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what kind of tissue is blood considered connective
3 functions of blood transportation,regulation,protection
how does blood protect the body carries the cells and antibodies of the imune system that protect against pathogens,blood clots to prevent blood loss
liquid portion of blood plasma
another name for red blood cells erythrocytes
type of blood cell that is the most numerous in the body red blood cells
another name for white blood cells leukocytes
cell fragments that partcipate in blood clotting platelets(thrombocytes)
what makes up 90% of blood water
4 types of plasma proteins albumin,clotting factors,antibodies,compliment
the most abundent plasma protien albumin
the main carbohydrate in plasma glucose
where are all the bloods formed elements produced red bone marrow
what type of blood cell lacks nucleus erythrocytes
what protein binds to oxygen in red blood cells hemoglobin
what element is needed to form hemoglobin oxygen
what is the average # of erythrocytes per microliter of blood 4.5-5million
what hormone released by the kidneys stimulates red blood cell production erythropoietin
what is the average # of leukocytes per microliter of blood 5.000-10.000
what is the most abundent type of leukocyte neutrophil
how are granucytes named they show visible granules in the cytoplasm when stained
what are band cells stab or staff cells
what is the largest type of agranulocyte monocytes
2 types of leukocytes that partcipate in phagocytosis nuetrophils,monocytes
what type of cells do macrophages develope from monocytes
what are plazma cells lymphocytes become plasma cells, active in production of circulating antibodies needed for immunity
what kind of cell are platelets released from megakaryocytes
hemostasis process that prevents blood loss from the circulation when a blood vestle is ruptured by an injury
3 steps in hemostasis contraction of smooth muscle is blood vestle wall,formation of platelett plug,formation of blood clot
vasoconstriction reduction in the diameter of a vessel
hemorage loss of blood through excessive bleeding
transfusion adminastration of blood from another person to the vein of the paitient
what has happened when a cell has hemolyzed red cells of donors blood rupture and release there hemoglobin
what is found in plasma that can react w antigens to cause a reaction antibodies
agglutination clumping of cells due to a antigen antibody reaction
which blood type is considered the universal donor O
which blood type is considered the universal recipient AB
purpose of centrifuge seperates materals in a mixture based on density
sicklecell hereditary disease in which abnormal hemoglobin causes red blood cells to change shape when they release oxygen
iron deficiency lack of nutritional iron
pernicious defenciency of B
aplastic anemia bone marrow failure
leukopenia drop in the number of white blood cells
leukemia malignant blood disease charterized by abnormal development of white blood cells
myelogenous leukemia wild proliferation of white cell stems from cancer of the bone marrow
hemophilia is characterized by a deficiency of what clotting factor factor VIII
what is disseminated coagulation serious clotting disorder involving excessive coagulation
Created by: cornejo
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