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Neuro/Psych Terms


gangli/o nerve bundle
myel/o spinal cord, bone marrow
esthesi/o feeling, sensation
phas/o speech/speaking
phren/o, psych/o, ment mind
gnosi/o know
paresis slight or partial paralysis
plegia paralysis
asthenia weakness
ataxia lack of coordination
catatonia condition characterized by reduced muscle tone
dystonia condition characterized by involuntary muscle movements
clonus turmoil
neurasthenia (NURasTHENeeah) nerve weakness
somnambulism (sawm-NAM-byoo-liz-um sleep walking ambul = walk
syncope fainting; losing consciousness due to temporary loss of blood flow to brain
monoparesis partial paralysis of one limb
anosmia lack of sense of smell
causalgia painful sensation of burning
dysesthesia (DISesTHEEzhah) bad feeling
paresthesia abnormal sensation usually numbness or tingling in the skin
synesthesia condition where one sensation is experienced as another
acrophobia fear of heights
agoraphobia fear of outdoor spaces
-dynia pain
cerebral angiography procedure used to examine blood vessels
echoencephalography procedure used to examine the brain using sound waves
electroencephalography (EEG) procedure used to examine the electrical activity in the brain
encephalography procedure for studying the brain
lumbar puncture (LP) inserting a needle into the lumbar region of the spine to collect CSF, commonly called a "spinal tap"
magnetic resonance angiography( MRA) procedure used to examine blood vessels
myelogram image of the spinal cord
positron emission tomography (PET) scan an imaging procedure that uses radiation (positrons) to produce cross sections of the brain
transcranial Doppler sonography an imaging technique that produces an image of the brain using sound waves sent through the skull
encephalocele hernia of the brain (through a defect in the skull)
hematoma a tumor-like mass made up of blood
epidural hematoma a hematoma located on top of the dura
microcephaly abnormally small head
meningocele a hernia of the meinges
myelocele a hernia of the spinal cord
myelomalacia abnormal softening of the spinal cord
myelomeningocele a hernia of the spinal cord and meninges
neuritis nerve inflammation
neuroma nerve tumor
agnosia inability to comprehend
atopognosis inability to locate a sensation
hyperkinesia increase in a muscle movement or activity
neurasthenia nerve weakness
neuroglycopenia deficiency of sugar that interferes with normal brain activity
nystagmus involuntary back and forth eye movements
prosopagnosia inability to recognize faces
interictal time between seizures
postictal time after a seizure
hemorrhagic stroke a stroke where the blood loss is caused by the rupture of a blood vessel
ischemic stroke a stroke where the blood loss is caused by a blockage
cerebral aneurysm the widening or abnormal dilation of a blood vessel in the brain
cerebral atherosclerosis the hardening of an artery in the brain caused by the buildup of fatty plaque
cerebral embolism the blockage of a blood vessel in the brain caused by a foreign object (embolus) such as fat or bacteria
craniomalacia abnormal softening of the skull
craniostenosis abnormal narrowing of the skull
craniosynostosis premature fusing of the skull bones
hydrocephaly abnormal accumulation of spinal fluid in the brain
encephalopyosis a pus filled abscess in the brain
myelodysplasia defective formation of the spinal cord
poliomyelitis inflammation of the gray matter of the spinal cord
cerebral palsy (CP) paralysis caused by damage to the area of the brain responsible for movement
dysphoria a negative emotional state
thrombo clot
cerebrotomy/neurotomy incision into the brain/nerve
ectomy removal
endarterectormy removal of the inside of an artery
neurorrhaphy suturing of a nerve (often the severed ends of a nerve)
SRS stereotactic radiosurgery
HD Huntington's disease
ICP intracranial pressure
psychotropic drugs that are able to turn the mind
thrombolytic drug that dissolves clots
endovascular neurosurgery surgery on the nervous system performed by entering the body through blood vessels
tomy incision
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) a degenerative disease of the central nervous system causing loss of muscle control Literally, the hardening (sclerosis) of the nerve cells on the sides (lateral) of the spine leading to the loss of muscle tissue from disuse
Created by: leewolff3
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