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Core Vocabulary I

SAT Most important vocab

Ambivalent Contradictory, having mixed feelings
Anomaly Deviation from the norm, something ATYPICAL
Sarcastic, Sardonic, Snide Mocking, derisive, taunting, stinging
Dearth, Paucity A scarcity or shortage of something
Prattle Speak in a foolish manner, babble incessantly
Wry Dry, humorous, with a twist and with irony
Emulate Imitate, copy
Unconventional, Unorthodox Not ordinary or typical, avoiding conventions and behaviors
Outlandish Bizarre, outrageous
Painstaking, Meticulous Extremely careful, very exacting
Audacious Fearlessly, recklessly daring; very bold
Indifferent, Apathetic Marked by lack of interest or concern
Diffident Lacking self-confidence, self-effacing, not assertive
Pragmatic Practical, sensible, not idealistic or romantic
Enthralled Fascinated
Hobbled Hampered
Soporific Sleep-inducing
Succumb Give in
Evocation Imaginative re-creation, evoking something nostalgic
Presumptuous Overbearing, impertinently bold, stepping over one's place
Recalcitrant Stubborn resistance to and defiance of authority or guidance, OBSTINATE, OBDURATE
Boon Timely benefits, blessing
Bane Source of harm or ruin
Clandestine, Surreptitious Secret, COVERT, not open, not aboveboard
Affable, Amiable, Genial, Gregarious All mean agreeable, pleasing personality, warm and friendly
Austere Having no adornment or ornamentation, bare, not ORNATE
Austerity Trait of great self-denial, often economically
Altruistic Unselfish concern for welfare of others
Ambiguous Unclear, uncertain, open to interpretation, not definitive
Elated Very happy
Upbraid, Reproach, Castigate To express disapproval; scold; rebuke; censure
Nostalgia A sentimental longing for the past
Nostalgic Of the past, longed, reminiscent
Conjecture An inference based on guesswork, a SUPPOSITION
Obsolete, Archaic, Antiquated No longer in use, outmoded, outdated
Auspicious, Propitious Very favorable
Morose Very depressed, DESPONDENT
Impasse A deadlock, stalemate, failure to conclude/reach agreement
Verdant Lush, green
Unscrupulous Dishonest, unprincipled
Anachronism False assignment of an event, person or scene or language to a time it did not exist
Belie To give a false impression, to contradict
Mitigate, Mollify, Assuage, Alleviate All mean to relieve, to lessen, to ease
Covet Strongly desire, crave
Antithesis, Antithetical, Antipode Direct opposite, complete reverse
Fathom Understand
Prototype Original model
Aloof Detached, distant, reserved
Trite, Hackneyed, Banal, Platitudinous, Insipid Unoriginal, commonplace, overused, cliche'd
Antecedent A preceding event, a forerunner, a precursor
Plausible Believable, credible
Implausible Unbelievable, incredible
Prudent Careful, cautious, sensible
Aesthetic Relating to beauty
Paradox Seemingly contradictory statement that nonetheless is true
Enigmatic, Inscrutable Mysterious, puzzling, unfathomable, baffling
Acquiesce To comply, agree, give in
Naive, Gullible, Credulous Unaffected simplicity, lacking worldly expertise, unsophisticated
Autonomous Independent, not controlled by others
Autonomy Independence, self-authority
Jaded Spoiled, overindulged
Futile Completely useless, doomed to failure
Prodigious Huge, massive
Indigenous, Endemic Native to an area
Ubiquitous, Prevalent, Pervasive Being everywhere, omnipresent, widespread
Pandemic A widespread, ubiquitous epidemic
Fortitude Strength of mind to endure pain or adversity with courage
Created by: MinhBui
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