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Male Reproductive

LOM Chapter 9 Vocabulary

bulbourethral gland One of a pair of exocrine glands near the male urethra.
Cowper gland bulbourethral gland
ejaculation Ejection of sperm and fluid from the male urethra.
ejaculatory duct Tube through which semen enters the male urethra.
epididymis (plural epididymides) One of a pair of long, tightly coiled tubes lying on top of each testis. It carries sperm from the seminiferous tubules to the vas deference.
erectile dysfunction Inability of an adult male to achieve an erection; impotence.
flagellum Hair-like projection on a sperm cell that makes it motile (able to move).
fraternal twins Two infants born of the same pregnancy from two separate ova fertilized by two different sperm.
glans penis Sensitive tip of the penis.
identical twins Two infants resulting from division of one fertilized egg into two distinct embryos. Conjoined ("Siamese") twins are incompletely separated identical twins.
impotence Inability of an adult male to achieve an erection. From Latin in/im, not, and potentia, power.
interstitial cells In the testes, these cells lie between the seminiferous tubules and produce the hormone testosterone. A pituitary gland hormone (luteinizing hormone (LH) stimulates interstitial cells to produce testosterone.
parenchyma Tissue composed of essential and functional cells of organ. In the testis the parenchymal tissue includes seminiferous tubules that produce sperm.
perineum External region between the anus and scrotum in the male.
prepuce Fold of skin covering the tip of the penis. Also called foreskin.
prostate gland Exocrine gland, in men, at the base of the urinary bladder. The prostate gland secretes the fluid part of semen into the urethra during ejaculation.
scrotum External sac that contains the testes.
semen Spermatozoa (sperm cells) and seminal fluid (prostatic and other glandular secretions).
seminal vesicle Either of paired sac-like male exocrine glands that secrete a fluid into the vas deferens. the seminal fluid is the major component of semen.
Spermatozoon (plural: spermatozoa) Sperm cell.
sterilization Any procedure that removes an individual's ability to produce or release reproductive cells.
stroma Supportive, connective tissue of an organ, as distinguished from its parenchyma.
testis (plural: testes) Male gonad (testicle) that produces spermatozoa and the hormone testosterone.
testosterone Hormone secreted by the interstitial tissue of the testes; responsible for male sex characteristics.
vas deferens Narrow tube (one on each side) that carries sperm from the epididymis into the body and toward the urethra. Also called ductus deferens.
PSA (Prostetic Specific Androgetn) High serum levels of this protein indicate prostatic carcinom
BPH (Benigh Prostatic Hyperplasia) Noncancerous enclargement of the prostate gland.
TURP (Transurethral Resection of the Prostate) Relieves symptoms of prostate gland enlargement.
TRUS (Transrectal Ultrasound) Helpful procedure in guiding a prostatic biopsy needle.
DRE (Digital Rectal Examination) Manual diagnostic procedure to examine the prostate gland.
HSV (Herpes Simplex Virus) Etiolog agent of a sexually transmitted disease characterized by blister formation.
STD (Sexually Transmitted Disease) Chlamydial infection, gonorrhea, and syphilis are examples of this general category of infections.
Androgen Substance that produce hormone in in male. testosterone
Balanitis Inflammation of the glans penis
Cryptorchism One or both testicles do not descend, by the time of birth, into the scrotal sac from the abdominal cavity.
Hydrocele Hernia within to scrotom
Anorchism Congenital absence of one or both testes.
Spermolytic Pertaining to destruction of sperm cells.
Oligospermia Scanty sperm count (less than normal)
Aspermia Lack of formation or ejaculation of semen (sperm and fluid).
Azoospermia Lack of spermatozoa in the semen.
Hydrocele Sac of clear fluid in the scrotum.
Testicular Torsion Twisting of the spermatic cord.
Varicocele Enlarged, dilated veins near the testicle.
Hypospadias; Hypospadia Congenital abnormality in which the male urethral opening is on the undersurface of the penis.
Phimosis Narrowing (stricture) of the opening of the prepuce over the glans penis.
Created by: murielsclark
Popular Medical sets




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