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Med abbreviation A

D/C discontinue, discharge
ac before meals
Cl chloride or chlorine
AP apical pulse
- c with
BP blood pressure
CDC centers for disease control and prevention
DRG diagnostic related group
♀ or F female
AED automated external defibrillation
HIPAA health insurance portability and accountability act
BMI body mass index
am morning
2 gtts bid 2 drops twice a day
cc cubic centimeter
BP blood pressure
h hour(s)
HS hour of sleep/bedtime
Ht height
BR bed rest
BRP bathroom privileges
ECG electrocardiagram
CCU critical care unit
H2O water
BlwK blood work
CBC complete blood count
BUN blood urea nitrogen
FBS fasting blood sugar
Cap capsule
Hg mercury
EENT ear,eye,nose,throat
Gyn gynecology
ADL activities of daily living
FFl force fluids
cl liq clear liquids
GERD gastroesophageal reflux disease
Dx diagnosis
CVA cerebral vascular accident (stroke)
COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
CT computerized tomography
mL milliters
EMT emergency medical technician
ACLS advanced cardiac life support
CRT certified respiratory therapy
ABG arterial blood gas
*> greater than
*< less than
^ higher
(arrow down) lower
# pound or number
' foot or minute
" inch or second
. degree
♂ or M male
I or i or T (one dot on top) one
II or ii or TT(two dots on top) two
V five
X ten
C 100
D 500
M 1000
OR Operating room
NPO nothing by mouth
Na sodium
MRSA methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus
IM intramural
oz ounce
OJ orange juice
N/S normal saline
IV Intavenous
NaCL sodium chloride (salt)
mm millimeter
liq liquid
IPPB intermittent positive pressure breathing
KCL potassium chloride
mg milligrams
NS Neurosurgery
KVO keep vein open
I+O intake and output
ICD International classification of diseases
Ob obstetrics
LTC long-term care
dilute dil
C/O complains of
CXR chest x-ray
LMP last menstrual period
OPD outpatient department or clinic
NSIV normal saline neurosurgery intravenous
OU each eye
O2 oxygen
crani pertaining to the skull
otomy cutting into
craniotomy cutting into the skull
dys difficult, painful, bad
uria urine
dysuria difficult or painful to urine
hyster uterus
ectomy surgical removal of
hysterectomy surgical removal of the uterus
hemo blood
toxic poison
hemotoxic blood poison
peri around
card heart
itis inflammation (of)
pericarditis inflammation around the heart
leuko white
cyte cell
leukocyte white blood cell
chole bile, gallbladder
cyst bladder, bag, sac
cholecystitis gallbladder inflamation
tachy fast or rapid
cardia pertaining to heart
tachycardia fast or rapid heart
neur nerve, nervous system
algia pain
neuralgia nerve pain
poly many, much, increased
cyt cell
emia blood
polucytemia increased concentration of hemoglobin in blood
brady slow
bradycardia slow heart
gastro stomach
gastroectomy surgical removal of the stomach
meningitis inflammation of the membranes
neo new
pathy disease, abnormal condition
neopathy new disease or abnormal condition
dermat pertaining to skin
ologist person who studies, does
dermatologist person who studies, does skin
procto rectum, rectal, anus
scope examining instrument
proctoscope instrument for examining the rectum
carcin cancerous/tumor
oma a swelling, tumor
carcinoma cancerous swelling
electro electrical
encephalo brain
graph diagram, instrument for recording
electroencephalograph electrical brain diagram
osteo bone
malacia softening of a tissue
osteomalacia bone softening
para lower half of body, near
plegia paralysis
paraplegia paralysis of lower half of the body
py pus
uria urine
pyuria urine with pus
acro extremities (arms and legs)
megaly large, enlarged
acromegaly enlarged extremities
geront old age, elderly
gerontology study of old age, the elderly
phagia to eat, consuming, swallow
dysphagia difficult to eat, swallow
hydro water
cele swelling, tumor, cavity, hernia
hydrocele accumulation of serious fluid in a body sac
Created by: audreymklein
Popular Medical sets




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