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Burridge -Exam2


connective tissue lots of ECM few cells
epithelial tissue tightly bound sheets of cells, sparse ECM (basement membrane)
tight junctions "O-ring" seal, separate apical and basolateral surfaces, prevent movement between
glycocalyx CHO-rich coating on cells
junctional complex tight junctions, adherans junctions, and desmosomes
zona adherans continuous jxn around cell, strong adhesion btwn cells and attachment to microfilaments
desmosomes (macula adherans) spot welds, keratins/tonofilaments attach to them
hemidesmosomes spot weld to basement membrane, serves as attachment for integrin IFs
focal adhesion seen in TC and scar contracture, strong adhesion to ECM and attachment for microfilaments
Gap junctions (communicating junction) allow passage of molecules (<1500kDa) through connexons, permeability regulated by Ca and pH
actin decoration bind myosin head to actin for identification with EM
phalloidin dervied from fungus, prevents depolymerization of microfilaments
G-Actin unpolymerized actin
Gels or Networks of Actin actin filaments crosslinked with binding proteins-->rigidity
dyneine motor move stuff to minus end of MT (act at kinetochores during anaphase)
kinesin motor moves stuff to + end of MT (pushes poles apart during anaphase)
Cadherins Ca dependant CAM - homophilic glycoproteins, link to actin and some found in desmosomes
Ig CAM Ca independant - hetero or homophilic binding, includes ICAM and NCAM, found on surfaces of neural, lymphoid, and endothelial
selectins Ca dependant protein CAM, binds to CHO, found on leukocytes and endothelial cells, include PMNs
Fibronectin ECM component-large disulfide linked dimeric protein, multi domains, RGD domain critical binding seq, important for cell adhesion and migration (found in focal adhesions)
laminin ECM component -in BM, binding site for other ECM components
elastin ECM component- BV,lungs,and skin-associates w/ fibrillin (def. in Marfan)
GAGs and proteoglycans ECM component- makes cavities(embryo) and resists forces (joints)
integrins receptor for many ECM components, alpha and beta subunits span membrane often concentrated at myotendinous jxns and focal adhesions interact w/ actin, talin, filamin, and alpha actinin
integrin a5B1 Fn receptor binds only Fn RGD
integrin avB3 Vitronectin receptor binds several RGD
integrin aLB2 on leukocyte binds ICAM-1 on other leukocytes and endothelial cells --> inflammatory response (def. in LAD) B2 family is target of antiinflammatory drugs
integrin aIIbB3 on platelets, bind fibrin/fibrinogen via RGD --> clotting (def in Glanzmann's) target of anticlotting drugs
B4 integrin long cytoplasmic domain, found in hemidesmosomes, binds tonofilaments/keritins
microfilaments actin, myosin
cytochalasin inhibits actin polymerization
gelsolin dissassembles actin gels
actin bundles contractile ring, microvilli, stereocilia, focal adhesions
focal adhesions AKA stress fibers- actin bundles associate w/ integrins via vinculin, talin, and alpha actinin
GTP Rho stimulates stress fibers and focal adhesions
GTP Rac stimulates ruffles and lamellipodia
GTP Cdc42 stimulates filopodia
MLCK ca regulated protein kinase in smooth muscle -->induces active conformation of myosin
Rho-kinase activated by Rho-->phosphorylates light chain of myosin II AND inhibits phosphatase that reverses action
troponin regulated by Ca in striated muslces
spectrin binds F actin to ankyrin (in PM)--> biconcavity of RBC
Cell extension regulated by Rac and Cdc42
Cell adhesion regulated by CAMs
Cell contraction regulated by Rho
Taxol prevents depoly of MT
Colcemid, Colchecine, nocodozole, vinblastin causes depolymerization of MT
Type 1 IF tonofilaments, keratins, cytokeratins
tonofilaments insert into desmosomes and hemidesmosomes
keratins tissue specific, defective in EBS
Type 2 IF crosslink to other MT, e.g. vimentin to MT in fibroblast
Type 3 IF neurofilaments, primarilty structural, crosslink MT and actin
Type 4 IF nuclear lamins, provide structure to nucleas, phosphorylation disintegrates them for mitosis
Nulclear Pore movements in/out determined by NLS and regulated by Ran
Created by: MouserKat
Popular Medical sets




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