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Vocab 1

Lurid Def-(adj) causing shock or horror Ant: mild Syn: shocking, sensational
Skeptical Def-(adj) doubting or disbelieving Ant: convinced Syn: doubtful
Blasé Def-(adj) uninterested; unexcited Ant: awed Syn: bored
Feint Def-(v) to pretend in order to deceive an opponent or divert attention away from the real target Syn: deceive, trick
Appall Def-(v) to fill with horror or amazement; to shock Ant: please, calm, console Syn: horrify
Nominal Def-(adj) so small or low in relation to the real value as to be a mere token Ant: actual, notable Syn: apparent, insignificant
Whimsical Def-(adj) playful Ant: serious Syn: capricious
Integral Def-(adj) necessary to form whole Ant: unnecessary Syn: important
Persistant Def-(adj) lasting; unceasing; persevering; enduring Syn: stubborn, determined
Seismic Def-(adj) having a strong or great impact; of, subject to, or caused by an earthquake or shock Ant: minor, unimportant Syn: major
Pretext Def-(n) an excuse given to hide the real reason for something Syn: excuse, alibi
Singular Def-(adj) exceptional Ant: usual Syn: uncommon, unique
Ultimate Def-(adj) final, conclusive; highest possible Ant: first, beginning Syn: last, final
Brazen Def-(adj) rudely bold; impudent Ant: reserved, well-mannered Syn: insolent
Sobriety Def-(n) seriousness in bearing, manner, or treatment Ant: lightheartedness, drunkenness
Obselence Def-(n) the state of being no longer useful or in fashion
Impugn Def-(v) to attack as false; to cast doubt on Ant: authenticate Syn: deny
Wane Def-(v) to gradually decrease Ant: wax, grow Syn: abate, ebb
Foster Def-(v) to promote the development or growth of; to cultivate Ant: oppose, restrain Syn: promote, further, aid
Wan Def-(adj) unnaturally pale, as from illness; weak or faint Ant: colorful Syn: ashen
Astute Def-(adj) keen to judgement Syn- shrewd Ant- gullible, native
Duress Def-(n) constraint by threat;coercion Syn- force
Imperturbable Def-(adj) not easily disturbed; unshakable; calm Syn- cool, composed
Innate Def-(adj) possessed from birth; inborn; inherent Syn- natural Ant- acquired
Jurisdiction Def-(n) the authority to interpret and apply the law
Potential Def-(n) an ability that may or may not be developed Syn- possibility Ant- actuality
Premise Def-(n) a statement upon which an argument is based or from which a conclusion is drawn Syn- assumption
Profane Def-(adj) showing contempt for God or sacred things Syn- impious, irreverent Ant- holy, sacred
Unkempt Def-(adj) not neat or tidy Syn- sloppy Ant- neat
Vapid Def-(adj) uninteresting; flat; stale Syn- flavorless, insipid Ant- meaningful, zesty
Fray Def-(n) a fight Syn- brawl, scuffle
Drudgery Def-(n) difficult work Syn- labor tediousness
Vogue Def-(n) fashion Syn- style, trend
Paltry Def-(adj) meager, insignificant Ant- significant Syn- small, measly
Feudal Def-(adj) primitive or pertaining to the Middle Ages
Jostle Def-(v) to bump Syn- push, shove
Scurry Def-(v) to dash Syn- scuttle, dart
Disperse Def-(v) to scatter Ant- gather Syn- dispense, spread
Mundane Def-(adj) worldly rather than spiritual; ordinary, routine Ant- extraordinary Syn- common place
Saturate Def-(v) to soak; to infuse Ant- dry out Syn- drench
Constraint Def-(n) force; coercion Syn: restraint
Contrive Def-(v) to plot Syn: concoct, devise
Dupe Def-(v) to fool; to delude Syn: hoax, trick
Equilibrium Def-(n) balance; stability Ant: imbalance Syn: steadiness, evenness
Exponential Def-(adj) increasing rapidly
Obstinate Def-(adj) stubborn Ant: pliable Syn: bull-headed
Pantheon Def-(n) a group of highly regarded people; a place for such people; a range
Placard Def-(n) a sign Syn: poster
Sally Def-(n) a rush or a leap forward
Tranquil Def-(adj) calm Ant-agitated Syn-placid
Assail Def-(v) to attack Syn-assault Ant-retreat
Assets Def-(n) resources or wealth Syn-credits, money Ant-liabilities, handicaps
Cope Def-(v) to deal with Syn-manage
Potent Def-(adj) powerful Syn-strong Ant-weak
Saga Def-(n) a story; tale Syn-epic
Spontaneous Def-(adj) happening without an external cause Syn- self-generating, unplanned Ant- premeditated
Stunt Def-(v) to limit growth Syn- dward check
Taut Def-(adj) tight; tence Syn- rigid Ant- loose, slack
Valor Def-(n) bravery Syn- courage Ant- cowardice
Wither Def-(v) to dry up to shrivel Syn-wilt, shrink Ant-flourish
Created by: aliszka
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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