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Med Vocab Ch 4

a red blood cell erythrocyte
a substance that causes hemolysis hemolysin
a substance that produces cancer carcinogen
any disease of the eye ophthalmopathy
excessive preoccupation with fires pyromania
inflammation of a bone osteitis
muscular pain myalagia
pertaining to the nose nasal
treatment of disease with medicines pharmacotheraphy
viewing things with a microscope microscopy
-cele hernia
-emia condition of the blood
-iasis condition
-lith calculus
-mania excessive preoccupation
-oma tumor
-phobia abnormal fear
-ptosis prolapse
alb(o) white
chlor(o) green
cyan(o) blue
erythr(o) red
melan(o) black
xanth(o) yellow
Bx biopsy
OD overdose
OTC over the counter
Rx prescription
Tx treatment
cancer(o), carcin(o) cancer
onc(o) tumor
path(o) disease
-manic a person who shows excessive preoccupation
the inflammation of the eye ophthalmitis
inflammation of the tonsils tonsillitis
inflammation of the gland adenitis
a nervous condition or disorder that is not caused by a demonstrable structural change neurosis
-able -ible capable of, able to
-an pertaining to
-ary pertaining to
-eal pertaining to
-ive pertaining to
-tic pertaining to
-ase enzyme
-eum, -ium membrance
-ia condition or theory
-iac one who suffers
-opia vision
-ose sugar
-ous pertaining to or characterized by
-y state or condition
cyt(o) cell
gen(o) beginning,origin
-genic produced by or in
-gensis producing or forming
kinesi(o) movement
leps(o) seizure
log(o) knowledge or words
lys(o) destruction, dissolving
megal(o) measure; uterinn tissue
phag(o) eat, ingest
phas(o) speech
plas(o) formation, development
plast(o) repair
pleg(o) paralysis
schis(o) split, cleft
schiz(o) split, cleft
schist(o) split, cleft
scop(o) to examine, view
troph(o) nutrition
-meter instrument used to measure
-metry process of measuring
bi(o) life or living
cephal(o) head
electr(o) electricity
hist(o) tissue
muscul(o) muscle
my(o) muscle
nas(o) nose
ne(o) new
pod(o) foot
pyr(o) fire
therm(o) heat
algesi(o) sensitivity or pain
chem(o) chemical
esthesi(o) feeling or sensation
narc(o) stupor
pharmac(o) drugs or medicine
pharmaceut(i) drugs or medicine
therapeut(o) treatment
tox(o) posion
toxic(o) posion
-therapy treatment
kleptomania an uncontrollable impluse to steal objects unnecessary for personal use or monetary value
This enzyme breaks down lactose lactase
Created by: LSerreia
Popular Medical sets




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