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NECC-Clinical Labs

Clinical lab data

What is an abnormally elevated white blood cell (WBC) count called? Leukocytosis (Egan's, Pg 344, P2)
What is an abnormally elevated red blood cell (RBC) count called? Polycythemia (Egan's, Pg 345, P6)
What type of pneumonia is present with WBC increase of 15,000/mm3, with 75% neutrophils, but only 10% lymphocytes? N lymphocyte differential is 20-45%. Bacterial pneumonia due to the number of elevated neutrophils. (Egan's, Pg 345, Mini Clini)
What is the name for the detailed description of the number of circulating WBC, RBC, and platelets? Complete Blood Count (CBC) (Egan's, Pg 344, P1)
Name of immature neutrophils. Bands (Because their nucleus has a "band like" shape.) (Egan's, Pg 345, P2)
Significant reduction in platelet count is called what? Thrombocytopenia (Egan's, Pg 346, P2)
What is hyponatremia? Low Na+ (sodium) level. (Egan's, Pg 346, P5)
What is the number for elevated sweat chloride levels, shown on lab work, that will help with diagnosing cystic fibrosis. If sweat chloride level is more than 60-80 mEq/L. (Egan's, Pg 347, P2)
What is the normal anion gap? 8-16 mEq/L (Egan's, Pg 347, P3)
How do you calculate the anion gap? Add the HCO3- and Cl- together and then subtract this total from the serum Na+. (Egan's, Pg 347, P3)
What blood glucose level indicates the presence of diabetes? Blood glucose level above 140mg/dl on TWO occassions indicates diabetes in most cases (after night of fasting). (Egan's, Pg 348, P4)
What type of white blood cell (WBC) will be increased with the invasion of foreign material? Monocytes (Egan's, Pg 344, Table 16-2)
Patiens who have existing chronic lung disease, and live in areas of high altitude, will most certainly experience chronic hypoxia. What will they also most likely develop in conjunction? Secondary polycytemia. (Egan's, Pg 345, P5)
What does an anion gap of greater than 16 signify? Metabolic acidosis. (Egan's, Pg 347, Rule of thumb notation.)
What is a normal blood glucose level? 70-110mg/dl (Egan's, Pg 348, P3)
True or false? A legitimate sputum sample has many leukocytes (pus cells) and few epithelial cells? True (Egan's, Pg 348, Rule of thumb)
Common test to determine kidney function. Blood urea nitrogen (or BUN) (Egan's, Pg 347, P4)
If kidney disease caused many of the renal nephrons to become dysfunctional, what blood waste product would increase? Creatinine (Egan's, Pg 347, P5)
What test is performed to determine a "specific" microorganism causing the infection? Sputum Gram Stain (Egan's, Pg 348, P3)
What does anemia do to the body? It reduces the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood and increases the chance of tissue hypoxia. (Egan's, Pg 349, Key Points)
What are platelets called? Thrombocytes (Egan's, Pg 344, P1)
What is normally/approximately the ratio of hematocrit to hemoglobin? 3:1 (Egan's, Pg 346, Rule of Thumb)
What is the name of the disorder when there is an abnormal elevation of glood glucose? Hyperglycemia (Egan's, Pg 348, P3)
What are the "classic three" symptoms for hyperglycemia? Excessive thirst, excessive need to urinate, and increased appetite. (Egan's, P348, P7)
What common strain of bacterial pneumonia stains as "encapsulated, lancet-shaped, gram-positive diplococci. Streptococcus pneumoniae (Egan's, Pg 348, P12)
Created by: lgrieco
Popular Respiratory Therapy sets




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