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APM100 Final


the brain is divided into left and right halves called? Left and Right Hemispheres
A yellowish discoloration of the skin and the whites of the eyes is called Jaundice
where is cerebrospinal fluid made? The Ventricles
The teeth and tongue begin digestion in a process mastication
First 10in of the small intestine Duodenum
Nervous System is divided into these 2 divisions central and peripheral
cystitis is inflammation of bladder
what is the medical term for blood in the urine Hematuria
Nocturia means Excessive urination at night
In men the urethra is 7-8 inches
in women urethra is 1-2 inches
colored, circular structure around the pupil Iris
Nutrients are absorbed into the blood stream in which part of the digestive system Sm. Intestine
Where does the exchange of gases take place in the lungs Alveoli
a membrane sac that's around the heart Pericardium
the valve located b/w the right atrium and right ventricle is Tricuspid
Artery carry blood Away from heart
Medical meaning for muscle wasting Atrophy
Hypertension means High blood pressure
Veins carry blood toward the heart
intercostal muscles are located b/w your ribs
There are approx. how many skeletal muscles are in the body 700
wavelike motion of the smooth muscle is called Peristalsis
color vision comes from cells known as cones
keloid is also known as a scar
uterine tube is females in about how many inches 5 inches
organ of sexual response in females is the clitoris
temporary disorder of glucose metabolism that can occur during pregnancy Gestational diabetes mellitus
Bronchitis acute or chronic inflammation or infection of the bronchi
Bacterial or viral infection of the nose and or throat upper respiratory infection
Cloudy, opaque lens cataract
dyspnea difficult, labored, or painful respiration's due to lung disease
Dermis a thicker layer beneath the epidermis
HCG Human chorionic gonadotropin
Gestation from the movement of conception to the movement of birth
At birth all babies eyes appear gray-blue True
Sclera is the white part of the eye True
Eye color is a genetically determined trait True
Epidermis does not contain any blood vessels True
Stomach is superior to the small intestine True
the colon is the longest part of the intestine True
Rhinorrhea is sexually transmitted Flase
Double pneumonia is twice as bad as regular pneumonia True
mucosa lines the gastrointestinal tract True
Epidermis is the thin outermost layer of the skin True
Absence of the monthly menstrual cycle is called amenorrhea True
Epinephrine produces the "fight and flight" response True
What are three layers of the skin Epidermis, dermis, and Subcutaneous layer
Sebaceous glands are also known as oil glands
whats another name for "goosebumps" piloerection
whats another name for candidiasis yeast infection
the ovaries are small shaped glands about how many inches in length 2 inches
What are 3 hormone do the ovaries secrete Estradiol, progesterone, and little testosterone
The main function of the endocrine system keep body in homeostasis
main function of the circulatory system circulate the blood to every part of the body as it transports oxygen, carbon dioxide, nutrients, and wastes
Main function of the respiratory system to bring oxygen into the body and expel the waste product carbon dioxide
main function of the reproductive system secrete male/female hormone, and develop sexual characteristics
main function of the muscular system to produce body movement
-ectomy surgical removal
Components of the axial skeleton forms the central bony structure of the body around which other parts move. It consists of the bones of the head, chest, and back.
Created by: urpatel91
Popular Medical sets




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