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DU PA Benign/Mal ski

Duke PA Benign and Malignant Skin Lesions

medical term for skin tag, usually appear after 30's achrochordon
bening, firm, mobile, subcutaneous nodule, most common on hair bearing areas, but may occur anywhere epidermal cyst
aka mole nevus
nevus cells located within the deeper dermis blue nevus
where are blue nevi most commonly found head, neck, buttocks, and dorsal hands/feet, can be seen anywhere
perform a complete skin exam as this phenomenon may occur in vitiligo and in malignant melanoma halo nevus
a preexisting nevus of any type which is surrounded by a rim of depigmentation, an autoimmune phenomena preceding the disappearance of the nevus halo nevus
benign, pink, tan, or brown dome-shaped smooth papules, most common in children, rare in adults, most common on the face, scalp, neck, and legs Spitz nevus
treatement of spitz nevus excision is recommended since melanoma has been reported to arise albeit rarely
not a true nevus since it lacks nevus cells, it is a developmental anomaly appearing as a brown patch, a patch of hair, or both Becker's nevus
aka freckles ephilides
aka age spots, liver spots, wisdom spots lentigo
benign 1-2 mm well defined red, tan, or brown colored macules, increased # of melanocytes therefore they tend to darken with sun exposure and fade in the winter months ephilides
most common skin cancer/most common cancer in humans basal cell carcinoma
usually slow growing and locally destructive lesions. Metastasis virtually never occurs in theis type of cancer (most common on the face, scalp, ears, and neck basal cell carcinoma
most common variant of BCC, nodular BCC
treatment for nodular BCC ED&C, excision, and MMS for recurrent or high risk lesion
least aggressive variant of BCC superficial BCC
this BCC may resemble melanoma pigmented BCC
least common BCC very subtle, white to yellow patch with poorly defined borders morpheaform BCC
treatment of choice for morpheaform BCC MMS
common, persistent, keratotic growth with malignant potential, caused by cumulative sun exposure (most commonly seen on sun-exposed skin of fair-skinned patients actinic keratosis
lesions appear as flesh colored, yellowish, brown, pink, or red-colored, scaly, hyperkeratotic, or rough textured papules. they may also present as cutaneous horns actinic keratosis
treatment for actinic keratosis 5-FU, imiquimod, cryotherapy, or ED&C
potentially invasive, primary cutaneous malignancy of keratinocytes in the skin or mucous membranes squamous cell carcinoma
most squamous cell carcinoma is caused by UV light, radiation, chemicals (arsenic and hydrocarbons), tobacco, chronic infection, chronic inflammation, burns, and human papillomavirus infection
common, rapidly growing, solitary, firm, red nodule, with a central keratotoic plug or cutaneous horn. cannot be clinically distinguished from an invasive SCC and must be biopsied keratoacanthoma
ABCDE stands for asymmetry, border irregularity, color, diameter, evolving
should be in your differential for any new mole presenting in adulthood or any mole changeing in size, shape, or color malignant melanoma
the incidence of __ is rising faster than the rate of any other human cancer and the mortality rate is increasing at a rate second only to lung cancer. malignant melanoma
the most common cancer in females 25-29 yo and is the second most common cancer in women 30-35 yo malignant melanoma
most common cause of death in malignant melanoma CNS mets
pigmentation of the proximal nail fold hutchinson's sign
ED&C stands for electrodessication and curettage (shave biopys followed by alternating use of curette and electrocautery for 3 cycles each
Created by: bwyche
Popular Medical sets




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