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med term pop quiz 1

cyt/o cell
-cyte cell
RUQ right upper quandrant
LUQ left upper quandrant
RLQ right lower quandrant
LLQ left lower quandrant
dorsal back
ventral front
anterior front
poterior back
cephalic upward, toward the head
caudal down, toward the tail
medial toward the midline
lateral toward the side, away from the midline
superior above
inferior below
proximal near the point of origin, or near the midline
distal away from the point of origin, or away from the midline
dextra right
sinistra left
-ist specialist
-megaly enlarged
-logy study of
-osis condition or increase in number
leuk/o white
melan/o black
erythr/o red
cyan/o blue
-penia low number
-emia blood condition
-gram picture
-graphy process of using a recording instrument
-grapher person who makes the recording or picture
brady- slow
tachy- fast
sclerosis a condition of hardening
-oma tumor
-lysis destruction
angi/o vessel
arteri/o artery
ather/o thick, fatty
aort/o aorta
phleb/o vein
hemi- half
epi- above, upon, on
-algia pain
-plasty repair
-stasis control or stopping
neur/o nerve
psych/o mind
encephal/o brain, inside head
myel/o spinal cord
aden/o gland
melan/o black
papill/o small elevation of tissue
fibr/o fibrous
oste/o bone
chondr/o cartilage
leiomy/o smooth muscle
carcin/o cancer
emes/o vomitting
-blast embryonic or immature
hyper- above, increased
hypo- below, decreased
-tomy incision, cut into
-trophy development
-malacia softening
dys- painful, difficult
-cele hernia
Created by: disney2000
Popular Medical sets




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