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3312 #3

Cardiovascular Drugs- Cardiotonic/Inotropic

Two causes of heart failure or congestive heart failure - coronary artery disease - hypertension
failure of the heart as a pump is known as heart failure or congestive heart failure
Four effect of heart failure or congestive heart failure are: 1. ventricular dysfunction 2. reduced cardiac output 3. inadequate tissue perfusion 4. fluid overload
Heart Failure causes the body to respond to the general threat of inadequate oxygen supply causing: 1. cardiac stimulation 2. kidneys to retain fluid
drugs that improve pumping action of the heart cardiotonic-inotropic
Therapeutic goal of these drugs are to improve cardiac output (amount of blood pumped by the ventricle in 1 minute) Cardiotonic-inotropic
Therapuetic goal of these drugs are to maintain normal sinus rhythm (normal electrical conduction) cardiotonic-inotropic
Actions of Cardiotonic/Inotropics are classified as which four effects positive inotropic effect negative chronotropic effect negative dromotropic effect net effects
the action of cardiotonic/inotropics that cause an increase force of myocardial contraction is considered a postive inotropic effect
the action of cardiotonic/inotropics that cause a decrease in heart rate is considered negative chronotropic effect
the action of cardiotonic/inotropics that cause a decreased rate of impulse conduction through the heart is considered a negative dromotropic effect
the action of cardiotonic/inoropics that cause a decreased heart rate and an increased strength of contraction is considered net effects of the drug
drugs used to treat CHF or HF and for the treatment of some dysrhthmias (same as arthmias) cardiotronic/inotropics
anything out side of the normal 60-100 BPM is considered a dysrhythmia (ie tachycardia, bradycardia)
an abnormal cardiac rate or rhythm dysrhythmia
The following are side effects of which classification of cardiovascular drugs cardiac -- bradycardia, other dysthmias GI -- anorexia, n/v CNS-- confusion, visual disturbances (specifically caused by Digoxin) cardiotonics/inotropics
medications that increase the strength of the muscle contractions that pump blood from the heart cardiotonic/inotropic drugs
What are the five classfication of drugs used to treat heart failure 1. cardiac glycosides 2. phosphodiesterase inhibitors 3. ACE inhbitors 4. human natriuretic peptide B-type 5. endothelin receptor antagonists
This drug icreases influx of Ca into myocardial cells which increases activation of actin & myosin, thereby increasing myocardial contractility (positive inotropic effect), slows SA firing and AV conduction What is the class and prototype Digitalis--Digoxin(Lanoxin)
What are unique features of digoxin - hypokalemia (low potassium) increase risk of digitalis toxicity - half life 36hrs-takes longer time to leave the body - digitalizing and maintenance dosing - contraindicated with heart block
digoxin can be given which two ways PO or IV pt, if meds given IV, should be monitored in ICU setting
T or F digoxin (Lanoxin) improves symptoms, but does not improve mortality True
Symptoms of hypokalemia include: - dsyrythmias - muscle weakness/flacid - confused -fatigue
Symptoms of digitalis toxicity - bradycardia - anorexia - nausea - visual disturbances - yellow glare to everything
contraindication for digitalis drugs heart block
T or F As a rule if pt has a HR of 60, you cannot give digitalis drugs without checking with physician False- as a rule you can give digitalis with a HR of 60 without checking with physician
What should you tell a patient who has been prescribed digoxin (Lanoxin) - get meds from same pharmacists - tablets/capsules not interchangable - take HR before taking med - now S & S of toxicity - different brands are not interchangable
as a nurse you should asses what on a pt taking digoxin I(Lanoxin) - for S & S of hypokalemia - apical pulse X 1 min - peripheral edema - activity intolerance - crackles
amrinone(Inocor) is classified as phosphodiesterase inhibitor
This drug increases myocardial contractility by increasing cAMP in myocardial cells and is also a peripheral vasodilator phosphdiesterase inhibitors--amrinone(Inocor)
Unique features of phosphodiesterase inhibitors--amrinone(Inocor) short-term tx of acute, severe CHF that does not respond to digitalis, diuretics , or vasodilators
how is inamrinone (Inocor) given IV- in cardiac monitor setting
Adverse effects of inamrinone (Inocor) are - deceased B/P - decreased platelets - hepatoxicity
These drugs inhibit renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system ACE (Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme) inhibitors
an enzyme that is produced in the kidneys in response to impaired blood flow and tissue perfusion; stimulates conversion of angiotensin I to angiotensin II: 1. vasoconstricts 2. stimulates aldosterone release ( Na and water retention, K secretion renin
T or F ACE inhibitors do no improve life span False- they do improve life span
the amount of blood in the ventricles at the end of diastole, before the next contraction; relates to amount of "stretch" and amount of contractility preload
the peripheral resistance against which the left ventricle must pump afterload
ACE inhibitors improve ___ perfusion
inhibits renin-angiotensin aldosterone system resuling in peripheral vasodilation and also decreases cardiac workload What is the class and prototype ACE inhibitors--captopril
Unique Features of ACE inhibitors--captopril - first line tx along with diuretics for CHF - monitor serum potassium and creatine - can cause chronic cough
Actions of ACE inhibitors--captopril - peripheral vasodilation - decreased preload and afterload - decreased cardiac workload - improve perfusion
ACE inhibitors--captopril reduces ___ flow renal blood
This drug classification causes diuresis; suppresses renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system; decreases norepinephrine and endothelin Human natriuretic peptide B-type--nesiritide
Unique features of Human natriuretic peptide B-type--nesiritide include: - incompatible with most other drugs in IV inifusion - can cause hypotension, v. tach, bradycardia, n/v, anxiety -used at last resort -increases mortality (die faster)
What lab test should be ordered for a pt on Human Natriuretic Peptide B-type BNP level measures endogenous level (0-100 normal) - if level is high, indicates HF (body is releasing high amounts of BNP to compensate)
Adverse Effects of Human Natriuretic Peptide B-type - hypotension - ventricular tachycardia - bradycardia - n/v - anxiety
This medication can be given for moderate to severe HF spironolactone (aldosterone antagonist)
T or F Weight gain of 3lbs in two days is okay for a person on cardiotonics/inotropics False- it is too much, notify prescriber
Which type of drugs should not be used acutely with HF beta blockers
strong scientific evidence supports this type of non-allopathic drug Hawthorn
conflicting scientific evidence for these types of non-allopathic drugs - coenzyme Q10 - Oleander- contains glycoside chemicals, early studies abandoned due to GI problems and toxicity
This type of non-allopathic agent blocks effects of spironolactone natural licorice
This type of non-allopathic agent increases risk of digoxin toxicity genseng
These types of non-allopathic agents are diuretics dandelion root and juniper berries
Created by: Black88cat
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