombus blood clot
toxemia condition that results from toxins in the blood
transplant an organ or tissue used for grafting
virulence the degree of pathogenicity of a microorganism
Created by: LSerreia
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