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Nervous System- Reverse Definations

nerve a large bundle of axons wrapped in connective tissue
axon a long, single projection that transmits impulses from the cell body
multiple sclerosis a progressive, degenerative disease of the myelin sheath
epilepsy a recurrent disorder of cerebral functions characterized by seizures
lethargy abnormal inactivity or lack of response to normal stimuli
dysrthythmia abnormal rhythm
coma abnormally deep unconsciousness with absence of voluntary response to stimuli
microcephaly abnormally small head
herpes zoster acture inflammatory eruption of painful vessicles; also called shingles
convulsion any sudden and violent contraction of one or more muscles
dendrites branching cytoplasmic projections
syncope brief loss of consciousness
dementia broad term that refers to cognitive deficit
efferent carry or move away from a central structure
afferent carry on or move toward a central structure
neurotransmitters chemical substances that facilitate the transmission of impulses across the synapses
Tay-Sach disease characterized by progressive mental challenges
autonomic nervous system conveys impulses to glands, smooth muscles and cardiac muscles
spinal cord conveys sensory impulses to the brain and motor impulses away from the brain
hypnotics depress central nervous system functions
bulimia nervosa eating disorder characterized by binging and purging
hyperkinesia excessive movement
ganglionectomy excision of the ganglion
meningocele form of spina bifida in which the spinal cord develops properly but the meninges protrude
occulta form of spina bifida in which one or more vertebrae are malformed
agnosia inability to comprehend auditory, visual, spatial, olfactory or other sensations
aphasia inability to speak
craniotomy incision into the skull
encephalitis inflammation of the brain
concussion injury to the brain, occasionally with transient loss of consciousness
pia mater innermost membrane covering the brain and the spinal cord
tremor involuntary tremble or shake
ataxia lack of muscle coordination
cerebrum largest and uppermost portion of the brain; sensory, emotions aspects of behaviour and memory
psychosis major emotional disorder
arachnoid membrane middle layer covering the brain
myelomeningocele most severe form of spina bifida
lumbar puncture needle puncture of the spinal cavity
neurosis nonpsychotic mental illness
idiopathic occurring without a known cause
dura mater outermost membrane covering the brain and spinal cord
myelalgia pain in the spinal cord
dystrophy poor development
electroencephalography recording of the electrical activity in the brain
cerebellum second largest part of the brain; refines muscular movement
trephination technique that cuts a circular opening into the skull
nerve conduction velocity test that measures the speed at which impulses travel through a nerve
neuron the functional cell of the nervous system
asthenia weakness, debility or loss of strength
anesthesia without feeling; loss of sensation
Created by: lauravan
Popular Medical sets




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