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DU PA Menopause

Duke PA Menopause

Late menopause occurs after the age of __ 55
Premature menopause occurs before age of __ 40
Define natural menopause The permanent cessation of menstruation resulting from the loss of ovarian follicular activity
Natural menopause occurs after __ months of consecutive amenorrhea without pathological or physiological cause 12
Biological markers that indicate menopause There are none
The phase in women marking transition from the reproductive phase to the non-reproductive state Climacteric
Perimenopause or menopausal transition usually lasts __ years with a range of __ years 4, 2-9
What are the hormonal changes in menopausal/perimenopausal women Decreased ovarian estrogen, androgen, and progesterone
After menopause androgen mainly comes from the __ Adrenal glands
Postmenopausal ovary secretes more __ Androgen than estrogen
Factors that may delay menopause Multiparity, increased BMI, history of OCP use
Neuroendocrine symptoms of menopause Hot flashes/flushes
Integument symptoms of menopause Dry hair, hair loss, facial hirsutism, dry mouth
Skeletal symptoms of menopaus Osteoporosis, fractures, back pain
Vocal symptoms of menopause Lower voice
Breast symptoms of menopause Reduced sized, softer, loss of ligamentous supports
Cardiac symptoms of menopause Coronary artery disease
Vaginal symptoms of menopause Dyspareunia, vaginitis
Uterus/pelvic floor symptoms of menopause Uterovaginal prolapse
Bladder/urethral symptoms of menopause Cystoureteritis, ectropion, frequency, urgency, stress incontinence
Vulvar symptoms of menopause Atrophy, dystrophy, pruritus vulvae
It is very unusual for a woman to have vaginal bleeding due to ovarian activity __ months after menopause 6
Leading cause of death in postmenopausal women Cardiovascular disease
Which exercises do not help to prevent osteoporosis Swimming, cycling
If there is whitening, thickening, or cracking of vulvar tissue what do you need to do Biopsy
Decreased libido is not improved with __ Estrogen
What helps to increase libido in menopausal women Testosterone, regular sexual activity
Created by: bwyche
Popular Medical sets




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