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Arrival and Departure

I'm here on vacation. Przyjechałem tutaj na wakacje. (pshyh-yeh-HAH-wehm TUH-tahy nah vah-KAHTS-yeh)
I'm here on business. Przyjechałem tutaj na służbowo. (pshyh-yeh-HAH-wehm TUH-tahy nah swuhzh-BOH-voh)
I'm going to... Jadę do... (YAH-deh doh)
I'm staying at the ... hotel. Zatrzymałem się w Hotelu... (zah-tshyh-MAH-when sh'yeh hoh-TEH-luh)
Your ticket please. Bilet proszę. (BEE-let PROH-sheh)
Your passport please. Paszport proszę. (PAHSH-pohrt PROH-sheh)
What is the purpose of your visit? Jaki jest cel pana wizyty? (YAH-kee yest tsehl PAH-nahvee-ZYH-tyh)
Where are you staying? Gdzie pan się zatrzymał? (gdj'yeh pahn sh'yeh zah-TSHY-mahw
How long are you staying? Jak długo pan tu będzie? (yahk DWUH-goh pahn tuh BEHN-dj'ye)
Who are you with? Z kim pan tutaj jest? (skeem pahn TUH-tahy yehst
I'm just passing through. Jestem tu tylko przejazdem. (YEH-stehm tuh TYHL-koh psheh-YAHZ-dem)
I would like to declare... Chciałbym zadeklarować... (HCH'YAHW-bym zah-dehk-lah-ROH-vahch')
I have nothing to declare. Nie mam nic do oclenia. (n'yeh mahm n'eets doh ohts-LEH-n'yah
Anything to declare? Czy ma pan coś do ocelnia? (chyh mah pahn tsosh' doh ohts-LEH-n'yah)
You must pay duty on this. Musi pan zapłacić za to cło. (MUH-sh'ee pahn zah-PWA-ch'eech' zah toh tswoh)
Please open your bag. Proszę otworzyć torbę. (PROH-sheh oht-FOH-zhyhch' THOR-beh.)
Please open your suitcase. Proszę otworzyć walizkę. (PROH-sheh oht-FOH-zhyhch' vah-LEES-keh)
Customs Odprawa Clena
duty-free goods Towary Bezclowe
goods to declare Towary Do Oclenia
nothing to declare Nic Do Oclenia
Passport Control Kontrola Pazportowa
police policja
Staff Only Dla Personelu
Created by: aprycel20
Popular Polish sets




Use these flashcards to help memorize information. Look at the large card and try to recall what is on the other side. Then click the card to flip it. If you knew the answer, click the green Know box. Otherwise, click the red Don't know box.

When you've placed seven or more cards in the Don't know box, click "retry" to try those cards again.

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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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