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NC #5

Concepts of Health & Wellness

What is high-level wellness? Oriented toward maximizing the potential of which the individual is capable
What is disease prevention? Actions that promote health protective behaviors, can reduce potential or actual illness & disease
What is holistic health promotion? Focuses on increasing the well being and function of all aspects of the individual
What is the primary focus of nursing care? Meeting client/patient needs
True or False: The urgency of a particular need is highly individualized & shaped by the situation and a persons perspective True
Who developed the pyramid "Hierarchy of Needs"? Maslow
What is the basic concept of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs? A pyramid structure to describe & prioritize a humans needs, progressing from essential needs at the base & proceeding upwards for healthy whole human beings
Who is wellness influenced by? Client/patient
What are the internal influences for wellness? Biological, psychosocial, mental & spiritual health
What are the external influences for wellness? Environmental, cultural, work, & recreational
What is "Health"? A state of complete physical, mental & social well being, and not merely the absence of disease & infirmity
What are factors of biological health? Environment, heredity, age, gender, & stage of development impact the clients physiological health, as do nutrition, exercise & sleep
What are factors of psychosocial health (mental & emotional)? Lifestyle choices, stress management, & coping mechanisms
Is spiritual health easily measured or tested? No
Does spiritual health have a deep & very real influence of a client/patients health? Yes
What does optimal spiritual health mean? At peace & clearly express beliefs, drawing strength from own convictions & their source of religious experience
What does poor spiritual health mean? Conflicted, expressing doubts and fears related to their beliefs. Unable to draw strength from any source of religious experience and are tormented by disquiet
Define disease An objective, identifiable process that causes a change in body function that shortens the lifespan of a client or reduces their capabilities
What does disease cause? Illness
What is illness? A change or deviation from the norm that alters the physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual functioning of the client/pt. May or may not be related to disease
Is illness objective or subjective? Subjective
What is an acute illness? Change that occurs suddenly and can be resolved in a short period of time (flu, colds, fevers, appendicitis)
What is a chronic illness? Change that occurs over a long period of time, developing slowly & lasting through the remainder of the clients life (heart condition, diabetes, paralysis)
What is a terminal illness? No cure is available or treatments that are ineffective and do not halt the progression of a disease; results in death
What does the 2010 health report do? Places individual health within the larger context of community health, then places community health within the context of the health of the nation
According to Healthy People 2010, what are leading health indicators? Physical activity, over weight & obesity, tobacco use, substance abuse, responsible sexual behavior, mental health, injury & violence, environmental quality, immunizations, access to health care
What are the biological factors that influence health & wellness? Heredity, genetic make up, metabolism, taste (food preferences are based on genetic programming), gender, hereditary disease, lifestyle, environmental exposures, environmental toxicants, congenital disease
What are social factors that influence health & wellness? Family & social support, abuse, neglect, accidents, violence, culture, and economic factors
True or False: Clients/patients with a strong family support, respond more quickly to a treatment and tend to remain healthier True
What is the best way to learn about culture? Do research in the library or on the internet
What are food habits based on? Food availability, genetic differences, taste, food economics & distribution, and symbolic meanings attached to certain foods
How do you model healthy behaviors? Be self aware, take care of yourself (physically, emotionally, & spiritually)
What is the most important meal of the day? Breakfast
What does modifiable mean? Behavior or factors you can control or change
What does non-modifiable mean? Behavior or factors you can not control or change
What are risk factors for heart attack? Smoking, diabetes, obesity
What was the leading cause of death in 2004? Heart disease
What has the greatest influence and is most within your control? Personal stress
What are examples of personal risk? Negative self-talk, smoking, alcohol, pain killers, sleep aids, high BMI, & low physical activity
What is one of the main types of stress in work/school (where you spend most of your time) called? Work related
What are some examples of work-related stress? Work roles, high work levels, uncertain or consistent changing of expectations, physically demanding work
What is client-related stress? Dealing with the needs of those who are ill or dying, the changing nature of the clients, frequency of client contact, & increasing demands from the client
What are health promotion seeking activities? Personal prevention and health care prevention
Who is ultimately responsible for their health care decisions? Client/patient
How can you assist with clients health promotion? Monitor health changes, manage medications, administer injections, educate clients, provide basic care & comfort, reduce potential risk, & watch for potential complications
How do you help maintain health promotion for infants? Support caregivers in providing healthy, nurturing & safe environment
How do you help maintain health promotion for school-aged children? Focus on family & school support structures, include good diet, exercise, & establish good health habits
How do you help maintain health promotion for adolescents? Address sleep patterns, sexual experimentation, substance abuse issues. Focus on family & peer support structures.
How do you help maintain health promotion for young adults? Focus on peer, career and child rearing support structures. Ensure healthy diet, exercise, and stress management techniques
How do you help maintain health promotion for middle-aged adults? Encourage regular exercise and diets of lean meats, lots of fiber, reducing overall consumption, particularly fat and sugar intake
How do you help maintain health promotion for older adults? Encourage good nutrition and exercise. Focus on information seeking, family and interest based activity based structures
Describe the caring professional role of an LPN/LVN Provide an atmosphere of mutual trust & respect that encourages collaboration and cooperation, provide care & support, and direct the clients care to assist in achieving desired outcomes
Describe the nursing process role of an LPN/LVN Assist the RN and other members of the health care team using a scientific problem-solving approach that includes assessment, analysis, planning, implementation, and evaluation
Describe both teacher & student role of LPN/LVN Provides clients with helpful information to optimize their health. Acquire knowledge, skills, and attitudes that promote health-seeking behaviors in yourself & others. Commit to lifelong learning to remain current in practice
What is complementary healthcare? For the most part exist outside the realms of traditional medicine
What does CAM stand for? Complementary Alternative Medicine
What can biologically active CAM therapies interact with? Drugs or traditional medical treatments, either changing their effectiveness or resulting in a toxic or harmful combination
What are the five primary categories of CAM? Alternative medical systems, mind-body interventions, biologically-based therapies, manipulative & body-based, and energy therapies
Give examples of Alternative medical systems Traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture, or Ayurveda; also includes homeopathy or naturopathy
Give examples of mind-body interventions Use mental techniques to affect bodily functions, meditation, prayer, mental healing & creative therapies such as dance, art, music, Thai Chi, yoga, guided meditations
Give examples of biologically-based therapies Use natural products, including specific herbs, foods, & vitamins. Herbal supplements, vitamins mineral supplements
Give examples of manipulative & body based therapies Based on moving one or more body parts to align the body. Osteopathy, chiropractic treatment, reflexology, and massage
Give examples of energy therapies Interventions involve biofield therapies, such as Qi Gong or Reiki which affect energy fields around the human body; or bioelectrictromagnetic-based therapies, which use pulse & magnetic fields; alternating current or direct current fields- pain treatment
What is transcultural nursing? Understanding & integrating the many variables in cultural practices into all aspects of nursing care
What is cultural competence? Nurse must be aware of personal cultural beliefs & practices, be able to understand that these beliefs put some limitations on the ability to care for those from other cultures
What varies among different cultures? The response to health & illness
What are three religious beliefs and practices? Observant Jew (follows kosher diet), Christian Science (doesn't normally seek medical care, approach to health care in primarily spiritual framework) & Jehovah's Witness (no blood transfusions)
What can clients use to maintain balance? Herbs and other natural remedies
What must be kept in balance? Forces of nature
What are complimentary therapies? Therapies used in addition to conventional treatment, recommended by a persons healthcare provider
What are alternative therapies? May include the same interventions as complimentary therapies, but frequently become the primary treatment (replacing traditional medical treatment)
What is the most common complimentary/alternative therapy? Touch
What does the National Center for CAM investigate? Non-traditional treatment methods
What are CAM therapies? Herbal, chiropractic, acupuncture/acupressure, therapeutic massage, aromatherapy, & reflexology
What CAM therapy is recommended for all ages? Therapeutic massage
What is biofeedback? Treatment designed to help control involuntary nervous systems, such as heart rate, blood pressure, pulse, and muscle contractions
Who is the primary person in charge of healthcare maintenance? The client/patient
What are nutrients? Chemical compound or element in food that is necessary for good health
How are nutrients supplied? Variety of foods in any combination
What is the 2010 recommendation for regular exercise? 30 minutes/day
What is important for health maintenance? Nutrition
What should be modified regularly and changed to meet needs? Diet
What is a social event? Eating
What can obesity increase? Risk of complication during surgery
What happens with positive stress? It can motivate someone to accomplish more
What happens with negative stress? Person gets overwhelmed
What is the wellness-illness continuum? Maintaining a balance between many factors
What are the signs of abuse and neglect? Bruising, broken bones that don't match description of mishap; lack of hygiene or apathy
How does stress affect health & wellness? When you are stressed, you tend to go to high risk behaviors to eliminate that stress
What is self-awareness? Being aware of what makes you who you are
What is self-care? Broad set of personal decisions & behaviors based on a desire for restoring, maintaining or improving ones health
What are examples of modifiable risk factors? Diet, exercise, stress levels, use of tobacco & alcohol
What are examples of non-modifiable risk factors? Age, gender, family, history
Using the acronym "CAUTION" what are the seven warning signs to cancer? Change in bowel or bladder habits, A sore that doesn't heal, Unusual bleeding or discharge, Thickening/lump in breast or elsewhere, Indigestion or difficulty swallowing, Obvious changes in wart/moles, Nagging cough or hoarseness
Define stress to experience worry
List four symptoms of stress Changes in sleep patterns, wild mood swings, dramatic weight loss/gain, financial difficulties
List five stress coping mechanisms Acknowledge it exist, problem solving, changing things one at a time, talking it out, following advice
What is the precontemplation stage of behavioral change? Clients need to help in becoming aware of behaviors that require modifications, particularly those who are denial
What is the preparation stage of behavioral change? Clients begin developing a plan for change & can mentally imagine the impact of that change
What is the maintenance stage of behavioral change? Clients reach short term goals, but must continue behaviors, applying same strategies they used in action stage
Created by: tandkhopkins
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