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Chapter 10 part 2

Disease Terms of the heart

angioma tumor composed of blood vessels
angiostenosis narrowing of a blood vessel
aortic stenosis narrowing pertaining to aorta
arteriosclerosis hardening of the arteries
athersclerosis hardening of fatty plaque
bradycardia condition of a slow heart
cardiomegaly enlargement of the heart
cardiomyopathy disease of the heart muscle
endocarditis inflammation of the inner lining of the heart
myocarditis inflammation of the muscle of the heart
pericarditis inflammation of the sac surrounding the heart
phlebitis inflammation of a vein
polyarteritis inflammation of many arteries
tachycardia condition of a rapid heart
thrombophlebitis inflammation of a vein associated with a blood clot
valvulitis inflammation of a valve of the heart
erythocytopenia abnormal reduction of red blood cells
hematoma tumor of blood (collection of blood resulting from a broken blood vessel)
leukocytopenia abnormal reduction of white blood cells (also called leukopenia)
multiple myeloma tumors of the bone marrow
pancytopenia abnormal reduction of all blood cells
thrombocytopenia abnormal reduction of blood clotting cells
thrombosis abnormal condition of a blood clot
thrombus blood clot attached to the interior wall of an artery or vein
lymphadenitis inflammation of lymph nodes
lymphadenopathy disease of lymph nodes characterized by abnormal enlargement of the lymph nodes associated with an infection or malignacy
lymphoma tumor of lymphatic tissue
splenomegaly enlargement of the spleen
thymorma tumor of the thymus gland
acute coronary syndrome abnormal symptoms of insufficient blood supply to the heart indicating unstable angina or acute myocardial infarction
aneurysm ballooning of a weakened portion of an arterial wall
angina pectoris chest pain, which may radiate to the left arm and jaw, that occurs when there is a insufficient supply of blood to the heart muscle
arrhythmia any disturbance or abnormality in the heart's normal rhythmic pattern
atrial fibrillation cardiac arrhythmia characterized by chaotic, rapid electrical impulses in the atria
cardiac arrest sudden cessation of cardiac output and effective circulation which requires cardiopulmonary resscitation
cardiac tamponade acute compression of the heart caused by fluid accumulation in the pericardial cavity
coarctation of the aorta congenital cardiac condition characterized by a narrowing of the aorta
congenital heart disease heart abnormality present at birth
coronary artery disease condition that reduces the flow of blood through the coronary arteries to the myocardium that may progress to denying the heart tissue sufficient oxygen and nutrients to function normally
deep vein thrombosis condition of thrombus in a deep vein of the body most often occurs in the lower extremities
heart failure condition in which there is a inability of the heart to pump enough blood through the body to supply the tissues and organs with nutrients and oxygen can also be called congestive heart failure
hypertensive heart disease disorder of the heart caused by persistent high blood pressure
intermittent caludication pain and discomfort in calf muscles while walking a condition seen in peripheral arterial disease
ischemia condition of deficient blood flow due to constriction or obstruction of a blood vessel
mitral valve stenosis narrowing of the mitral valve from scarring usually caused by episodes of rheumatic fever
myocardial infraction death necrosis of a portion of the myocardium caused by lack of oxygen resulting from an interrupted blood supply (also called heart attack)
peripheral arterial disease disease of the arteries in the arms and legs resulting in narrowing or complete obstruction of the artery
rheumatic heart disease damage to the heart muscle or heart valves caused by one or more episodes of rheumatic fever
varicose veins distended or tortuous veins usually found in the lower extremities
anemia condition in which there is a reduction in the number of erythrocytes
embolus or Pl: emboli blood clot or foreign material such as air or fat that enters the bloodstream and moves until it lodges at another point in the circulation
hemophilia inherited bleeding disease most commonly caused by a deficiency of the coagulation factor VIII
leukemia malignant disease characterized by excessive increase in abnormal leukocytes formed in the bone marrow
sepsis condition in which pathogenic microorganisms usually bacteria enter the blood stream causing a systemic inflammatory response to the infection (also called septicemia)
hodgkin disease malignant disorder of the lymphatic tissue characterized by swollen lymph nodes sore throat fatigue and fever
infectious mononucleosis acute infection caused by the epstein barr virus characterized by progressive enlargement of the lymph nodes usually beginning in the cervical nodes
acute leukemia develops quickly with rapid progression of the disease
chronic leukemia develops slowly with gradual disease progression and is only present in adults
angioplasty surgical repair of a blood vessel
arthrectomy excision of fatty plaque
endarterectomy excision within the artery
pericardiocentesis surgical puncture to aspirate fluid from the sac surrounding the heat
phlebectomy excision of a vein
phlebotomy incision into a vein with a needle to remove blood or give blood or intravenous fluids also called venipuncture
valvloplasty surgical repair of a valve
splenectomy excision of the spleen
splenopexy surgical fixation of the spleen
thymectomy excision of the thymus gland
aneuysmectomy surgical excision of an aneurysm
atrial fibrillation ablation procedure in which abnormal cells that trigger atrial fibrillation are destroyed by using a device that heats or freezes the cells
cardiac pacemaker battery-powered appratus implanted under the skin with leads placed on the heart
coronary artery bypass graft surgical technique to bring a new blood supply to the heart muscle by detouring around blocked arteries
coronary stent supportive sacfold device placed in the coronary artery used to prevent closure of the artery after angioplasty or atherectomy
embolectomy surgical removal of a embolus or clot usually with a balloon or clot usually with balloon catheter inflating the balloon beyond the clot
femoropopliteal bypass surgery to establish an alternative route from femoral artery to popliteal artery to bypass an obstruction
implantable cardiac defibrillator device implanted in the body that contentiously monitors the heart rhythm
intracoronary thrombolytic therapy injection of a medication either intravenously or intraarterially to dissolve blood clots in the coronary arteries before they become hardened
percutaneous tranluminal coronary procedure in which a balloon is passed through a blood vessel into a coronary artery to the area where plaque is formed
bone marrow biopsy procedure to obtain a sample of bone marrow usually from the ilium for study used to diagnose stage and monitor disease and condition of blood cells
bone marrow aspiration procedure to aspirate a sample of the liquid portion of the bone marrow usually from the ilium for study used to diagnose stage and monitor disease and condition of blood cells
bone marrow transplant infusion of healthy bone marrow cells to a recipient with matching cells from a donor
angiography radiographic imaging of the blood vessels
angioscope instrument used for visual examination of the lumen of a blood vessel
angioscopy visual examination of the lumen of a blood vessel
aortogram radiographic image of the aorta after an injection of contrast media
arteriogram radiographic image of a artery after an injection of contrast media
venogram radiographic image of a vein after an injection of contrast media
echocardiogram record of the heart structure and motion using sound
electrocardiogram record of the electrical activity of the heart
eletrocardiograph instrument used to record the electrical activity of the heart
electrocardiography process of recording the electrical activity of the heart
coronary angiography commonly called cardiac catherization is an invasive procedure in which a catheter is inserted into the cornary vessels contrast media are injected and images are recorded
magnetic resonance angiography is an noninvasive procedure that does not require catheterization or the injection of dye and uses specialized MR imaging to study vascular structures of the body
computed tomography angiography is an noninvasive procedure that uses a high-resolution CT system to study vascular structures of the body after the injection of intavenous contrast media
digital subtraction angiography is a procedure in which an image is taken and stored in the computer then contrast medium is injected a second image is taken and stored in the computer
Created by: Jenfaith
Popular Medical sets




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