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accuracy the condition or quality of being true, correct, or exact; freedom from error or defect; precision or exactness; correctness.
complex technology computer,phone,sink
Data Table A type of graph that contains data that you or someone else has collected.
Dependent Variable (in an experiment) the event studied and expected to change when the independent variable is changed.
Empirical Evidence the observation and other types of data that people gather to test to support and evaluate scientific explanations
Engineering the art or science of making practical application of the knowledge of pure sciences, as physics or chemistry, as in the construction of engines, bridges, buildings, mines, ships, and chemical plants.
Experiment a test, trial, or tentative procedure; an act or operation for the purpose of discovering something unknown or of testing a principle, supposition, etc.:
Graph a diagram representing a system of connections or interrelations among two or more things by a number of distinctive dots, lines, bars, etc.
Prediction an act of predicting.
Quantitative Observation Quantitative observations are made with instruments such as rulers, balances, graduated cylinders, beakers, and thermometers. These results are measurable.
Range the difference between the largest and smallest number in a data set.
Mode the number or numbers that occur most often in a data set.
Median is the middle number in an ordered data set with an odd number of data points.
Bar Graph a graph using parallel bars of varying lengths
Hypothesis a statement predicting the result of a controlled scientific experiment.
Uncontrolled Variable a uncontrolled variable is somthing like a force of nature
Histogram a diagram consisting of rectangles whose area is proportional to the frequency of a variable and whose width is equal to the class interval.
Intervals the totality of points on a line between two designated points or endpoints that may or may not be included. any generalization of this to higher dimensions, as a rectangle with sides parallel to the coordinate axes.
Independent Variables a variable that is intentionally changed to observe its effect on the dependent variable.
Infernce he act or process of inferring.
Controlled Variable the variable that doesn't change.
Line Graph a diagram of lines made by connected data points which represent successive changes in the value of a variable quantity or quantities
Observation an act or instance of viewing or noting a fact or occurrence for some scientific or other special purpose
Pie Graph a graphic representation of quantitative information by means of a circle divided into sectors, in which the relative sizes of the areas (or central angles) of the sectors correspond to the relative sizes or proportions of the quantities.
Simple Technology spoon,chair,pencil
Precision the state or quality of being precise.
Prototype the original or model on which something is based or formed.
Pseudoscience any of various methods, theories, or systems, as astrology, psychokinesis, or clairvoyance, considered as having no scientific basis.
Metric System the measurement system in which all scientists use
Qualitative Observation A Qualitative Observation is an observation that uses the five senses.
Science the systematic knowledge of the physical or material world gained through observation and experimentation.
T chart a graphic organizer in which a lists and examines two facets of a topic
Technology the branch of knowledge that deals with the creation and use of technical means and their interrelation with life, society, and the environment, drawing upon such subjects as industrial arts, engineering, applied science, and pure science.
Y axis and X axis the Y axis is the vertical axis also the dependent variable and the X axis is the horizontal axis or the independent variable.
Created by: 1022789
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