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Meaning of Culture

True or False. Everyone is born into a culture. True
All the things that make up a people's entire way of life is called Culture
Scientists who study culture around the world are called Anthropologists
What four elements make up a culture? Religion, Food, Customs/Traditions, & Govt/Economics
What does social organization do for the people of the culture? Helps them work together to meet their needs (or the needs of the group)
Every culture needs what type of structure? Social Structure
What is the most important unit of social organization? Family
A typical family pattern of parents and children is also called The Nuclear Family
The Nuclear Family is common in Industrial societies
When several generations live within one household it is called An Extended Family
True or False. Extended families are rare around the world. False.
Cultures with common extended family units often have a strong respect for The Elders
True or False. The person who exercises authority within a family is always the same within every culture. False. It varies greatly from culture to culture.
When the father is the main decision maker, that is known as Patriarchal
When the mother is the main decision maker, that is known as Matriarchal
Most cultures have what that ranks people by status? Social Classes
What are the things that cultures use to separate people into classes? Occupation, Education and Ancestry
What is a 2000 yr old example of ranking people into social classes? India's Caste System
In the past, if people were born into a class then they generally stayed there, did not move up or down
Today, if people are born into a class then they generally move up the social ladder
Social mobility is achieved through what three avenues? Education, Marriage & Accumulated Wealth
What is the cornerstone of culture? Language
What aspect of human life do all cultures have? Language
Through history what means of communication have some cultures NOT developed Forms of Writing; Some did, but not all
What do people who speak the same language often share? Similar beliefs and cultures
What aspect of culture often supports the values of the culture? Religion
True or False. Religious beliefs are the same and seldom varied. False. Very False.
Defined as the belief in one god monotheism
Defined as a belief in many gods polytheism
What is are three examples of monotheism? christianity, judaism, islam
What is an example of polytheism? Hinduism
What is an example of religious differences than cause conflict within a region? Israel vs Palestine; Muslims vs Christians
A system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives. Democracy
A system of government by one person with absolute power. Autocracy
A small group of people having control of a country, organization, or institution. Oligarchy
The absence of government and absolute freedom of the individual; chaos; lack of a recognized authority Anarchy
Popular History sets




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