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ALL FTM Vocabulary

34 Words from Chapters 1-25

unvanquished ADJ. whole, absolute, exact
vacant ADJ. not occupied, empty
hunkering V. to squat or crouch down low
sobriquet N. a person's nickname
demeanor N. one's conduct or behavior
postulated V. suggest or assume the existence,fact, or truth of something
invincible ADJ. too powerful to be conquered or defeated
tenement N. run-down, overcrowded apartment
cretin N. a stupid or mentally defective person
deficiency N. lacking something-incomplete
trajectory N. the path followed by a flying object moving under force-the curve described by a rocket in flight
converging V. coming together from different directions to meet
evasive ADJ. to avoid or seek to avoid trouble
archetype N. an original which has been imitated - a universal symbol or idea in the mind
steed N. a high-spirited horse
divulged V. to tell or reveal
bionics N. the science of designing replacement parts for the human body
optimum ADJ. the best result under specific conditions
fealty N. loyalty
damsel N. a young unmarried woman
Holy Grail N. a sacred object
gruel N. a thin porridge
abide V. accept, tolerate, put up with
dysfunctional ADJ. not operating normally or properly
injustice N. lack of fairness
redeemed V. to do something to make up for bad behavior
trussed V. tied up or secured closely
accommodations N. food or lodging
marvel N. a wonderful or astonishing person or thing
aberration N. departure from what is normal, expected or usual
prodigy N. a young person with exceptional qualities or abilities
facilitate V. to assist or make an action easier
stabilized V. to hold steady or firm
manifestation N. an appearance in bodily form
Created by: dviola
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