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The Essex,Moby Dick

who captained the essex George Pollard Jr
The Essex was? used to catch Moby Dick
How big was Moby Dick? a 85 foot sperm whale
how many men where their after the sinking of the essex? only 20 men survived
when did the essex set sail for the azoys? august 6th, 1820
when was the Essex was hit by the whale? november 11th 1820
How long does whaling last? 2 to three years
what do they make fro the whales? candles, oil and other things
who was Owen Chase? first mate who was a harpooner on the previous voyage.
How may months were they at sea before they spotted their first whale? 2 or three months at sea
what is made from the blubber of a whale or sperm whale? oil
what is Amber Gris ? perfume
what did they capture from the galopagose for food? tortises
why was the whale attcking the ship? it was mad that they were capturing and killing his pod.
what was moby dick? a white sperm whale
how bad was the essex wounded? mortaly
There is no hope of_______? rescue among the crew
They took a fatal decision and went toward__________________? south africa
they were all becoming____________________. dehydrated
they found land at? Henderson island
how many men decided to stay on the island and their chances with the island? 3 men
how long before the 3 men on the island were rescued? 4 months
they were heading for? easter island
the food supply is rapidly_____________________. decreasing
Chases boat gets separated from___________________. captain pollards boat
febuary 17th first mate finds another boat
The boat was called? the indian
where was the captians boat rescued? off the coast of chilli
how many people survived out of the 20 people? 8 people
did they go on another voyage ? yes
what does the captain become? a watchman
Does he morne the loss of his men every year? yes
moby dick the book came out to the public what year? 1851
Created by: meganengland
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